What should determine a win?


On either side, what do you believe should constitute a win, or a pip up?


  • UnicornHugs
    UnicornHugs Member Posts: 14

    Piping up is meaningless since you can still pip and die. My win condition is did I have fun and how many Bloodpoints did I get. I stop caring about getting kills or escapes in this game. I just want to complete my challenges and have fun doing it. I do not mind getting zero kills and dying because that just means it less sweaty games I have to worry about playing in lower MMR.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    More people escape than die = Survivor side win.

    More people die than escape = Killer side win.

    2 die/2 escape = tie.

    That's literally how the mmr is calculated for killers, so it makes the most sense to use.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,266

    The win condition of the game?

    It's not really a case of 'belief', the game has a win condition. For survivor, you win if you escape, and for killer, you win if you get at least three kills. The only point of ambiguity that's ever existed is whether a 3k counts for killer or if it had to be a 4k, and I personally lean towards a 3k counting.

    Now, the question of what should count as a high-score win for a progression system like the grade system is another question, and I don't have a super good answer for that- though I do think our current emblem requirements are a bit too specific and restrictive. There is, of course, also the layer of the personal win which will differ from player to player.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,164

    As of right now the only thing that matters to me is having fun... It's easier said than done.

  • Flimflam
    Flimflam Member Posts: 103

    I think the game should calculate survivor MMR after a match has fully completed. Then give MMR to the whole team based on how many of the team escaped.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    You win if you play Spirit. No exceptions.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The game already has win conditions, escaping and killing

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Did you have fun?

    No? Then you didn't win.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 404

    The win condition should be any survivor that escapes by powering main doors and going through them. Draw would be an escape through the hatch. Killer victory would be no one escapes through the doors.

    I think this would promote teamwork amongst the survivors, and i think the razor's edge of balance that is needed to get an average of 2 escapes and 2 kills is ridiculously difficult.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Actually if you want to fully promote survivors working together then their win condition should be nobody dies. If they win if anybody escapes then you can have a lone wolf survivor just hide all match and hopefully get out and all the survivors “win” if they do. Forcing all survivors to live to be their win condition though would make altruism toward the team much more important, if a teammate is about to die you need to do all you can to prevent it.

    Honestly the game really should have been designed from the beginning with the survivors clearly being a cohesive team and having a clear win/loss objective. Semi-cooperative games rarely work well and DbD isn’t an exception in that regard. It’s really the one main design flaw I don’t like about the game. Unfortunately it’s way too late to go changing that fundamental aspect of the gameplay at this, we’re stuck with the game being built around semi-cooperative survivors and the problems that result from it.

    Personally, as far as the original question goes, I agree with a bunch of people above that, to me, if I get 3-4 kills as a killer I consider it a win, if I only get 0-1 it’s a loss, and 2 is a draw. That fits with the way MMR works and also fits with the dev’s design goal of 1-3 kills being the most common results and 2 kills being the average result. And I think in general that’s also in line with my results - if I outplay the survivors I usually get 3-4 kills, if I play badly I get 0-1 kills, and if we both play well 1-3 kills is the usual result.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I have a similar view, but as a long time L4D fan, I think one sacrifice can still be considered a win for everybody. Those Bills who everybody leaves behind is a winner in my books

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Pipping up, as others have explained, has less to do with winning or losing and more to do with time investment.

    In terms of MMR, I'm okay with the way killer works.

    Survivor...I think needs to be more nuanced, but it's really complicated. What exactly constitutes 'winning' as a survivor?

  • JamnJelly
    JamnJelly Member Posts: 139

    For killer, I don't like that having multiple hooks helps more with pipping. You'll get more for hooking as much as possible. Although I do understand that encouraging more hooks can hopefully help with face camping.

    Survivor I've seen people throw around the idea that it should be based more on how many escape, making it more team oriented. While that makes sense, what do you do about the dude who just dc's or dies on hook because they gotta go?