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Fanmade Chapter Idea? - ABSOLUTE ZERO

ChilleBean Member Posts: 22
edited October 2022 in Creations

Hello, Dead By Daylight community! I created this account not only to share my ideas but to get a better idea of the people involved in Dead By Daylight. Below is the chapter idea I have. I would love to answer all of your questions to the best of my ability. My art isn't the best, but I will try to hopefully draw out my idea of both characters.


Chapter: Absolute Zero

Map: Decayed Backwoods (Ormond)

Decayed Backwoods is the second map in the Ormond Realm, introduced by the Chapter Absolute Zero.


In the small backwoods of Ormond, few houses were previously occupied by scattered locals.  That is until certain events changed Ormond.  Ormond became nothing but a place of sin, nature slowly taking back its land.  Outsiders find themselves unsettled stepping foot into the wasteland, almost as if the withered trees watched their every move.  Some brush it off and explore the nearby buildings, only for their name to appear on missing posters back in their hometown.



Name: Arthur Palmer

Gender: Male

Nationality/Ethnicity: Canadian

Realm: Ormond

Power: Bitter Remains

Power Attack Type: Basic Attack

Weapon: Weathered Ice Pick

Movement Speed:  115% | 4.6 m/s

Terror Radius:  26 meters

Lullaby Radius:  45 meters

Height:  Tall


The Shred is a suspending Killer, ordering his Dire Wolves to drag Survivors to nearby hooks, meanwhile weakening his prey.

His personal perks, Frigid Sorrow, Numbing Grief, and Hex: Frostbite keep Survivors vulnerable to The Shred’s onslaught.

Difficulty Rating:  Easy



Arthur Palmer was a quiet and determined individual, his mind set on one thing only; to appease his parents.  From excelling in a multitude of extracurricular activities to successfully pursuing a job, his will to please those above him became the talk of Ormond.  Arthur was always mild mannered; he knew exactly where he belonged, of his prominence, and would never hesitate explaining it to people.  He was certain his loyalty and devotion to his family was nearly unbreakable…So he thought.

Arthur hadn’t noticed his town’s expectations of him only grew.  Seeing it more as a challenge for the better than their greed, Arthur spent more hours completing chores and searching for a second job.  Growing exhausted, he slowly began slipping up in his day-to-day life.  That was when he began losing sleep, trying his hardest to please those around him.  To please his parents.  To please himself.  

Arthur soon realized that it was nearly impossible to continue, maybe his successors truly don’t understand the lifestyle of minor individuals.  He never thought that he’d get fired the next night, saying farewell to his companions and dearest friends.  Making his way to his house, the sudden change in his life overwhelmed him with grief every step he took.  Entering his home, he reluctantly broke the news to his concerned parents.  Little did Arthur know that this would change his life forever.

His parents, full of rage and frustration, shouted at Arthur and cursed him.  Without hesitation, they shoved him out of the home he grew up in, ushering him to leave if he wants to live his own way.  Arthur pounded on the door, telling them that it was a minor setback, and how they were overreacting.  The door opened, only for his parents to throw kitchenware and household items at Arthur.  Some impacts forming bruises, Arthur sprinted away from his parents to the looming forest behind their house.  

Tears streamed down Arthur’s face as darkness consumed him.  Falling on the frozen blanket of snow, Arthur tried to calm himself down.  His tears solidifying on his face, he realized that his ambition, his priority to help others, was nothing but a waste.  The harsh cold of the winter pierced Arthur as he looked around for any sign of hope to direct him back to society.  The rime of the blackened forest ate at Arthur’s sense of touch, as he slowly and painfully fell into hopeless despair.  

Shivering from the frigid temperatures, Arthur heard the slightest steps make its way in his direction.  A sense of relief washed over him, only for it to be ripped away as a set of teeth sank into Arthur’s chest.  Shoving the canine off him with all his might, the rest of the pack swarmed him, clawing and tearing his flesh and life away.  Throughout the bloodshed, a hint of Arthur couldn’t help but praise the carnivores for allowing him to escape his awaiting cage of treachery. 

The next morning, the local news gossiped about a couple being massacred in their household, torn to shreds by what was later revealed to be the doing of feral wolves.  Police, in search of the pair’s son, led them to the nearby forest.  Days passed.  The fresh snow hid all evidence of Arthur’s anguish, a memory soon to be forgotten by the fatal heartache of winter.




Your pain and guilt taints those around you.  Each time a Survivor is put into the dying state for the first time, Frigid Sorrow gains a token.  Each token incurs a stackable 4/5/6% penalty to healing and recovery speeds, up to a maximum of 16/20/24%.

His wailing sinks into the deepest pits of their hearts, eating away at their confidence..


Each time a Survivor is hooked, Numbing Grief activates for 10/12/14 seconds:

  • Survivors that perform a co-op action will scream and suffer Exhausted Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds.

Numbing Grief has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

He displays his devotion to The Entity in the efficiency he completes tasks.


The true trial has begun, the temperature of the Trial Grounds dropping.  Once the Exit Gates are powered and there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Frostbite activates and lights the Totem:

  • For every Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, decrease the action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3 per Dull Totem.
  • Gain a 4/6/8%  Haste Status Effect for 4/6/8 seconds after downing a Survivor.  

Everyone deserves to feel the pain he went through…



In an endless cycle of pain and misery, he stops at nothing to gain the attention of The Entity.


The Shred’s Basic Attack inflicts FrostbiteSurvivors slowly suffer Frostbite while in The Shred’s Wail Radius, eventually inflicting them with the Frostbitten Status Effect.  The Frostbitten Status Effect will gradually regress if near a Fire Barrel or in a Locker.

Frostbitten I:  

Survivors’ normal breaths become unstable and louder.

Frostbitten II:

Increase Survivor’s unstable breathing.  A snowstorm-like mist decreases the Survivor’s Field Of View.

Frostbitten III:  

Increase Survivor’s unstable breathing.  Injured Survivors suffer Deep Wound every 30 seconds,

Frostbitten IIII:

Injured Survivors suffer permanent Broken.  This stage can not regress.


Press and hold the Active Ability Button when standing over a Dying Survivor to perform Dire Wolves, sending a Dire Wolf to drag the Survivor to the nearest Hook.

The time for the Survivor to wiggle free from a Dire Wolf is decreased by 10%.

The Shred cannot perform Dire Wolves while a Dire Wolf is currently dragging a Survivor.

SPECIAL ABILITY:  Frozen Retribution

Press and hold the Power Button to activate Frozen Retribution.  All Survivors in your Wail Radius rapidly suffer Frostbite.  Gain a speed increase of 0.2 m/s for each Frostbitten stage.  The Shred cannot exceed the movement speed of 6.2 m/s.  Hooking and attacking a Survivor fills your Frozen Retribution power gauge.



Fur Tuft: A tuft of fur from a vicious battle.

  • [Slightly widens Wail Radius.]

Tooth Necklace: A necklace of teeth, signed as a trophy for his previous victims.

  • [Slightly increases Survivor wiggle time when being carried by a Dire Wolf.]

Stained Leaves: A bloody pile of leaves, fresh from a kill.  Its scent puts wolves in a playful mood.

  • [Slightly increases rate Survivors gain Frostbite.]

Crystalized Tears: Tears frozen from the cold.  It shimmers even in the darkest night.

  • [Slightly increases Frozen Retribution charge rate.]



Warm Flesh: A slab of meat, still unaffected by the cold.  A chunk is torn off.

  • [Slightly increases Dire Wolf movement speed.]
  • [Slightly decreases Survivor wiggle time.]

Chewing Bone: A bone from prey, covered in scratches and gnashing of teeth.

  • [Greatly widens Wail Radius.]

Berry Pulp: Berry pulp from a bush, its scent angers wolves.

  • [Moderately increases Frozen Retribution charge rate.]

Arthur's Finger: Arthur's frozen finger, snapped off from the relentless cold.

  • [Moderately increases rate Survivors gain Frostbite.]

Wooden Canine: Wood carved carefully into the shape of a relaxing wolf.

  • [Grants the Haste Status Effect when Dire Wolves is activated.]



Shattered Phone: A broken phone.  It didn’t last the fight, much like its carrier.

  • [After a Generator is repaired, refill Frozen Reputation power gauge.]

Leather Wallet: A small wallet, found in the pocket of prey.

  • [Greatly increases Frozen Retribution charge rate.]

Pearl Earrings: Small bead earrings, reflecting the moon above.

  • [The Shred's Wail Radius inflicts Blindness Status Effect.]

Weathered Gloves: A pair of dark gloves, torn from a frantic chase.

  • [When a Survivor loses a health state by any means, they gain a Frostbite Stage.]

Torn Scarf: A piece of fabric, its colorful patterns please the eye.

  • [After hitting a Survivor with your Basic Attack while Frozen Retribution is active, inflict Exhausted Status Effect for 20 seconds.]



Bent Spoon: A metal spoon, twisted in torturous ways.

  • [When a Survivor gains a Frostbitten stage, their Aura is revealed for 2 seconds.]

Broken Vase: A useless vase, incapable of holding its contents.

  • [When a Survivor gains a Frostbitten stage, Frostbite cannot regress for 45 seconds
  • Frostbite cannot exceed Frostbitten III.]

Missing Poster: A missing persons poster by the name of Damian Jones...

  • [Survivors start the match at Frostbitten III.]
  • [Survivors no longer gain Frostbite from Frozen Retribution.]

Crumpled Newspaper: An old newspaper that reads ‘high rise in wolf attacks’.

  • [Greatly increases rate Survivors gain Frostbite while not in your Terror Radius.]



Iridescent Frame: A family portrait, the glass broken into bits and the photo water damaged. 

  • [When a Survivor's Frostbitten stage is changed, they suffer Exposed Status Effect for 12 seconds.]

Scrapbook: A cherished book, its pages overflowing with false strings of connection.

  • [Reveals the Auras of Survivors within 4 meters of a Locker or Fire Barrel.]




Damian Jones is an Athletic Coach who puts the safety of others above his own life.

His personal perks, Motivation Rush, Proficiency, and Guidance greatly assists his allies in the backlines, ensuring their survival before his own.




The desire to live can pull anyone from the deepest of despair.  After repairing Generators for a total of 100%, Motivational Rush activates:

All Survivors that perform a co-op action with you recover from Exhausted Status Effect 4/8/12% faster.  This perk then deactivates.

“You wanna live?  Then get back on your feet!” - Damian Jones


You have a knack for easily fixing your mistakes with haste.  For each time you have been hooked, gain a token, up to a maximum of 2 tokens.  Each token increases your unhooking speed by 8/12/16%, up to a maximum of 16/24/32%.

“I know a thing or two about techniques, trust me…” - Damian Jones


Your sacrifice proves further your capabilities of leadership.  Once the Exit Gates are powered, Guidance activates while you are farther than 24 meters from an Exit Gate, Guidance activates.  All other Survivors outside of the Killer's Terror Radius gain a Haste Status Effect of 2/4/6%..

“I won’t live with the weight of someone’s death on my shoulders.



Thawed - Awarded for reducing a Frostbite stage against The Shred.

Bad Dog - Awarded for wiggling out from a Dire Wolf against The Shred.

Defrosted - Awarded for the amount of Frostbite removed while in a Locker or near a Fire Barrel.

Icy Escape - Awarded after escaping a trial while suffering from Frostbitten I, II, or III.

Eskimo - Awarded after escaping a trial while suffering from Frostbitten IV.



Freezer Burn - Awarded for applying a Frostbite stage.

Stay Frosty - Awarded for the amount of Frostbite applied. (End of Trial)

Blizzard - Awarded for activating Frozen Retribution.

Chill Out! - Awarded for inflicting Frostbite from a basic attack while benefitting from Frozen Retribution.

Good Boy - Awarded after a Dire Wolf successfully hooked a Survivor.

Frozen Stiff - Awarded after a Survivor reaches Frostbitten IV.

Cold Remorse - Awarded for bringing a Survivor into the Dying State while a Dire Wolf is dragging a different Survivor.



Animations & Effects:

  • - I like the idea of The Shred levitating like The Nurse. I personally like the idea of having a second floaty killer, however, I believe her power ties in with her levitation.
  • - I picture his breathing to be sharp and shaky inhales.
  • - The Shred is physically feeble. He'd have to swing his weapon with his whole body.
  • - I picture The Shred's mori to involve him ordering a Dire Wolf to tear at the Survivor off screen, all the while The Shred slowly "steps" back watching.
  • - When The Shred breaks a generator or pallet, he swings his axe down with both hands. Then, he'll tug at the pick and yank it out.
  • - When The Shred steps through a window, he floats through the window, holding onto the sides of it for support.
  • After hitting a Survivor, The Shred wraps the inner part of his thumb around the pick with his left hand and wipes all the blood off. He'll then shake the blood off twice.
  • - I picture him to shake and twitch from being so cold.

Dire Wolves Mechanics:

  • - Dire Wolves drag Survivors by their arm.
  • - Dire Wolves would push past Survivors. With them being a computer, Survivors cannot body block the hook interaction.
  • - Dire Wolves cannot be blinded.
  • - Survivors can use Breakout and Decisive Strike on Dire Wolves.
  • - Much like the Onryō, the sacrificial hooks lower for Dire Wolves.
  • - Dire Wolves can neither be activated in the basement nor go into the basement.
  • - The Shred can see the Aura of the Dire Wolf as long as they are at least 16 meters away.

Frozen Retribution:

  • - Upon activating Frozen Retribution, The Shred plays a loud wail audio cue for all players,
  • - The Shred leaves a noticeable trail of snowflakes and mist while Frozen Retribution is active.
  • - While Frozen Retribution is active, Survivors in The Shred's Wail Radius have a slight blizzard storm. This storm should be barely visible as not to affect gameplay.


  • - Survivors that reach Frostbitten I shake and chatter. This effect applies to each stage after.
  • - Survivors suffering from Frostbite will have a frozen rim at the edge of their screen that gets thicker the higher the stage is.
  • - On the Survivor's profiles, they will have a faded blue meter that slowly forms into a ring. Each quarter counts as a stage.
  • - The Shred can only see the Frostbitten stage Survivors are at, not their exact meter.
  • - Once at Frostbitten III, Survivors see the aura of Fire Barrels within a 12 meter radius.
  • - Once at Frostbitten IV, much like many other Killers' power, the Frostbite meter turns red around a Survivor's profile.

Wail Radius:

  • - When entering The Shred's Wail Radius, Survivors hear a sharp gasp-like sound.
  • - The Shred's wail radius not only consists of him sobbing, but also a continuous gust of wind like the Ormond map.

Decayed Backwoods:

  • - Something like the Redwood Forest only in Ormond's colors.
  • - May have 1-2 rundown houses scattered throughout the woods.
  • - There is a small place in the forest where the trees seem to avoid. There could be bloody snow in the center of the ring of trees, hinted to be the location of Arthur's death. Although snow hid all evidence, The Entity left it in the Trial Grounds as a painful reminder to Arthur.

Post edited by ChilleBean on
