Imagine Inner Healing vs Pentimento

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

I'm not expecting the new meta to suddenly be Inner Healing (Though I do think instant burst heals will be a lot more popular moving forward after Haemorrhage change and CoH nerf) BUT I was thinking about how using it vs Pentimento would be pretty cool, think about it:

You cleanse a totem to proc your inner healing and then heal up. The killer rekindles their totem with pentimento. You can go back and cleanse that pentimento and get another inner healing proc and the cycle can continue. It makes 5 totems into a potential 10 and I just thought the concept of this sort of war between cleansing and Pentimento would be so cool I wish we had more of that than the boon wars.

I've been running pentimento a lot more lately because holyyy crap even at 1 token it's very powerful slowdown and seriously underrated.


  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 274

    Sounds pretty good.

    Eeeh, but with a team full of, or atleast one person cleansing the killer might just wait till they cleanse all five to get that sweet sweet pentimento stacks.

    But in a normal game... I think it would make a good dynamic. No pesky boons also >:D

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,597

    Counterforce is better against Pentimento.