If the survivors were a tattoo what would they be?

Dwight- steve- ash-

Ace- david- Nancy-

Bill- Feng min- yui-

Nea- quentin- zarina

Detective tapp- kate- cheryl-

Laurie- adam- Elodie-

Claudette- jefferey- yun-

Jill- jane- jill-

Leon- Mikaela- jonah- yoichi-


  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Dwight- cat with shades

    steve- yolo

    David- bald eagle

    Bill- flag with coolest grandpa🤣

    Feng min- probably a bear or something cutsey or gamer related

    yui- tiger

    Nea- toxic queen

    zarina- maybe something fancy and elegant

    Detective tapp- headphones

    kate- dream catcher with flames

    Laurie- infinity sign

    Claudette- med kit🤣

    yun- microphone w/ song notes and tricksters blades

    Jane-bow and some type of beach symbolism or dove

    jill- chibi zombie

    Leon- rpd badge

    Mikaela- witchy vibe sleeve w/ potion broom

    yoichi- dragon w/ a circle

    I just did some I was familiar w/ or vibe the others I didnt have them often or dont give me a clear vibe, you can do which ever you want as well. I thought this would be fun