Just a couple of questions

Would anyone happen to know when the next Rift will be open?
Also, from the current Shine Of Secrets, are there any perks worth getting?
Thank you for your time.
Best Answers
I would guess for the next rift in a month to a month and a half.
Shrine of secrets Laurie's perk would be good to get as she is a licensed survivor and if you don't buy her you might not get the perk again. It is not super useful unless you want to see the killer with the killer seeing you. Unbreakable is good and if you don't want to level Bill its easy to get now. Undying is a great hex to have as a killer if you run hexes and iron maiden for huntress and trickster is great!
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For the perks, Unbreakable is a meta perk, useful whether you play solo or as part of a SWF. There are plenty of times where you won't see value out of it, but a number of killers will slug at some point of a match (and some killers, like The Twins, rely on slugging for pressure), and a well-timed unbreakable can turn an entire match back around when everything looks lost. Definitely worth having on any survivor build.
Object of Obsession is a perk I'd pass on. Owning Laurie for Decisive Strike, another meta perk, would mean you could get OOO by leveling her up. The perk is potentially very useful, especially as part of a SWF, but running it solo, even after its nerf a little while back, means you're likely to have a killer targeting you, and unless you're looking specifically to get chased, it's going to cause you more harm than good. Again, I'd rather own Laurie for DS and get this perk along the way than getting it out of the Shrine with shards.
Undying used to me a meta perk, but it's less so with the Boon meta in place (and after its nerf). It's still a pretty powerful perk, however, and well worth having if you plan on running any Hex-based builds. If you're playing with Ruin or Devour Hope in particular, it's a must-have to pair up with those. If you don't want to get The Blight, getting it out of the Shrine is well-worth it.
Iron Maiden is a mediocre perk, IMO, at best. It really only gets very limited use -- if you play Huntress or Trickster, it will give you a faster reload speed (though Huntress has an add-on that does much the same thing), and if you play Doctor, it might make survivors think twice about dodging your Static Blast by jumping in a locker, but other than than, it really has little use. The exposed status someone gets from getting out of a locker isn't something you're normally going to be able to capitalize on. If you're not playing Huntress or Trickster, I'd pass on it -- and even then, I think there are better perks to run on those killers over Iron Maiden anyway.
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The next rift opens usually 1 to 2 days after the mid chapter release.
Soo In the time from April 19th to 21th
Posts like this just make me smile, it's nice when we're giving advice to one another. 😌
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Aahh, I see, thank you very much for your help! :D
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I see, thank you very much for the in depth explanation! :D
I think I'll just go with Unbreakable and Hex: Undying for if I ever get Devour Hope or Ruin!
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Oohh okay, thank you very much for your help! :D