Is ranking up too inconsistent as a survivor?
Myself and my usual playgroup have been having this conversation a lot lately and I just want to see what others have to say. Ranking up as survivor (this mainly applies to iri ranks) just seems way too inconsistent to me. Some games I feel like I've played very well and I will black pip (or even lose a pip) while other games I feel I got stomped and I will pip.
I just feel like there should be a more consistent and concrete system that decides whether or not you gain a pip from a game because right now (as i am currently sitting iri 2) it seems to basically be completely random if I earn a pip.
I just don't think the emblem system is working in the current ranked system
I do consider ranking up as survivor a lot more difficult than as killer. Some killers do make it hard themselves because of how their power inherently works (think at plague for example, that suffers a lot the chaser emblem), but others make it extremely easy to pip up.
On survivor it really feels incosistent because you need to do "a lot of everything" and many times it's simply not possible, especially in soloq
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Agreed 100%. Just finished a Lery's game against a Doctor who was pretty far under our skill level. All 4 escaped. At the end of the game my emblems were Silver, Gold, Gold, Gold. My bloodpoints were maxed for both boldness and objectives. I was only hooked once, Finished 2 gens and participated in doing 2 others (with Prove Thyself) and I had some protection hits. No pip
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Give this a read;
A break down to ensure you get the pip's
- Be the one who cleanses totems, you really want to be the one who cleanses hex totems
- Work on generators
- Be the one to open an exit gate, not 99 it, open it.
- Avoid getting hooked
- Get unhooks, but ensure you get a 'Safe Hook Rescue'
- Don't let other's get hooked
- Heal other survivors
- Hide from the Killer (be in the killers terror radius)
- Have chases longer than 20 seconds.
- Escape chases without getting injured/downed
- Get pallet stuns
- Have matches last longer than 9 minutes.
Run perks that help your Emblem points - not for second chances or to ensure your escape. Instead of Decisive Strike take Borrowed Time, instead of Adrenaline take We'll Make It. Instead of Dead Hard take Lithe - This perk allows you to take off after putting an obstacle between you and the Killer, it's free escaped points. Detectives Hunch is an excellent information perk that encourages you to complete gen's, and then is very useful to cleansing totems/hexes.
Follow 3 CHRS - 3 Cleanses, 3 Heals, 3 Repairs, 3 Saves.
You don't get many points in chases, and the Evader emblem is just as easy to complete by hiding in the Killer terror radius, so the easiest way to pip is to be immersive, and finish gens, while ensuring you do 2-3 totem cleanses on the way. Make hook saves, and heal the other survivors.
After understanding your objectives and the Emblem system, I got grade 1 survivor in no time - you even pip up when you die. You'll find it easier than trying to pip up Killer.
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It is harder for Survivors to Pip up... cause there's 4 of you against one Killer and 5 Gens to do
The point split isn't fair by any means
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Very helpful and appreciated. Thank you