Camping and tunnelling (again)

The other day I was on twitter when I saw someone going off on camping and tunneling. I could've avoided this conversation, but I was curious, so I involved myself in it. It started off with them showing a picture of themselves being camped by a doctor with a teammate in basement at one gen left with a total of 3 hook. Then there was another picture showing a twins player face camping at 2 gens with them about to die on hook. I said I understand the Doctor camping sense he had two players in basement (half the team) and had no real reason to leave. I acknowledged it being scummy, but he was able to secure a 2k. They replied with saying they weren't being toxic and that if the killer didn't want to be looped for so long why are they playing killer. I said killer is a hard role and that it's not nearly as forgiving as survivor. We went into a long debate with them later saying that this is extremely broken. At this point I was just confused. Later another person had included themselves calling me out that I camp and tunnel sense I was sympathizing for the killer and understood why they did it. I then went into a back and fourth with this person. I later gave up with the conversation. What do y'all think? Was I in the wrong? I'll leave up to y'all. If your still curious or confused about some parts comment on it and I explain more.
