Rejoice! No more 99'ing

Following the update to Hemorrhage, Survivors will no longer be able to 99% their healing progress to take advantage of perks that benefit them when injured (yes, that means Dead Hard too) and then immediately heal right after they feel truly endangered.
This also means interrupting hook heals is far more valuable, and incentivizes going for the unhook-er as you can inflict them with hemorrhage while the other survivor must start their healing from scratch. I can see Gift of Pain being significantly more useful, as the added heal time slows things down as well as the regression AND the gen slowdown after finally being healed.
Does hemmorage remove heal progress?
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It causes it to regress at 7% per second when not healing
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Yes. You have to fully heal otherwise it regresses.
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OMG Finally Brokenbones works.
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Watch it.
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oh yeah its called sloppy butcher
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CoH wanna have some words with you.
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I love the change. Hit and run is buffed, stealth killers like Sadako will be a huge threat with sloppy butcher, a certain hook perk just became super powerful, etc. Interesting anti-heal meta Shakr up
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Now if only we can get this to apply to exit gates.
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Still needs sloppy or, god forbid, an add-on to apply it.
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i personally would love to see it, albeit with threshholds. i think 25/50/75 would be fair. I think that could be a change that would make some people wake up to Wake Up
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The flipside there is that all the perks and addons that apply it are now much more appealing, because it's no longer a useless status effect.
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It might be me that I never run DH, but do you killers really see that many players 99ing their heals? I don't think I've ever done it and I have played this game for years.
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Imaging there is a perk that cause Gate regressing after 5sec not opening. That will bring alot of surprise...
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oh wow this is game changing /s
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Theres already more problems than perk slots. Perks dont solve a problem, just treat it. It needs to be flat out in the game.
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Perks bring surprise to a match, if Gates get regressed by default (I heard they tried and didnt like it), Blood warden is greatly in used since it will always work.
Same to basekit Noed, Survivors would just start a match silently check every corner for 5 totems before working on Gen, and there for Lethal pursuit will be Meta to counter it. Its likely forced players to play in an exact way.
Though Im still up for some perks basekit that remove tunneling, camping & gen rushing. Because thats what make the game unfun for both side. Gates not regressing doesnt make it unfun for Killer.
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No. I can count on one hand the times I've seen it in the last few months.
Basically, Resilience gamer do it, although still very rarely in my opinion. Generally, they don't heal altogether. Or, sometimes against Legion.
But that too is exceedingly rare.
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I do admit perks can change things up. As much as i love blood warden, most people know to 99 a gate. I dont like making perks basekit because the game is asymmetrical. 1 perk given to survivor for free is essentially 4 perks. While 1 given to the killer is still 1.
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I thought so, I used to main Spirit a few years ago and I don't think I ever saw a survivor 99'd, I did se very few people trying to heal while looping, but other than that I never encountered that during my killer main era.
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Its funny that people 99 gate just because Blood warden exist. And many died because of 99 gate.
Between forcing survivor to open Gate with Gate regressing basekit, which make killer able to use Blood warden without effort. And have a perk that cause Gate regressing (it should work that survivors would never expect Gate regressing).
I would pick the later. The choice between 99 Gate risking to Gate regressing perk, or open Gate risking to Blood warden. It would bring much more depth into a match.
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I mean you can still 99. I'm not sure I've seen people 99 heals enough to make ME take that into consideration when running a hemorrhage perk/add on.
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If there was gate regression you'd see at least one survivor at the gate keeping it 99 while the rest unhook or do whatever. I'm sure killers would complain about that too
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my man is letting us dream
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This is bad, but it's good too. Probably necessary
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Yeah, nasty people. Most of them will insult you like this if you are a legion making you miss the hit and waste your frenzy.
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All hail Sloopy B!tcher
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99 healing hasn't really been a problem for me, but I can understand why it would be frustrating to go against. I think the changes to Hemorrhage is interesting.
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I wouldn't say many, but I wouldn't say it's a rare thing either. If I run resilience/spine chill I 99 as much as I can.
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Absolutely. Isee it rather frequently. Also, people dothesame with nemesis vaccines and sadako condemned.
If they aren't doing it for Resilience value, it's beingdone for psychological reasons. Its a good way to bait a chase by being injured, or bait a chase by disrespecting the killer.
I usually ignored these people because 99ers usually have resilience and or spine chill
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Was 99ing that big of an issue previously? I just never cared about it because a situation in which you would actually 99 heal yourself was so niche and practically useless.
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As long as the killer gets 1 kill before the gens are done, and 1 on the hook at the end; then this would mean only 2 survivor trying for an unhook rather than 2.
Currently 1 will fake an unhook to get hit and use the speed burst to run for the exit, while another unhooks while the killer is blade wiping and runs for the exit.
Exit gates regressing would massively change the current endgame where the gate can be 99’d and it’s almost impossible for the killer to do anything to stop 2 or more survivors getting the unhook.
If the consensus is that it really wouldn’t make a difference, then let’s add it and see what happens!
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that is genuinely such a good change to it.
lets hope they buff / change some other useless status effects in a similar fashion!
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I like this new profile picture
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Imagine if 99ing gates for too long made one of the generators blow, so the gates would be unpowered until that one gen was fixed. Bonus: Survivors see a notification of which gen broke, but it has to be one of the furthest ones from either gate. If the gen reverts all the way to 0, two other gens break with no notification, but the gates will be repowered if any of the 3 are fixed.
The idea being the survivors would get a head start on which gen needs to be fixed, but if the killer finds out they can pressure that are of the map. If the stalemate goes on too long, the 1 gen becomes a 3 gen, but they can be any 3 gens so not necessarily an easy grouping to defend.
Could also have a few buffs for nice perks tied in, like Remember Me could affect the time it takes for a gen to explode, No way Out could force it, Wake Up could affect the repair speed of the re-broken gen, etc.
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I hope they add to solidarity that it counters this
basically a indirect solidarity nerf (one of my favorite perks)