Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The Thing

I can't get this thought out of my head since they introduced licensed killers. What if the next licensed killer they decided to introduce was the creature from The Thing? Imagine 4 survivors working on a generator and then another Dwight walks up. Is it the real Dwight?? No built in voice chat adds to the paranoia. Like who can you trust? This would add an amazing new meta to the game because the person who is healing you can just morph into an alien killing machine and slaughter you in the name of the entity. Just a thought I've had. Would love to discuss this with others and see what they think.


  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134
    edited November 2018

    You are not the first one suggesting killer with similar power, I believed this is the nth time this get brought up, and the answer is always the same.
    It will just fall victim of SWF and no, it will never work unless DBD somehow able to block third party voice chat software from work.

  • CrystalRedPunx
    CrystalRedPunx Member Posts: 2

    Technically any killer can fall victim to SWF, but I also don't see SWF as that large of an obstacle. Sure, it makes matches more difficult but nowhere near impossible. I also play a lot of SWF and no one really says what they're doing and gives their positions constantly, unless asked. If the creature could change into random other survivors during the match, then I don't see voice chat being a problem either.

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    @CrystalRedPunx said:
    Technically any killer can fall victim to SWF, but I also don't see SWF as that large of an obstacle.

    Player 1 :"Hey hello you, fancy joining me to repair this generator ?"
    Player 2 :" I'm cleasing a totem right now."
    Player 1 : "Allright guys the killer is a copycat." ... Starts running.
    Killer : "Wait, I'm your real teamate, I swear !"

    Results : epic fails all around.

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    Imagine a bunch of streamer versing copycat killer and accusing each other to be the copycat, and then the real killer suddenly lunge at them. It perfectly made for a hilarious moment in video, funny for SWF/streamer, can caught non-swf survivor off guard but a nightmare to killer. BHVR is trying to close the gap between SWF and random, this killer is useless versing SWF and decently strong for random, which is opposite of what they trying to do.
    Yes, I play my fair share of SWF as well and I get what you said by not always sharing the location. But once you know who is the killer, you will start playing around the killer or just make up rules like always assume the others to be the killer and no approaching without safe word or something.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    It would be really interesting! **

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Dude this is like at least the 39th time someone in their mother suggested a copycat shape-shifting killer. Seriously so if I would friend groups would easily wreck this killer to make matters worse it couldn't work in Solo play anyway
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    @CrystalRedPunx said:
    No built in voice chat adds to the paranoia. Like who can you trust?

    You can trust swf ruining this idea.
    Will never happen so just forget about it.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The Feng is already in the game.