Why should be the new survivor perks always useless?
For yourself, yes. But if you want to be a team player in SoloQ, it's still a perfectly serviceable perk, because it still boosts altruistic heals in a way that Self-Care and Botany Knowledge don't, and it still lets your teammates go heal themselves in a pinch.
I don't think a perk like this should get to do both equally as well. I think it's perfectly acceptable design, heck, even good design for it to be specialised a little more than that.
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Shadowstep says hi.
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Botany Knowledge shines even more if you use it altruistically compared to Circle of Healing. Botany Knowledge allows you to heal a survivor in 12 seconds. That's massive. Remember, for survivors, winning the game is based on how efficient you are at doing gens. Every second you spend healing is 1.25% of a gen not done.
If you compare the difference in the 1st heal off of CoH and a heal off of Self Care + Botany Knowledge, the Self Care + Botany Knowledge combo allows you to also do 18% of a gen. That's better than a Commodious Toolbox with the Streetwise Perk, which gives you 16% gen progress.
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too bad thing, because the devs don't know what's wrong with the perk that still strong on high MMR SWF, and will keep nerfing the wrong aspects until it's deleted.
What problematic aspects are these? All involving high MMR SWF, i will list:
- heal stacks with med kit (both solo and swf are benefited)
- increased healing by co-op actions (heal allies)
- bless the totems infinitely (with coordinated group)
COH would now be a perk that unlocks the self healing action. Does not stack with effect from other perks or items. It also wouldn't decrease the time it takes to heal allies on totem radius.
Now CoH would be entirely self-healing and with a token/CD system. That way devs can keep the current 21 seconds.
So, on this way, the nerfs affect purely SWF and not hurt the already horrendous SoloQ any more, solving the problems with quick heals.
Ps: The other aspects you mentioned, that's what I've already explained, I can't force anyone to follow me to the radius of the totem, and I can't follow others all the time on SoloQ, leaving more important things, unless I have specific challenge and have to troll the match
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Botany Knowledge is a perk that only you run, though. Circle of Healing affects every survivor on your team; you don't need to be in a SWF for your teammates to be able to heal one another in the radius. CoH also still stacks with medkits too, which shaves the time off even further.
(Fair cop that I forgot BK functions altruistically, though, I completely forgot how that perk functioned lol)
If your point is that CoH is now not objectively better than any other healing perk but still as viable as any given healing perk, I 100% agree, I'm just getting the sense you think CoH is bad now and I fully disagree. It shifts the value around a little, it asks time instead of medkit charges or a second perk, but it's still more than viable.
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Because the game is killer sided and they are obsessed with holding killer player hands. It is known that killers often blame perks for their losses, so they stopped making good ones.
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Thats why the game losing so many player, turned it comically killer sided. Solo survivor should be disabled, why even the option is there when is unplayable, and probably killer main will demand even more nerf.
The sad thing that SWF wont care and the game will become even worse for killers too, once every solo survivor leaves the game, and switching over to SWF or becoming killer mains.
Legion is the worst killer in the game, deserving buffs
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I'd like to see a LOT of old survivor perks be looked at with IMPACTFUL buffs. I'm looking at you Buckle Up "buff"
Perks like Solidarity, Red Herring, Sole Survivor, and many more could really use some buffs.
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There are much better healing options that will give you more generator progress than CoH. I use to play CoH, but have crunching the numbers after the nerf announcement, and have done a complete 180, its just not worth it.
You waste 17.5% gen progress just blessing a totem, which doesn't contribute anything to winning the game. If the Killer stomps out that totem without anyone using it, you lost 17.5% gen progress without gaining anything. A killer can't stomp out Self Care+Botany Knowledge.
BTW, breaking a totem wastes 17.5% of gen progress also, so don't break totems unless you have to.
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The power level of the survivor meta needs to go down, not up or stay the same. It's way too strong. Eventually if that does happen, these "weak perks" will suddenly seem strong.
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Yes 2000% true the buffs that come sound good but I fear survs will cry when they can't ignore legion anymore
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The problem is that the general survivor meta perks are so over tuned that for any new perk to displace any of them and mix up their meta they also have to be way over tuned. Hence the nerfs.
While we obviously want new perks to mix up the meta, the real issue hindering changes in the survivor meta are the over tuned current perks. Hypothetically if the survivor meta perks were brought down to the other perks levels tomorrow we would see quite a variety in their meta. They are currently just overshadowing everything else from even being considered even though there are actually quite a lot of decent survivor perks that just go unnoticed because "good" isn't good enough to compete with over powered.
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There are much better healing options for you. There are no other healing options for the whole team, let alone better ones.
I think it's okay that this perk now specialises in having slightly lower numbers than other healing perks, but spreads those numbers across everyone rather than just you and maybe the one teammate you're directly interfacing with. That seems like a good tradeoff to me, even in SoloQ- you can still play for the team in solo, and with CoH you barely have to, your teammates can use it at their leisure.
You make a big deal about numbers, rightfully so, but you're only considering how those numbers apply to you, or maybe one other teammate. The same numbers apply to everyone with CoH, at least hypothetically- that's supposed to be the strength, the point, the goal, not a minor side benefit.
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It was also a temporary event for fun.
Crazy concept but remember fun? It's the thing people are supposed to have when they play games. Anyone complaining about snowmen needed to go touch grass
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Had they allowed killers to throw snowballs or something, even if it did nothing, I think the response would have been better. Sure it was fun, but only one side got anything fun to do.
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A killer I played against had plenty of fun dancing with me and my snowmen team.
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And my grandpa had a swell time with a stick and a hoop, other people need a bit more
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Yeah fun for one side. It's not like it was a separate mode and I could just avoid that unfair seasonal machanik. No I was forced to deal with it if I wanted to play dbd so guess what I played enough for the cosmetics I wanted and waited the event out. Very fun pls more. Other games Handel it better either the seasonal stuff has no impact on normal play or its a seperat modi
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Okey that one killed me
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Yoichis are literally useless I had hope considering he is a psychic they could have been so cool
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I wonder what was fun for killers? just hitting snowmen for literally no benefit at all, while getting ridiculous disadvantage all the time?
Yeah really crazy concept, to the point I can believe that it was a social experiment to check how hard they can mess with killer players until game dies down for infinite que time..
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OP, if you think that CoH was "nerfed to the ground" then you haven't looked at the numbers.
As Peanits has confirmed on another thread, this takes Self-Care under CoH to 21 seconds, which is still 11 seconds faster than standard Self-Care. So it's only a few seconds shorter than before this "nerf".
Yes, the boon setter still has the 14 seconds to set up but for all the other survivors that cost doesn't exist and the bonus to healing still applies to altruistic healing & medkits, so overall it's still a massively OP perk that provides a considerable assistance to the entire team.
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Okay. Let's go point by point, because I don't think there is a single thing right here.
- COH will still be good.
- Lucky break was useless on release, then it got buffed - but essentially perma scratch mark removal was too strong, so it got a duration reduction, which was then buffed.
- Boil Over is still decent, and needed to be changed as it could be used to take matches hostage on demand.
- PG, meh. You're being hyperbolic.
- Infinite buffs for killers...say what?
- Yes, this game has SWF so it needs to be balanced around SWF. Solos are getting some love soon, but that genie has been out of the bottle for ages now.
- Would you like some cheese?
It was plenty of fun for survivors.
The simple fact that they didn't test it and the snowmen could be used to completely break certain killers' kits was ridiculous. Halloween had stuff that was fun for both sides.
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You play at a disadvantage because of the playstyle the killer chooses is directly countered by those meta perks