Petition for less pallets on maps
I think on some maps and with some survivors it is absolutely getting ridicolous. So many ppl that are just camping in pallets in chases. Many of these pallets are safe und unmindgameable and u either have to take it or waste so much time by getting stunned and destroying it with ur normal m1 killer. In a meta where every survivor runs at least 1 exhaustion perk to make the next strong loop, the maps are very big and gen speeds are pretty fast-isch, do we really also need that many pallets on maps? Like sometimes I feel that survivors dont even bother anymore to learn how to play loops or how to react to mindgames of the killer since they have so many strong pallets to work with and chases mostly come down to survivors running from pallett to pallet and then waiting in it with maybe doing one short turn around the environment. Really isnt fun at least i.m.o. So I think BHV should look at the pallett placement in maps and tweak it a bit.
Also am I the only one that experiences this but on some maps I get the feeling that I lose a lot of distance in chases just by literary bugging into the environment? The clown wagon on crotus penn for example. I got the feeling that moving through it just felt very buggy and edgy and the survivor gained so much distance by looping it.
Overall? Absolutely not. Shelter Woods going from 3 pallets to 2 and Swamp going from 1 to 0, no thanks.
But things like The Game, Groaning Storehouse, Fractured Cowshed? Absolutely yes please.
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Some maps have far too many pallets to the extent that a skilled m1 killer can be ran by a sub average survivor for significant time, and aside from that, it’s just boring and repetitive playing the pallet breaking simulator instead of DBD. Who really wants to spend the majority of their match breaking pallets?
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Some maps are egregious with the sheer number of safe tiles (Cowshed, The Game) and others have a tendency to go too far in the other direction. I've seen Shelter Woods spawn all L/T walls.
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well, how do you want to compensate survivors for the lost pallets? I would like the stealth option to be viable again, because the game got that many pallets because stealth was heavily nerfed on it, and breakable doors create often deathtraps for survivors. So just reducing pallets dont make the maps more balanced.
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So that´s why survivors pick the finger bone offering?
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Pallet should get deleted.
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Bring an offering to backwater swamp, thank me later.
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I definitely don’t think the maps need less pallets overall, that would just make things too easy for me as a killer. Some maps might need less safe pallets that aren’t gameable though. It’s having too many safe pallets that the killer absolutely must break that can make things repetitive, when pallets allow the killer a chance to mindgame a survivor who stays near them though then it’s more interesting for both parties.
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I honestly don’t think the amount of pallets are the issue (I don’t play the game very often so take this from a once in a blue moon player’s perspective). At least not yet. I think it just might be the placement of them.
Would be nice if pallets don’t spawn in the same spot every match. So pro players can’t just memorize where every single one is. Making games more unpredictable.
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Certain maps definitely need a reduction in pallets. The Game, Cowshed, Groaning Storehouse, Badham to name a few. They also need to reduce some of the map sizes like Red Forest and Eyrie of Crows.
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I got matched against multiple survivors the other day running Windows of Opportunity that burned a Game offering. Chase one survivor, break 2 to 3 god pallets, chase another survivor, break 2 to 3 god pallets, rinse and repeat. It was very fun and engaging gameplay
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Shelter Woods needs to cut available pallets in half.
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I dont really know if survivors need compensation for this tbh. Most maps already have very strong loops that can keep the killer busy for at least 1-2 gens if run correctly. But some maps have these loops AND many unmindgameable pallets. And recently a lot of survivors from what im seeing are just adopting a holding W till i am in the next pallett playstyle. Then they wait there until u arrive, u try to mindgame the pallett, realize its literary not possible cause either they can see u above the surrounding or the environment is too big to effectively mindgame it. So u need to brute force it, break the pallett and repeat. A lot of games play out like this which is really dumb cause its the chases that are supposed to be the most fun. Trying to mindgame each other, faking, looping etc. Most survivors dont bother to learn how to loop effectively anymore cause this playstyle with pallets works just fine. So a pallett reduction would be appreciated so this playstyle at least gets a bit of a bumber. And I mean its not like ur supposed to run the killer for 5 gens, ur supposed to go down eventually and if its balanced correctly u should be on first or second hook or dead if the game is over. So yeah i.m.O. survivors dont really need to be compensated.
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Yet, the devs want the game balanced for 2 kills 2 escapes, and the kill rates for all killers except nurse are higher than 50%, so tilting maps in favor of killers doesn´t seem to balance that in favor of survivors, does it?
I personaly dont like the looping gamestyle. i know for some that playstyle is the reason to play the game, but i find it dull. i like it better to juke the killer and lose him, rather than just extend one loop and run to the next.