I was looking the old tome challenges...

And came across to this. SIX FEET UNDER: Sacrifice all 4 survivors in the basement in a single trial. I remember finally getting it on pre rework Ormond map after 2-3 times I think.

Basement Bubba Agi, IG, Insidious, 4th perk I don't remember. Probably BBQ or NOED.

I was praying for the survivors not to DC and they didn't. Terrible challenge with a lot of complains in forums.

What's your story?


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I did this challange with basement Trapper. I think i tried 4 or 5 games, it was kinda hard.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Freddy on Saloon w/ Agi, IG, Mad Grit, BBQ. It took me several tries but I shamelessly exploited the one bug which ensured basement would always spawn at main building (this was before basement offerings)

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I wanted to get it "legit" so I played what I call Punchy-Nemy (Agi+Iron+Grit) for a solid week. Ended up getting it on Lery, even though I wasn't even trying that hard, I just noticed that 2 survivors ended up dying in basement so I had to juggle the last 2 survivors and luckily enough the last one didn't go down too far. Felt really good. The 4 pallet stun challenge though, took me 2 entire months...

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Barely got the “Holiday Get Together” achievement, n that was hard enough... didn’t even bother w this one. I never play Bubba or Trapper, so it’s probz impossible for me anyway.

    also, I would’ve instantaneously, happily spent all that 60k BPs, but if there was a Trophy I could have at least felt like the accomplishment was worth more of the effort.

    Devs should maybe reward us with special, shiny charms along with the BPs for certain challenges like that.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    That one took me FOREVER because I refused to change my gameplay for that damn challenge (I imagine you could get it pretty quick with a Basement Bubba build as all you need is one noob squad to fall for it).

    I got really close once but the little bastard wiggled out of my grip at the bottom of the stairs and found the hatch...

    Finally I ended up getting it with a give up squad so...yay? I hooked two people in the basement (playing Bubba but not basement Bubba, they just determined swarming the hook against Bubba was a good strategy). Once two were on the hook, the other two just walked up behind me in the basement and looked at me until I took them down and hooked them too.

    My assumption is the two on the hook were together farming each other like dum dums and the other two just gave up.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Oni on springwood iirc, someone dc’d when I hooked them for the last time and I still got the challenge