Killers should stop expecting easy 4K every match

The threads about killer being unfun and weak is getting old. Killers are not leaving either. Right now survivors are much faster to get in matches than killers during the peak of the day.
There has been 6 years of constant and unrelenting survivor nerfs to the extent that experienced killers practically never lose now because the game is so broken in favor of killer.
If you are not winning, all that can really be said is to git gud. Stop crying to BHVR to make the game easy for you. Survivors are practically spawning in the dying state as we speak.
And lastly, if you think killer is hard, please play solo matches. You will experience the hardest, most unfair, and most impossible thing in any video game. Survivors are extremely disadvantaged and this is why the game is losing its momentum. It is definitely not because "killers are weak".
Oh, Sluzzy, what would we do without your "truth telling"?
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I agree that a lot of killers, specially on here, seem to want an easy 4k every match.
I do have to disagree with the overexaggeration of survivors being in a bad spot though.
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I don't see an issue with solo my experience with solo is fine. If anything I prefer having teammates that don't fully understand the game yet cause when all you're getting is good teammates that finish gens in5 or 7 mins it gets really boring as survivor.
6 years of constant Survivor nerfs in your eyes However, Survivors getting changes don't usually change them to much maybe a few but, not heavily. If your team is good these nerfs don't make any differences at all and even with not so good teams it doesn't make any differences.
Killers get constant changes because they're all unique with different powers where as Survivors are all reskins of each other. If they all had different unique gameplay mechanics than I would agree with you but, they don't.
Survivor maybe only weak because your team isn't good that's not the games fault though each player learns and adapts to the gameplay the same thing with killer players you could get a killer that you'll just beat in 5 mins cause they don't know how to play or an experience killer who knows what they're doing and might take advantage of the players who don't know how to loop to well.
Survivor is fine as it is and any buffs or changes aren't gonna do to much to the overall gameplay of them cause it's all dependent on how good the players are.
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Thanks for opening our eyes
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- This is basically 'whataboutism' the thread.
- Both sides have their issues.
- That said, someone asking for help on their side or providing feedback doesn't need you making a thread about them and putting them on blast or 'git gudding'.
- Survivor queues are faster because there are 4 slots to every 1 killer slot.
- Almost all of those survivor nerfs were 100% required. Infinites were dumb. Old DS was dumb. Old OoO was dumb. CoH stacking was dumb. Boil Over prenerf was awful.
- Yes, solo Q is rough. But as long as SWF exists, this game has to be balanced around it. BHVR are introducing changes to help out solos soon.
- I play solo survivor quite a bit. It's bad, but complaining about your stuff when someone else is giving feedback is just dirty pool.
- You are single handedly driving the 'us versus them' mentality here. Stop.
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I don't know which forums you guys watch, but here I see more people complaining how unfun the killer generaly is rather than "Oh I can't easy win buuhuuu pls devs nerf Survivors".
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And on the same side of the coin; Survivors need to stop saying 'Be happy with the 3K' and shaming Killers who try for the 4.
Funny how it's always 'Killers need to stop'.
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Aside from Dead Hard and possibly CoH in SWFs, survivor perks are finally starting to even out.
A lot of killer complaints don't come down to 'I want easy wins' and more about 'hey, I didn't make any serious mistakes and yet I got 4 outed because a specific tile combination spawned on Swamp and basically made an infinite' or 'I really want to enjoy playing Pig, but she sucks'.
To be fair, it's always this one specific poster leading the charge and keeping the 'us versus them' fires burning.
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Honestly we should be happy with one (1).
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My favorite is: you got points, so you had fun.
No, not really.
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I exclusively play solo survivor. I can say without a doubt that the killer role is by far the harder of the two. Survivors have been nerfed so hard because they were ridiculously overpowered to begin with (instant blinds, permanent hook sabotaging, brand new parts instantly finishing a generator, 2 types of instant heals). Survivors continue to have massive advantages too. If they have even a modicum of efficiency combined with their plethora of 2nd chance perks they can beat the killer almost every time even if the killer is getting them all on death hook.
Really the only hard part about survivor is the teammates. They're the real killer. Bringing killers to unfinished gens, staying injured, standing around doing nothing, hook trading when it's unnecessary, bringing killers to injured teammates, sandbagging at loops, the list goes on.
Post edited by Exxodus21 on9 -
I can agree with this to an extent. Solo queue as Survivor is one of the most miserable experiences in this game, but this post does feel very exaggerated. Both sides have a lot of issues, as I've found from playing only a few times as a killer. I found myself genuinely getting angrier playing as killer against toxic survivors than as a survivor against toxic killers. 50% of matches are ruined by teammates when I solo queue just sabotaging or not doing objectives, so it still mostly is in part to survivors being awful.
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I've seen a lot more posts asking for easy 4Es than asking for easy 4Ks
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The problem is cause you cant balance Solo Survs, Killers and SWF. SWF dominate all. Killers get some help to come near to SWF but that makes them op if they face Solo Survs. Solo Survs suffer most from frustration but directly followed by killers. SWF is the problem!
And look in the evening hours when most people player killer queue is about 30 seconds and less. As Surv i sometimes wait more than 10 minutes cause several killers dodged lobby since they sus its a SWF.
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*grabs a bag of popcorn*
this is gonna be a fun one
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Your struggles against a SWF is really more of your lack of experience as killer as you said you only played killer a few times. You were probably unfairly matched as well so that is really not because survivors are strong, but they were very experienced.
If the game was more fair and doing some of the objective was more rewarding, you would find better survivor morale. The killer meta oppresses the objective. It is not very encouraging, neither is it very reinforcing to bust your rumps to get the objective done by a miracle simply to lose to NOED and NO Way Out. The playing field needs to be fair and it is not right now.
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Sluzzy post more photos of you getting sub 2,000 points please. Those are like sub 10 second chases lol
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To be fair I think it's less difficult to win with perkless Clown than it is to get a 4-man escape in solo queue
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May I suggest waiting for others to unhook you and unequipping No Mither?
Those 2 simple things will greatly improve your survivor experience!
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I play solo q and i escape 8 out of 10 matches 😂 idk who needs to get good here
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I have to admit that i dodge lobbies with what i think are not very good survivors. And only get good ones to play with wich is quite fun and gets easy wins in solo q killers are not op in any means but survivors just need one good chase at start and 3 gens done in less then 2 mins if they split up wich good survivors do.
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That's one of the biggest lies I read today
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Very true. Whenever I spawn in as survivor I know within the first 30 seconds whether I'm winning or not and most of the time it's not. Nobody can last more than 20 seconds in a chase and gens take 80 seconds. Survivors are playing catch-up right from the very beginning of the match.
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Many killers blame swf when they get destroyed by good solos i had many of that situations so that argument solo q and swf is not very valid.
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Sure all you complainig are just bad at game and that is full story you will never admit that.
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With so many palets and safe spots you cant last more then 20 secs? And you will blame killers being op for that really? Xd
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How is that a lie can you tell me?
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I never expect a 4k. I expect to not see 4 Dead Hards every single match though....................
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The threads about killer being unfun and weak is getting old.
But, killer's not fun.
Neither is solo survivor. Playing survivor with my friend (so, two-man SWF) is fun sometimes. I never play in a 4-man squad, but I expect that's really the only truly fun mode in the game.
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I play solo and I don't think it hard I mean just like killer your not meant to get 4 escape ever match sometimes you and one other maybe get killed or could be 3k or 4k for the killer.
now killer I don't want easy 4k or 3k I'm happy with 2k fun game but most of my games are 4 escape or I get 1k from camping near the end of the game.
killers are not easy and I don't want to play and learn the 2 or 3 killers who can handle swf group or 4 good solo.
I said this before 4 solo can easily act like 4 man swf group I been in one.
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Yeah bro and an 80% soloq escape rate is totally believable no joke
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As i said i switch lobbies and when i'm sure they will play good i'm in you can tell when you see them honestly
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That is definitely not true.
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Killer is hard. Solo survivor isn't.
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A tragedy in 3 parts:
Wow, that's quite an achievement! And then:
Is it just me or does this read as 'I skip lobbies until I get a 3man SWF to carry me'?
Well, sure? If I lobby shop until I find myself a hard carry group, I'm probably going to have an easier time.
Here's the thing though, chap.
Being 'good' and 'bad' at this game is only half of it. There is a ton of RNG to this game as well. Some Forest maps, for instance, can spawn as impenetrable mazes of great loops or a handful of useless vaults. But as a survivor - it really does come down as much to team coordination as it does to personal skill. It doesn't matter if you can loop the killer for 5 gens if he's not chasing you, and is instead chasing that Claudette who leads him to whichever gen is being worked on.
Both sides in this game need help.
Solo survivors need better tools to coordinate. The new status effect thing is a good start.
About half the killer roster needs a buff, in many cases a substantial one. And an addon pass. And maybe 4 or 5 legitimate problem maps need a tweak (looking at you, Badham and Swamp).
It's a lie by omission. In the post directly after that he confirms that he lobby shops to only be paired with strong teammates.
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Good solos mate trust me and for everything other you say i totaly agree with you. 3 man swf will not carry you they will try to lure killer to you and bully you solos are real bros in this game if you get good ones
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ok thank you for telling me
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I'd disagree. Both are difficult, in different ways. And I say this as a certified killer main.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
What we should expect?
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All it took was 2 sentences before I was like 'wait... who posted this?'.
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Here's the one thing I learned about playing killer.
After a certain point, it's not about the ability to chase. It's about gamesense and decision making. Chasing can be very difficult as killer, but if you plan your approach smartly and are good at anticipating where survivors will be, you can often circumvent them partially - unless you're playing someone like Onryo, Pig, Myers etc. Those killers desperately need help.
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Nah. Even solo survivor you have 3 others to do gens, while you loop the killer. And it's not hard to loop most killers while at least 3 gens get done.
Killer has only themselves and can't be in 4 places at once.
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Its nothing new that killer players expect this game to be a slasher-simulator. They are entitled to be the winner and nothing else.
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last killer you pointed out are the ones I play tho I have I think 8 or 9 main killers I need to count but yea I know how to play smart end a chase if needed but don't alway help.
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Very true.
I'll repeat what I said above -- playing killer is NOT as bad as some people make it out to be, and this comes from someone who plays all the killers, but prefers Pig gameplay above everything else. I'm far more successful than not playing her, even while playing "fair", so I feel that even the "weakest" killers can be viable, even against really good survivors (though I'd obviously be even better if I could master Nurse, for example). It doesn't mean it's a completely balanced, or fun for that matter, experience, though (or survivor, or solo survivor for that matter either) -- and the unbiased people on this forum understand that.
When people on either "side" make outlandish claims -- that playing survivor is impossible, or ridiculously easy -- or they make the same claims about playing killer -- then those takes distract from the real balance discussions that might be had if not for the unnecessary noise. My hope (and what I suspect) is that the devs who read this forum know well enough to ignore that noise from either end when it comes to coming up with solutions for better balancing the game. There are a lot of experienced players on this forum who have good perspectives on how the game works -- and what could be done to make it better -- who are worth listening too. It's too bad they sometimes get drowned out by the "[Insert killer/role/perk/playstyle/etc. here] is too hard for me, please nerf" threads that are all too common.
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That goes both would be a breath of fresh air to spawn on a map and not see Entity claws on a gen, or Ruin, or POP. And now Dead Man's Switch.
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I honestly agree, with the title, at least. I bet people would have a lot more fun against competent survivors if they stopped using a 4k as the golden standard. It has been MONTHS of mmr. If they haven't gotten the picture yet, they never will.
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Survivor has it easy, the only time that there is a sense of pressure is when the killer devotes 100% attention to one person.
Ps. Tunneling is fair as the devs stated that survivors are treated as a 1v1 for balance purposes.
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I can’t believe you’re a nurse main.
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... So, how does your gameplay change when the killer doesn't have one of those perks? Do you go slower on gens? Do totems, search chests, meme around, anything like that?
Because I don't run a single gen regression perk, and survivors seem to take that as, "Yes! We can do gens as fast as possible and then leave!" I don't understand why survivors want to depip and earn less than 10k BP in a match, but they do. I walk around the map and every totem is still standing, not a single chest has been searched. Why would any killer not run gen regression perks? They're the only things that slow the match down. I don't run gen regression perks because I'm a stubborn idiot and I only want to run my BP build and chill, but anyone who cares about having a real game with time for an actual back-and-forth will want a match that's longer than four minutes.