700+ Hours, i am quitting this game.

Hello All

Playing 80% of my games as survivor, and with the new mmr system all i get are face/basement/hook camping killers. Which the mmr system heavily incentivizes to do so.

If i do gens and never get to unhook a single survivor i don't pip. I get insta downed by some bubba, pyramid head, etc and put on a hook, die i don't pip. there's very little incentive to play competitively or progress into higher mmr.

I cant progress in the system because i either die on a hook from unhooking, or never get chased because the killer just camps one spot the whole game.

I really dont want this to be about meta perks, or coh.

I dont blame killers, I get it, path of least resistance.

Just not fun at all.

Till next time, if there is a next time.
