More and more SWF...

JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

...abusing meta perks.

There was way less SWF a few months (years ?) ago. Nowadays, every evening i'm facing almost only SWFs that are playing just to abuse everything they can, from maps offering to OP perks to OP items. They bring everything with them and the trial is disgusting.

Honestly, at this point of unplayability for the killers, in 2 months the game will be totally dead.

Survivor mains, continue to abuse the DH/Bodyblock/gen rush bringing 4 strong items every trials, you are the one pushing the killers away from the game.

Your level of toxicity is so high that you do not care if something is too strong, you use it on all 4 survivors and abuse it.

When i play with my friends we always mix the perks to not have only META perks and we bring 0 item, we look for them in chests.

I do not know what is wrong with this community but the will to totally stomp/bully the killers is real.

And BHVR you are here never addressing the issue. You always ask the community to respect the devs, but i doubt you deserve it.



  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    edited April 2022

    When in a trial you have 4 DH, 4 yellow items full of add-ons, bodyblock, BT, DS and gen rush to a point that only Nurse could deal with those guys, yes it is toxic.

    If i go in a fight against you with an assault rifle while you have a wood stick, i do not think you would find it non toxic.

    And when infinites were in the game, was using them abusing something broken ? Yes it was.

    Abusing META perks + items on 4 survivors, with the amount of safe loops/maps and the gen speed, it is abusing something broken.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Huge communication and synchronisation for bodyblocking. At high MMR it happens a lot and most of the time they all have the same nationality.

    Using perks/games in the game doesn't mean they do not abuse. You guys should start to learn the meaning of a word before stating such things.

    "Abusing game mechanics" means you are using broken things/unbalanced things to win. A SWF bringing all META things + strong items = abusing game mechanics.

    Survivors running an infinite at every chases = abusing game mechanics (when they existed).

    In a FPS, using a broken weapon when everyone know it will get nerf in a few weeks = abusing.

    Whatever, defend the not defendable, 2 months we talk again about how many killers are still playing.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    At least a pair of swf in almost every game IMO. Thats not so much of a problem its the 3 and 4 if they are good and come with a plan.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Honestly, most players are survivor mains, there are like 3.5k killers left, no wonder everyone is siding with survivors.

    Will laugh my ass off when in a few months dbd is empty of killers.

    Will come back here check you all crying. 😂

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    MMR is all fake idk why people keep acting like it's a real thing whenever numerous streamers have proved it to not be real and BHVR themselves have proven it in the dev interviews which is why all the "DBD is like Hockey" memes were made, I've played this game since release and I max both my survivor and killer grade every reset maining nurse, oni, or demo more often than not, I've literally just last week 4kd on a game where Cope was a survivor in the lobby and Cope is pretty darn good at survivor, so tell me why "MMR" decided to give me brainless buffoons the next match who died at 5 gens? Swf in duos are common but 4 man swf is not common and there's literally no way you play against that every game.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I'd still say that's wrong, maybe half of the games have at least a duo in them but there are plenty of times where I'm solo and in the endgame chat the other survivors are as well I've linked up with plenty of people after a good match.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
    edited April 2022

    You have no idea if they were in a SWF or not. It could be that you're inexperienced and are making easily exploitable mistakes.

    You can't just say things are broken and say people are abusing them because it's subjective. A SWF running Sabo isn't broken, imo, but someone else could think it is. I'm not interested in discussing subjective opinions.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    I agree, swf is huge advantage and should be nerfed. it already causes shortage of killers.

    EU prime time - survivors queues are long, killer queues are instant. I wonder why? it's like people don't wanna be a punching bag against dead hard with friends

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Why do you think it's "high MMR"? The game gives no indication as to the MMR you're at or the level of your opponents. Just because you are having a hard time doesn't mean you've reached "high MMR". It just means you're having a hard time at whatever MMR you're at.

    RYANGUNSLINGER Member Posts: 53

    Of course they know how else could they lose when they play at high mmr all the time. I mean when someone says they play high mmr they totally wouldn't lie to anyone

    (Yes I dug through their comments to see that they constantly claim to be high mmr)

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    skill issue

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347
    edited April 2022

    Can we please stop blaming/shaming players for what are grievances with the game? It's not a player's fault if something is strong or even too strong, as long as it's not broken (not as in "this is too strong" broken, I'm talking "Wake Up suddenly applies to all actions instead of gates" broken) it's not a player's fault so they shouldn't be blamed for using something in the game.

    EDIT: Hell even when something is completely mechanically broken and does not work as intended whatsoever, "blaming" players is goofy. It's just that in that situation it's pretty lame to knowingly use it.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    The problem with swf (especially with comms) is the level of coordination and communication they have.

    The killer gets nothing to compensate for that. They are just expected to git gud and deal with it.

    I have no idea how they could balance it. Everyone can agree. Swf (with comms) IS an advantage.

  • Cookie_Des_Lys
    Cookie_Des_Lys Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2022

    I see a lot of mates who have DH, BT and DS. But were are not in swf.

    It becomes a must have with the hight number of camping and tunneling killers.

    And with almost camper and tunneler killers, yes, it becomes also a must have to be with firends

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its not toxic to bring strong perks and be good at the game. Its really not.

    It doesn't matter what you and your friends do.

    Its not impossible to win against teams like this with any killer but it can be very hard.

    It definitely unbalancing when you add in comms, they've admitted the survival rate for SWF is significantly greater. That doesn't make it inherently toxic though.

    I'm gonna press any advantage I've got to get kills and survivors should feel free to do the same to escape.

    Balance and toxicity are different conversations. Is a strong SWF with meta perks unbalanced I'd say yes, is it toxic no not in of itself.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited April 2022

    So let me get it straight, you went in a fight against me with an assault rifle while I picked a wooden stick. I would have known that an assault rifle was possible, because weapons were allowed in the first place, then I decided to go with a stick. How are you possibly the toxic one for me making a decision I know is not gonna end up well for me?

    As for when infinites were in the game, guess what else was in the game: Iri hatchets+infantry belt+1 hook Ebony Mori. There wasnt a single day where I didnt see a huntress run this, then proceed to proxy-camp. Was that not killers abusing something that was broken? Or Ruin+Undying(on release, not the current one) being spammed every single match. Undying was meant to give Hexes a second chance, not respawn hexes at full power. Was that not abusing something broken? Or Nurse with 5 blinks, increased recharge speed and Tinkerer, giving her 5 blinks and practically infinite blinks, allowing her to search the entire map within 20 seconds and downing survivors within 10 seconds on average(because how are you going to dodge 5 blinks?)

    Not even talking about the amount of killers using Pain Resonance, Pop and Ruin together with Tinkerer. Or Blights using Alchemist Ring and Adrenaline Vial.

    You see how all your complaints start breaking down when survivors have to consider facing that loadout? Again, Survivors do not know whether you pick a stick or an assault rifle. They simply have to come with an assault rifle incase their opponents come with an assault rifle, then you come with a stick and then cry that they picked an assault rifle and call them toxic for "daring" to assume you would pick an assault rifle, when 80% of their opponents pick the assault rifle.

  • jellymaine
    jellymaine Member Posts: 10

    Matchmaking is really the only thing to blame here. I play with friends sometimes and we still get crushed. 4-man SWFs that consistently demolish killers should be matched with super strong killers. Also, survivors play sweaty in response to killers playing sweaty, and vice versa, so you can't really blame one or the other. The problem is if we want a chill game, and don't sweat, matchmaking will still put us with sweaty players because matchmaking is broken af.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    Must be 4 stack SWF on comms. No other way.

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Nobody ever faces SWF you're just paranoid (but if SWF was nerfed even slightly the 'game would die!11' because 'everyone wants to play with friends')

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    There is a guy that used a script to gather players info in lobbies. compare their profile to see if they are friends etc...

    At high MMR most team you face are 3Q and SWFs nowadays.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    1. Using perks are not abusing unless you spam them on 4 survivors to the point it is totally shifting the balance of the game with a 99% win ratio for survivors
    2. It is toxic to spam those perks to get ez wins, you all cry here when you face a nurse, even more when you face a nurse with agitation/starstruck and you call it broken, so when a killer is broken it needs a nerf but survivors using every OP mechanics they can is okay
    3. A killer cannot abuse it as it is one vs 4, he cannot spam 4 times the same perks. And yes, a Nurse using Meta perks, proxy camping and tunneling is abusing game's mechanics.

    I'm objective on both sides as i play both. You guys here are deeply unskilled survivor mains to legitimate the spam of DH for exemple. It has been 2 years i'm playing without this perk as i know trolls like you will abuse them.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    edited April 2022

    Yup, matchmaking and RNG garbage maps.

    1st game today, here was the map layout :

    • 3 LT jungle gyms
    • 2 pallet/window jungle gym
    • 1 shack
    • B main with two windows
    • 4 strong loops with 1 pallet

    Shack was at a corner, next to it :

    • on the left : 1 strong loop and next to it 1 LT leading to one pallet/window loop leading to one strong loop
    • on the front : 1 strong loop leading to B main/2 windows
    • on the right : 1 LT leading to a pallet/window loop leading to LT leading to 1 strong loop

    Played Billy and faced 3Q + 1 random (maybe SWF but not sure) with items and full add-ons. Cannot do anything against this Layout. It is not even playing against the survivors, at this point i t is just playing against the map.

    What a joke. They cannot even code balanced map layouts but they want to code a working matchmaking.

    Post edited by JeanCharpentier on
  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Then they complain they only get matched with the same killers and threaten to stop spending money. Why do you think they value time over fairness with matchmaking and still do with all the tests?

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    edited April 2022

    Yes it was killers abusing game mechanics and you know what, they removed it but survivors are still at the same spot for years now.

    So what do you propose ? That all killers stop to play ? Or maybe that we all play OP META perks Nurse + camp/tunnel ? Oh crap, that is what is happening right now :). Hope you will enjoy it.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    It's not you - it's MMR.

    MMR is easy to grind in SWF groups, which means higher skilled lobbies are dominated by them.

    If you're seeing basically all meta SWF lobbies that are sweat fests, welcome to high MMR.

    Bodyblocking isn't toxic, using perks itself isn't toxic, items are not toxic.

    However, everyone ALWAYS rushing the most powerful (overtuned) Survivor perks grates and chafes after a short bit. At least survivors have the interest factor of facing off against killers with different powers - which can make matches unique and interesting regardless of meta perks. Killer mains have nothing to play around except perks and items. When every survivor brings meta perks and powerful items - the matches blend together and get super stale super quick.

    Bodyblocking isn't, by itself, toxic. The problem is the implication. Taking a hit for a teammate is a powerful act that trades health states and time. But in the current meta, health to survivors is a sinch. Survivors are more brave than ever to get in front of a killer and take hits or hooks, because they're going to heal up and escape anyhow - at least in their mind. When you see a survivor bodyblock after 5billion matches, you don't think "Ah, yes! Take the hit! I will kill you ALL! I'll take you all on!" - now the killer thinks "Oh yeah, that's right, they're not afraid of me - I'm their entertainment. They know they're going to get out anyway."

    For instance, T-bagging really isn't that big of a deal. So why is it more a big deal now adays than it ever was? Who legit complains about T-bagging anyway, it's not even that mean or anything? T-bagging, itself, means nothing - if anything, it paints a target on a player's back and puts them in a bad position - it can often get them killed. But survivors are doing it more and more. Toxic community? No.

    T-bagging is a problem because survivors, now more than ever, feel the swelling sensation of confidence. They KNOW that they're safe, they KNOW that they're going to escape, they KNOW they're going to make your game hell - and they KNOW they're going to get away with it.

    When a killer sees a T-bagging survivor these days, they don't think "Wow, what a jerk - he'll pay for that." - now adays they think "Wow. I really can't even punish them. The developers truly don't give a damn about this game."


    People in this comment section are missing the heart of the statement and are getting far too involved with the specifics of wording. "you can't ABUSE perks!" this and "Bring meta perks yourself" that.

    Wake up people. The guy is saying he's having a rotten time playing killer because of major design flaws in the game's core - as well as a fundamental lack of action from developers that squander their time on fruitless pursuits when the game is in desperate need of a balance overhaul.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949
  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Preach my friend. People focus so much on survivor these days that killer had some broken toolkits that were arguably worse to play with. Mori off 1st hook while camping not to mention the disgustingly killer sided hitboxes (some of which still exist to this day)

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited April 2022

    Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common, hopefully this increases their queue times and the amount of killers leaving DBD.

    This guy in Spookys video is literally the survivor epitome.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Well meta can be met by using meta. But killer can also be miserable a lot of times, what can they do?

    Put on a meme build and not try to win? That would bring us back to meta vs meta.

    Change their killer from for example trapper to nurse when they think in the lobby that the other side might tryhard? Too bad, doesn't work anymore thanks to killer specific MMR (as if that BS is working as advertised).

    This describes killer frustration beautifully. Back in the early days both sides had horrible broken stuff but until the second to third year both sides had less of an idea how to abuse the ######### that was left after the first initial nerfs.

    Killer felt indimidating and survivor more often than not felt like they had respect for the killer. Nowadays? Yeah no, the killer is just player 5 and isn't subjectively more/stronger than that, no need to be afraid/have respect before that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Yeah, killers are totally angry at people wanting to have fun with "friends" they met on steam and not the trash tier balance that ignored it for 6 years and the advantage you get in a game designed around 4 clueless solo players.

    Nah.. its just plain jealousy that you have friends and they don't. That must be it.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I don't think you really want to argue balance for this game when it's been miserable at times for both sides

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    You can't have an "opinion" on how many swf you face lol. It's a definitive number. I've been accused of being in an swf many times when survivors played well (and sometimes when we didn't) and yet I only play solo.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Everybody has the right to be offended, yes, but nobody should expect anybody to care.

    There are basic rules to follow, some common sense of what not to do and what not to say (usually the harm-related crap), beyond that everything is fair game.

    When I read some comments (not in these forum, yet, thankfully), I feel like I found myself in a kindergarten by mistake. Then I learn these are young adults and I'm properly terrified for their future.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    Same customs cloths or similar names is a bit of a giveaway and that's just for starters.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    You guys remember before SBMM when everyone used to justify how strong SWF was by saying "you only face the death squads like 1% of the time, they're so infrequent it doesn't matter if they cause a balance issue" and then SBMM came along and... yeah

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Exactly, prior to SBMM, facing a SWF was frustrating but it was from time to time, once in 10 trials. But now... This week end it was a total sweat fest on my side with many unbeatable SWFs.