Everything included in the April 1st Midchapter Patch (5.6.2)
Didn't expect a Midchapter this early, especially on this day of all times.
So, let's get into the first set of notes which is actually regarding The Twins.
*Madeline's scarf has been retired and replaced with.... absolutely nothing
*Victor's shriek radius has been removed
*Victor's cooldown has been removed
*Victor's pounce range has been reduced significantly
*Victor has been removed.
*Twins no longer can lunge
*Twins has been removed.
Wow, um, that was unexpected.
The next set of patch notes... uhh... oh... for Michael?
*The amount of stalk needed for tier 2 has been slightly reduced
*Slightly increased lunge distance when using scratched mirror
*The survivor who has been stalked the most when tier 3 is reached will scream, revealing their location to you
*Myers now moves 5% faster while... ...what..?
He can crouch? wait hold on, i think there's been a mix up.
Survivors can no longer reveal you once they've been marked? What the-?
Sorry about that it looks like some of the notes were scrambled together.
On to the next set of fixes which relate to the new graphical rework of Haddonfield (Yippee.)
*House of pain has been removed
*Houses are now a minimum of 4 stories long and 8 tiles wide
ok, this is ridiculous. How could it get even worse from here?
Wait, hold on... It can't be...
fnaf in dbd!?!?!! oh my ######### god!!! truly a grace from the heavemsn!!!
oh wait nevermind it's a legendary skin for michael :/
*Every map except shelter woods has been PERMANENTLY removed.
finally some good news.
Happy April Fools! GoobyNugget.
You forgot that Jane's booty will be nerfed cause of all the complaints on how big it is
2 -
Pig has been buffed