Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Do Disconnect Penalties hurt or help?

redjasper Member Posts: 143

In my personal opinion, I find that disconnecting from games still happens quite often regardless of there being a disconnect penalty. I also believe that the disconnect penalty does nothing to affect the quality of life of the game and only keeps gamers that are no longer happy in a match and wish to move on within a match they no longer want to partake in. It becomes a mix of players pointlessly attempting to escape the killer in vain and players that are just throwing, going afk and just flat out disconnecting. Disconnect penalties has added no benefit to the game, and holds players in a game with a new set of problems that can be avoided by moving on to a new match.

Do Disconnect Penalties hurt or help? 21 votes

I don't DC because I'm playing with friends
14% 3 votes
I will throw myself into the killer and just kill myself
28% 6 votes
DC penalties hold me in a game i don't want to be in, but i will not participate/I will disconnect anyway
9% 2 votes
DC penalties are why I will still play a match as intended, but with more motivation to play the game
4% 1 vote
DC penalties are why I stay in a match, but with less motivation to play the game
38% 8 votes
I will disconnect, anyway.
4% 1 vote


  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    Alright I do not think that D/C penalties actually stop players from D/Cing because the number of people that D/C on first down is disgusting. If someone has D/Ced automatically I will still do gens and try but there is a limit to how much I will try. I do not care about Pips (hit Iri 1 all the time) and honestly losing a pip is not the end of the world. I think the D/C penalty at least keeps a person who is just going to sign in and D/C from playing for a short time growing in length. I personally think if your going to lose a pip anyway and you want out ######### on hook. Still scummy but at least its over quick.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2022

    If there were no cheaters in the game, I'd like dc penalty to be more significant (for instance you must have your client open so the dc penalty timer ticks, so people won't alt+F4 knowing they won't have any impact). But because of cheaters being a real issue, I think that would be unfair.

    Removing dc penalty would be bad, even if people can just run to the killer to suicide on hook, because on times where there were no dc penalties, people dc'd very very frequently.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve never intentionally DC’d, and when the penalties are off disconnects are ridiculously rampant. They need to stay on.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    As long as cheating remains such a huge issue, Killer DC should not result in a penalty.

    First Survivor that DCs should eat the penalty, subsequent ones not.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I mean, I never truly 'give up' just like that.

    But if I really need to get things going and I see the match is taking too long - or I've lost a lot of drive to complete it, I'll just play super risky and hope that I die.

    I'll sacrifice myself for teammates, stick to 99% generators. Sometimes my bravery comes in clutch for teammates before I die, which is the best way to go out, and it nets me a huge glut of bp in the end too.

    However, there are some understandable circumstances to DC.

    Sometimes IRL things happen - or I ran out of play time and need to go RIGHT THEN - Or I simply lost the desire to play the game and it's actually starting to have a negative affect on my mood. In those situations, I DC and take the penalty. I really deserve the penalty at that point, I feel horrible for leaving everyone in the match, but there are things more important than matches in a video game.

    In general, people should not be habitually disconnecting. I understand having to get out in a hurry, but if people are getting frustrated at penalties - I have no idea what must be happening in those matches to cause them to leave so frequently.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    I never dc.

    The penalties help because even with them too many people dc.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Honestly, from the moment the penalty was added i saw a substantial decrease of DCs rate in my games... It reached a point where on each game i had to pray no DC would happen. Really annoying especially when trying to do some achievements/challenges.

    Now even if they still happen sometime, it's way less frequent.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Back before DC penalties, it was really common to see players disconnect. Like, really. Survivors would disconnect and then message me, taunting that they dc'd before I could hook them. As survivor, it was super fun that one disconnect often led to a second disconnect. That nonsense constantly ruined matches. Sometimes DbD felt literally unplayable due to how rampant the disconnects were. The number of people who suicide or throw, now, does not equal out to the number who disconnected before the penalties.

    I've never been one to disconnect from matches, not even before the penalties.