700+ Hours, i am quitting this game.

Hello All
Playing 80% of my games as survivor, and with the new mmr system all i get are face/basement/hook camping killers. Which the mmr system heavily incentivizes to do so.
If i do gens and never get to unhook a single survivor i don't pip. I get insta downed by some bubba, pyramid head, etc and put on a hook, die i don't pip. there's very little incentive to play competitively or progress into higher mmr.
I cant progress in the system because i either die on a hook from unhooking, or never get chased because the killer just camps one spot the whole game.
I really dont want this to be about meta perks, or coh.
I dont blame killers, I get it, path of least resistance.
Just not fun at all.
Till next time, if there is a next time.
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Hope you can have fun at other games. If you back later, you know where is Entity's Realm.
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I've been feeling this more and more. Take a break now and come back later. This really isn't the kind of game that anyone should be playing regularly.
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I wasn't expecting a survivor main quitting post to acknowledge that sometimes killers have no choice, so fair play to you. Sorry you feel like this.
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And a lot do it anyways. That may be the reason they got insane.
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Love the I'm quitting resignation letters.
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4k hours and yet i am not going to make ,,I QuIT!!1" posts..
Just leave, no one will notice anyway.
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I stopped playing Dead by Daylight at around 1800 hours and said I had enough because of recent patches Over the last 2 years that I don't agree with. I don't think I have turned the game on since November of last year. Recently i watched my buddy play through 1 DBD match and close down the game after the fact. I stop by once a month to see if anything has been changed and imo it hasn't been something to draw me back.
IMO the game is too much about the Competitive rules and less about the Casual lightheartedness it once was. Which means it isn't the game for me anymore. yes, I am sad. But at the same time. I can find entertainment elsewhere.
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good for the game........just imagine this being widespread problem in the game....oh wait have you seen the steam numbers lately?
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Just the way it is anymore
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Yeah the state of this game is really bad. It doesn't help that a good part of the community gets off on being toxic. It's just a bad recipe alltogether.
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Sadly killers too want higher ranks and to pip but gen rushing / DH / COH are too brutal sadly the game is too survivor sided that it causes most of killers to play dirty. Everyone is expecting 4 survivors to tbag and act in a toxic way if all of them manage to escape so some killers will make sure to do anything to prevent that and regarding how the meta is survivor sided the best strategy is to tunnel 1 survivor out of the game so you can have a chance against 3.
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all excuses. things that are easily overcome by simply getting better at the game. kilers have over oppresive perks that survivors deal with every match now. so not sure why you are talking about dh and coh...its so over infested on this board that those perks are just NOT beatable. and yet for some reason im watching people do it all the time. they just arent on here bragging about how the things people here cant overcome arent really a thing
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What if we were insane before hand?
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Survivors are literally using only 4 perks every match try playing killer more and watch how fast gens are done it's not about getting better I watch good killer mains on twitch and youtube that main huntress and nurse or blight and they play different killers these players spent around 7000hour+ and they can't win in this meta at all a lot of 4 escapes every match because even if you're a god at this game survivors can easily win no matter how good you're because it's not balanced don't deny that.
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I'm sorry you feel this way and hopefully you enjoy your time more on your future games. I know for me personally I find using flashlights fun but I haven't been able to use them as often as I once did.
Before MMR I could've had an attempt at least once a game. Now I only get to use it once every 10 games. The only times I get more attempts is when I'm literally throwing the game by going for silly flashlight attempts (CJ etcs).
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you must be under the assumption every match you go in is against a god tier swf. and its just not true
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and to add in if there are over 100 perks for survivors to choose from less than 15 are uselful
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It is in high mmr tho
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Maybe you should play more killer then.
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what a joke........i play high mmr survivor....and i dont see killers over and over again with amazing skills. i watch twitch streamers, and dont see anything of the sort. i think you are just looking for ez mode and dont want to take the time to master your skill. i think the problem isnt the swf youa re playing. i thinkt he problem is you
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i suggest you try a little harder....and quit blaming your lack of skill on others
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It's not SBMM causing killers to play this way, it's the terrible game balance. I doubt many killers want their MMR to go up, it's basically a punishment. There are only 2 viable killers and games don't last enough enough to chew through a million second chance perks. It's hard to pip.
SWF/Maps/Generators/Perks are all problems that have been ignored for years and now we're seeing the consequences.
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I'm good enough I reached rank 1 multiple times both in killer and survivor + high mmr way better than you trash
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Yeah I've had a break for about 2 weeks now, I'll prolly come back for the anniversary.
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Facing against cheaters makes me tired of this sh*t and I don't want to come back to the game for some period of time...
Like really, you have a match as killer, think that they're pretty good until the moment when someone is starting to teleporting away from you and you realize it...
Screw it.
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700? I remember being that young.
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lol........i can tell by how you talk you are amazing!
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At the rate things are going the only killers left will be the ones camping/tunneling because the rest are mocked and bullied for not being successful. The people who play the game normally, but are at a competent level, are just sick and tired of the same entitled type of players and the same antics day in and day out.
You can tell people to "git gud" all you want, but you're just shrinking the killer pool more and more.
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Well do you play with dead hard?
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Fact. LilithOmen and SupaAlf as an example. They've spent thousands of hours perfecting two of the game's strongest killers, but still have 3-4 hooks against guys who just don't die every 5 seconds and do gens. Therefore, it is extremely funny to hear "just get better" from guys who just need to hold m1 to win.
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They comeback tho