What Licensed chapter would you like to see a tome for?
By the way, It includes both the killer & survivor (Unless it's a paragraph chapter)
What Licensed chapter would you like to see a tome for? 77 votes
Silent Hill
Wow, that's actually an extremely hard question. For me, the only viable option is Silent Hill because the Heather in DBD is 3 years older than the Heather in Silent Hill 3 and it would be nice to see in detail what she was up too for those 3 years. As for the other options the one I'd want the LEAST has to be The Ghost Face because I know for a FACT they would give out too much information about his backstory and ruin his whole mystique. Plus they'd make him a tragic character who had a father who beat him or something which always grinds my gears, It instantly turns me off when a game tries to get you to feel bad for a character who's killed dozens of people. I prefer more one-dimensional evil characters like Michael Myers who are just evil for the sake of being evil (Unless we're talking about the god-awful Rob Zombie remake where they gave him a Jason Voorhees-esc backstory where he has an abusive Step-Dad and a mom who's a stripper)
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Nightmare On Elm Street
choosing NOES mainly because it would bring new cosmetics for Quentin and Freddy tbh
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Silent Hill
I would love a Silent Hill tome. The lore could be interesting and we would get mixable cosmetics for Pyramid Head and Heather (Cheryl).
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Our Ghostface is already an "original" Killer in terms of lore, so making a Tome for him wouldn't be hard
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Silent Hill
Hard tie between Resident Evil and Silent Hill for me. I'd looooove to see DBD's take on James' and Heather's lore just because I'm practically drooling for more SH material, but I think a Resident Evil tome would be easier in terms of sheer expectations to meet.
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Silent Hill
Depicting James Sunderland in the correct way is a very tough thing to do and I'd like to see them try to pull it off, It's very easy to glorify him too much, and it's just as easy to make him seem like a straight up villain, the original Silent Hill 2 does a good job of balancing that grey area for the most part and I can see why the toughness of getting that correct would out-right drive away BHVR from covering him. They've dropped the ball on a character like this before in form of The Nurse, where in her tome she's just straight up evil, which I can appreciate but it doesn't do her original character they created 5 years ago justice.
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Nightmare On Elm Street
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Silent Hill
Would really like more options for my Cheryl
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Silent Hill
A silent hill tome, it would be very interesting to see what skins they give to Cheryl and PH.
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I chose Ghostface because I think this Ghostface Danny or Jed would be kind of cool to see how he became to be. By which I meaning learning a little bit of his origin which again I think would be awesome too see.
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Silent Hill
Silent Hill with a new map such as Brookhaven Hospital or the Amusment Park.
The Entity could literally be explained as the cult's God in some way. There are also plenty of characters in this game to further the Tome. Legion Robbie the Rabbit skins, all the skins on Cheryl... Should be simple and fun.
They could call the tome - Judgement.
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Resident Evil
They have like 3 lines of lore in game. They could use it.
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Nightmare On Elm Street
Laurie Quentin Freddy and Michael need new cosmetics badly
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Ghostface for me!! I'm so curious about Danny, he's interesting.
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Nightmare On Elm Street
Freddy/The Nightmare is the only licensed character in DBD that hasn’t received any special treatment with dlc since his introduction. I find that awfully sad. Where’s the love? C’mon Behaviour, you know better than that.
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I voted for Halloween mainly because I think it’s the oldest on the list. But honestly all of them deserve a tome at some point.
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More insight on Yoichi is something I’d really like, Plus, it allows me to face more of Sadako, I love facing her for the creep factor.
(Also more cosmetics for those 2 would be nice)