So...Which Killers Are You Playing At Present?

Personally, still trying to figure out Onryo, but always find myself rotating between my current learning/fun killers (Ghostface, Myers, Nemesis, Spirit) and my workhorses (Hag, Artist, Cenobite, Doctor).
Call of Brine definitely helped move me back into the standard 'kicking gens' playstyle on some killers.
Currently my 2 mains legion and leatherface
And then oni blight and the artist these 3 are hard to play but fun powers none the less
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Do I even need to say when literally everyone knows the answer?
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I play a decent Blight, but the fact that he's so overplayed is a turn off. Yes, I'm a crazy diamond.
Oni is one of the killers that I've never figured out.
Artist is among my favorites, and may be the best out-of-the-door killers BHVR have made, design wise. Her kit is elegant, versatile and strong, but has plenty of counterplay.
The only thing that holds her back is her pretty bleh addons.
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Hag right? For sure.
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Rather watch paint dry.
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I always end up back with Piggie, but I try to play everyone on the roster, not an easy thing when there's so many to choose from. Other than Pig, though, I've found myself playing a lot of Nemesis, Demogorgon, Sadako, and Pinhead of late. I used to play a good bit of Doctor and Wraith, but moved away from them. When I'm looking to switch things up more, I'll practice my Huntress. Nurse, or Pyramid Head.
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Myers, Pig, Legion and Nemmy atm.
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In my last 195 killer games, my top 5 played killers are Spirit, Bubba, Artist, Wraith, and Nemesis.
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Right now, a lot of Onryo, some PH, Demo, Plague, Nemesis, and Myers.
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I'm playing Demogorgon pretty much every day, with a bit of Onryō on the side and I do dabble into Oni and Artist every once in a while
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every killer present in the game, but my most played killers are leatherface (especially if i'm in a bad mood), pinhead (for grinding bloodpoints) and clown/deathslinger (just their laughs alone are worth it)
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Artist main with a side helping of Onryo currently.
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Still my main Mikey. Even the sweatiest of SBMM cannot tear me away from him.
Once in a while I'll do an occasional Clown, Wraith and Plague match.
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Legion and currently learning Spirit. Love them both
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I was hopeless with artist but will try again at some point.
Had a lot of fun with Trapper lately. Got most of my pips with Wraith beforehand.
Clown, Spirit, Hag and Billy otherwise.
Struggled with Huntress at high mmr lately as her base speed is a tad slow. People are good at dodging throws.
I like a mix overall.
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Yay 😁
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Mostly Nemesis. Sometimes Demo.
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It's a rotation between Wraith, Nurse, Bubba, Pyramid, Freddy, Legion, and Sadako, with Pyramid and Sadako taking up the majority of my playtime. I think I've played her almost daily if not daily lol.
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Blight, sadako, trapper, Myers, pinhead, nemesis and finally legion.
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Ive been playing alot of Artist And Trickster
I was really Enjoying Sadako but now that survivors are getting used to her she been feeling really weak
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Pig, Hillbilly, Spirit, Huntress
I do play the rest except for Bubba and Freddie
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I don't play killer much since MMR got introduced, but I switch between Myers, Pyramid Daddy, Onryō, Pig and Spirit
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My main killers I play at the moment really are Deathslinger, Nemesis, Trapper and Clown.
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Nurse and Billy with others sprinkled in between here and there. Getting more into pinhead a bit though.
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Clown? o.o
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I only play Wraith, Trapper and Doctor.
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Blight, demo, spirit, and oni lately. I would play other killers if COH wasn't such a pain in the gluteus maximus.
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I've put down every killer to learn how to not be bad with blight
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I'd have thought COH was a huge pain to the Oni.
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Nemesis and Sadako most times.
Nurse when i wanna punish survivors.
Legion and Spirit sometimes.
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Huntress, Deathslinger (mostly) ,Trickster.
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I'm really trying to learn Hillbilly right now. I don't know how people main this killer. You go multiple bloodwebs without a single good add on. Survivor hitboxes are paper thin while environment objects are 30% larger than they appear. You auto-lock onto literally everything except the survivor whenever there's a question with the saw. The saw loves to auto-fill when you feather it. It's an exercise in masochism.
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All of them in rotation
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Artist. Not gonna lie, the better I get at this Killer, the more I see her becoming a problem in the future. I am actually making swf swat teams cry - it's laughable. She requires a lot of skill too, I would equate it to learning Nurse.
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I play mostly Plague and Spirit. I’m trying to become a Pinhead main but i’m having a hard time playing him on console.
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Freddy/Legion are my main killers I enjoy and always return to.
BUt I am p3ing Blight and plan to get better with Blight over the next couple months.
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Mainly Trapper currently.
Little bit of legion, wraith and bubba as well.
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Have my massive respect ❤️
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She's definitely topping off 'A' rank (or 'S' rank, if you have SS and S). Some maps are rough for her and her counterplay is a bit more straightforward, but she's a wonderfully consistent killer.
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I main Artist, Plague, Sadako, and Pig. Though I barely play Pig these days because of how unbalanced the game is right now.
I'm still learning Blight and he seems fun so far, so he might make it into my main list eventually. Same thing goes for Spirit.
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I only play Blight and Nurse now. Before SBMM I played a wide variety of killers, but this game decided to throw ALL my killers into super sweaty MMR, and Spirit got nerfed into the ground, so I'm stuck only playing two killers now.
I really do wish I could still play killers like Clown, but there's just no point in picking characters that will often get bullied by high MMR survivors.
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I don't play other killers now, just nurse 24/7
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plague and pinhead
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Nem, Myers, Pyramid, Bubba.
I've only recently started playing killer so I'm still getting used to it all. I really want to play as Ghost Face more but he feels too powerless most of the time.
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Pyramid head and Bubba, maybe other killers if I want to torture myself.
Pyramid is the go-to though, meta negated. I hear those uncage notifications and I'm rushing over there to tunnel
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Onli Oni. Lonli
Hoping every chapter I find another main but ive not been tempted by any of them tbh.
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I'm nearly a Demogorgon one-trick as the Killer. I just love his leap ability, shutting down loops and playing mind-games with Survivors during a chase is so fun. Although, crashing into walls is so damn embarrassing...
I sometimes play The Onryō, but mostly Demo, my baby <3
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Bubba, Huntress and Doctor. Also started learning Artist and Pinhead, they're kinda fun