How the hell do u even counter this build?

Im seriously so disgusted atm, like it took them 6 seconds to escape without me even dropping from anywhere
and you wonder why people don't want to play against SWF, and of course the game sent me to the Saloon which just gave them more advantage
i was mainly doing my rituals so didn't exactly care about them escaping or perks, but seriously how do u expect any killer to not play toxic when people like these dogs exist
This is why BHVR should make SWF use Custom Game... Or put something useful in the actual matchmaking foundation to where nobody can run the same perks. Period. Talk about the game balancing itself over night with that change.
6 -
it took them 6 seconds to escape without me even dropping from anywhere
did you slug them before picking them up so they could heal up and use FlipFlop? Otherwise i don’t get how they would be able to wiggle off so fast. And then you also got your answer: pick them up after downing them is the counter to this build.
11 -
Nobody should have to face something like this to begin with. Just blindfold me and kick my ass instead... Oh wait... Same thing..
1 -
they both went up
and both went down at the same time
still took them 6 seconds to escape
0 -
SWF is similar to cheating it's unfair for solo q survivors and for killers and at least make it that you can only play with 1 other friend max because 4 stack swf is just too brutal and unfair.
5 -
Ahh yes my favorite response. Swf is equal to cheating. @deKlaw_04 we cant play together anymore. According to this guy we are cheaters if we play with more than 1 friend. Sorry bud. This is the way.
19 -
Eh. There is worse builds to play against, eg full Meta build on swfs. This here is counterable and after the first wiggling off the killer should know what’s going on…
I honestly don’t understand what this means.
6 -
Solo q is hell, gotta mentally prepare for that, but playing swf is too easy and unfair on killers, the 2 player max option sounds decent to me
5 -
As in they both went up the saloon at the same time and both got downed at the same time, you know so they can use boil over
Honestly im start to feel like the next time someone tries to abuse boil over by going up somewhere high, i will just bleed em out
0 -
Boil over doesn’t even give any significant progress to the wiggle bar if you are jumping off directly after picking them up. Also… if they both went down at the same time that would mean you could at least hook one of them and slug the other (who then would need to use their UB which is only one time usable).
They used perks you probably didn’t expect because everyone else runs the same meta perks - and those you didn’t have to deal with here.
8 -
that's the problem tho, i picked one, not even 6 seconds they escaped before i EVEN DROPPED, i picked the second SAME THING
either im dumb and don't know how survivor perks stacks or something fishy is going on
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thats how u counter it, especially because there wasnt a no mither or boon: exponential involved. make em waste unbreakable and just slug them to death.
it sucks but that is the counter
2 -
If solo teammates weren’t idiots then we wouldn’t need to play in swfs
4 -
well. If you didn’t slug them for a while that sounds like a bug or even some cheating. A surv can’t wiggle off within 6 seconds even if the other surv with breakout was around.
you don’t happen to have a recording of that match?
3 -
Pick them up and take them to a hook. Boil Over only grants a percentage based on the current wiggle progress. Those builds only work if you're slugging for a period of time and carrying them a bit before dropping. If survivors are following and preparing to sabo, slug one then chase the other. They'll be out of position going for the sabo and it should be a quick down. Dead Dawg is one of the easier maps to proxy camp a 3 gen on. Trickster is the perfect killer to deal with swarming survivors.
4 -
I guess not since we are cheating. It’s either that or get the idiots that unhook you without bt in front of the killer, or a teammate doing nothing to help. Solo que is horrible
5 -
09:24 on this video they talk about how it was always intended to be added but they picked KYF to work on first, this whole point killers make about it not being in the game from the beginning as an argument that it shouldn't or wasn't supposed to exist is nonsense.
9 -
is this really true? As far as I know, being able to play with friends was added one month after official release, which makes it seem like it was actually a concept way before that and thus very likely considered in the game design.
and if a killer has to play against a well coordinated team with such a perk loadout - that’s a problem with matchmaking and not a problem of SWF existing. (And matchmaking is pretty faulty for… well for years…)
2 -
Took me about 10 seconds to find the thread I made back in 2018 about it, I'm sure it took you longer to write your comment than it did me to find the reply.
11 -
sadly no, i am thinking of starting to record my games tho, cuz the amount of bs i sometimes encounter in this game is amazing
0 -
You intentionally spread misinformation to see if someone would ‚waste‘ their time to correct this? (Which isn’t even wasted as that information is useful for people that weren’t aware of it and would have otherwise fallen for your trolling…)
6 -
next time maybe just admit you were wrong. This is just embarrassing for you.
7 -
So your master plan was to type something that was wrong, because a "know it all" would correct you when the information is readily available and takes about 10 seconds to find?
I honestly think you typed that up thinking you looked smart by calling bhvr out on something they "hadn't addressed" and once finding out how immediately wrong you are you are playing defensive and backpeddling like you were just trying to trick a "know it all" into correcting you.
Great plan...
- Type up wrong information
- Get corrected
7 -
He's 100% backpeddling because the information was so easy to find and he was so sure he was being smart by calling bhvr out lmao.
4 -
oh i know that. The way they try to backpedal more and more is funny though.
3 -
Sure. It definitely does not feel like you are trying to talk yourself out of it. Not at all.
also.. yeah I am a survivor main? I still play plenty of killer. And which side I main has literally zero relevance to any of this. Like… why bring that up?
3 -
Technically he isn't wrong. SWF's operate outside of the game's intended design. The game wasn't designed with survivor multi-player in mind and isn't balanced around it. When DbD released there was no option for SWF. BhVR only added it because survivors would dodge lobbies until they eventually matched up with their friends. That's why so many early perks were designed around taking information away from survivors, like Hex: Third Deal and Knock Out. This is a complete failure on BHVR's fault to build an online multi-player game in 2016 and not take into consideration that people would want to play with their friends.
This is why BHVR is planning to give solo survivors more information to boost them to near SEF levels so they can finally balance the game around SWF's.
2 -
SWF was always intended to come to the game
see this:
4 -
You are entirely incorrect, lol.
4 -
Regardless. It was a bad call. Make 4mans do Custom Game. Solved. 2man SWF can still Q up regularly. 4man SWF is just unfair.
1 -
You need 5 people to do a custom game and there is nothing fun about Vsing the same players for 0 points, just get some friends and play swf dude jfc it isn't taboo lol.
4 -
Tonight I had 2 survivors with no mither/soul guard/boil over bring me to RPD and they stayed at the third floor where no hooks were nearby.
So I just let everyone do gens and leave cause I didn’t wanna waste my time there. I feel your pain.
5 -
I like how you hyperfocus on the completely irrelevant part and ignore the part about how there's no enjoyment in facing the same killer over and over and over again, or earning 0 points, there is 0 fun to be had in a kyf, just get some friends and play swf i promise you, you don't have to hate it lol
3 -
Yea? Enjoy playing hundreds of hours amongst the same 5 people my guy, if you get enjoyment out of doing that AND not earning anything you're in the minority, I promise you.
3 -
This build is good.. on certain maps. Really dumb of that swf for not bringing a map offering.
2 -
Eh, you are allowed to play with friends even if it is cheating, and that is why it's worse.
1 -
Not saying I do. I would enjoy playing Killer more knowing the 4mans are gone for good, as I'm sure other people would as well. More so than the amount of people that would miss the 4man SWFs. That group is more of a single LOUD minority.
3 -
What do you mean 4 mans are the loud minority?
The only reason I'm discussing it is because killers keep bringing up how SWF is cheating and should be removed, I never see people arguing for 4 mans unless it's replying to someone asking for the removal of them, and It's rare that I ever even play in a 4 man, but expecting people to play kyf because they have enough friends for a full team is a little silly.
2 -
Maybe it isn't cheating. It just feels like it. It is a clearly unfair advantage in comparison to solo. I mean there really is no debate.
0 -
you can play with each other what feels like cheating is the voice chat point of it,makes the game to easy in SWF with voice chat
why I if I play in swf but never use voice chat mostly play solo so yea.
0 -
the not intended is not SWF but the 3rd party voice chat used.
see how there no VC in game that was not intended.
0 -
Meta refresh.
1 -
Yep, they added a team mode and definitely didn't expect friends to talk to each other during it, definitely, lmao.
coms is definitely unintentional... 👀
1 -
Sadly there is nothing they can do about it. Maybe invent some sort of anti-cheat software that detects any and all VC programs being used while DBD is running and not allow those processes to be used, but now I am really getting ahead of myself.
0 -
or maybe they are aware that people are on comms and talk to each other and are completely ok with it? They encourage coms in their discord server, why do killers want to install literal malware on their computers to stop voice coms so bad it's nuts lmao.
Also couldn't stop people using their phone etc, xbox and ps have built in coms (so does steam) lmao.
2 -
Thankfully they don't need to find another way because the devs know people want to talk to the friends they're playing with.
Totally unhinged people on this forum wanting malware on their pc because of swf lmao.
3 -
Whatever works. :)
0 -
did I say the dev are smart?
I mean something the dev have done thing that make no sense,at this point most perks survivor get are info perk that swf get for free why SWF so broken and we have a lot of killers who are to weak to handle 4 or even 3 man SWF on voice chat.
I don't want to play as the top S or A killer I want to play as 1 of the other 20 some killers we got.
at this point I say put in a ingame voice chat that we have the option turn off then buff the killers who need it.
0 -
How do you counter it? Simple:
0 -
Excuses for losing when playing killer