Another fun strategy for killers

I really hate how badly designed these tactics are.
If you are a designer of this game and think this is excusable then you are bad at what you do.
I didn't pick up a tape, i started with it.
I had one chase and then i died. Nothing about this was fun in any way. The second i saw her afking infront of the tv i knew i was going to die very soon with nothing i can do to change this.
The fact that you either missed this after afk pig or let this in intentionally is really a confession of failure on the part of the designers.
At least she has to move to down and kill you ig, lmao
Also can I take a shot in the dark and say this killer had noed?
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If she's going to stand in front of a tv the entire match, you can just do gens.
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Im surprised the tv doesnt swap with another one like the cage of attonement at least its now brought up for the devs. I suggest you make a bug report too just in case they dont see this
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Do bones
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Can't you put the tape in during her attack CD? There's no way she should have mori'd you unless you got insta-downed somehow.
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Took like 90 seconds to reach max condem and then she knows where i am.
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Unless she has an exposed effect active, she can't instant down you meaning you have a chance to turn in the tape when that happens.
She's throwing the game as long as people are doing gens.
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You should have worked on gens the whole time and forget about Sadako. She would've needed to leave the TV to kill you, so you dying was a missplay from you
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I did. Not a single one got completed.
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So your team lost the game to this somehow? How'd you manage to play that badly
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I’m really confused, how did no gens get done if Sadako was afk?
Also she’s not Pig, you could just leave and do gens yourself, it’s not like there’s a hard time limit for you to turn in the tape.