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Why should every killer have counterplay?

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

This the main reason that the majority of killers can't do anything against 4 SWF. The survivor simply can take away the killers power, this design failure is very apparent with Sadako, her teleport can be turned off by survivors, her curse stacks can be reduced, she has lullaby to warn survivors, she has to demanifest which takes long time before attack. In short Sadako can be reduced to nothing.

Another good example is One or Demo which often called the most balanced killer by survivor mains, actually almost no one plays them. Oni has no power at the start and before can get power he has to hit a survivor which can take very long time at high level play, but even then he takes eternity collecting things on map before gets powerup. Demo portals can be sealed, his stealth is pathetic announcing every moments of his with loud sound, actually anything he does is so loud, its made so that survivors knows his position all the time, his anti loop is pathetic.

Or take the poor slinger, never had any map pressure, now survivors demanded to made him even more useless, no stealth, counterable gun.


  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited April 2022

    Killers need survivors doing mistakes. The less mistakes they make, the harder it gets for the killer. (welcome to high MMR, it su**s)

    But still, every killer has counterplay, some are just harder to counter (like nurse or old spirit).

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Don't you see the problem?

    Killer only reacting to survivor gameplay if a team plays well most killer can't do anything. So killer rely on other player input, survivors controlling the games.

    But pre nerf slinger is unfair in your eyes because survivor couldn't counterplay, if killer won't make mistakes he should win.

    But nope that's unfair, but survivors dictating everything fair.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    What do you think should be done for killers to be able to have more changes against 4 men SWF then? Because if something is done about that, solo survivor becomes even worse than it already is.

    This is why I think solo survivor needs to be compensated to a point it is close to SWF level, so then killers can be buffed and balanced accordingly.

    I agree that Demo is really loud, but I don't think Demo's anti loop it's pathetic.

    As for Deathslinger, I think he had the same unfortunate ending that Hillbilly had. Only a single thing needed to be changed (in Deathslinger's case, I think the only thing he needed changed was a sound cue when he points his harpoon, same thing huntress has when she lifts up her hatchets), but BHVR decided to look too much into it and change things that no one had an issue with.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Survivors always dictacted the game. Just MMR opens more and more eyes.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    1. As other games do, assign SWFs a temporary inflated MMR based on the number of people in the group. 2man SWF = 1.1x MMR. 4man SWF = 1.6x MMR. Something like that, to offset the power that communication provides.
    2. Indicate SWFs in the lobby, but give the other side a pretty hefty BP bonus (say...+25% for every survivor in a SWF).
    3. Buff solos communication wise and buff killers accordingly (it looks like BHVR are going this route).

    Demo's anti-loop isn't great. Shred is mostly used to zone survivors (it's ridiculously easy to juke) or as a gap closer outside of loops. What makes him decent is shred+mobility, and his honestly pretty sexy addons.

    Agreed on Slinger. He got the Freddy treatment in that a few small changes would have sufficed, but they instead hit him everywhere he was fun.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I think it would be more reasonable to close the gap between killers as much as possible, give soloq some buffs like the proposed action icons and then buff general killer gameplay accordingly instead of trying to buff single killers that are mostly suffering for being m1 killers.

    killers without any counterplay are just boring from a gamedesign pov and are bad for overall balance.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It does seem a little absurd that a good Survivor can "counterplay" a Killer into being utterly and completely ineffectual.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I suspect one of the things they were testing in those MMR trials the last couple of weeks is regarding 1) above where they were tweaking how the system handles MMR for swfs and also handles choosing a killer when survivors are a mix of lower and higher rated players. That’s why one of the days, for instance, everybody was seeing matches with all the survivors being relatively really high MMR, they probably were doing a test that time where swfs were rated as the rating of their weakest member (so three 2000 rated players with one 1000 rated player becomes a 1000 rated group). And another other day it was the opposite with much lower rated players,

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    That's an issue with lack of counterplay, not too much of it. Specifically certain perks (DH best example) and bad map design turn very good survivors into largely invincible ones, and those are the things that should be looked at over making killers equally unhealthy to match.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    True points about Sadako but the few I've encountered have actually been pretty decent.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    That was Day 2 and Day 3 for me, which were mostly really good, close games. I hope that's where we end up.

    The final two days were complete chaos.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    That wouldnt work.

    If a 3men SWF gets inflated MMR, what do you do about the 4th survivor which is solo? They also get inflated MMR and go against a better killer because they were unlucky to get paired with a 3men SWF?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah, the only really bizarre day for me during the test was I think Day 3 I had a match against four Iri 1 survivors. That’s really unusual, normally at least one of the players isn’t Iri 1. It might have been a squad but even then I can’t remember going against an all Iri 1 swf.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Yeah, you lost me when you called Demogorgon's Shred "pathetic". If you're going to talk about something, atleast know what you're talking about

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    yeah, I love Demo and Nemesis specifically because of the usefulness in a loop involving pallets.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited April 2022

    Yes. But their MMR will be taken into account too, meaning that the killer will be a lower MMR than if it had been a 4man. Essentially, including the inflation, the average MMR of the survivors should be approximately equal to the average MMR of the killer, to ensure that the killer has an approximately 50% chance of killing each survivor.

    Honestly, by the end of the month nearly all the survivors and killers I face are somewhere in Iri. All Iri shows is that you've played the game a fair amount that month.

    If you're running into Iri 1's the first week of the month...that's probably a dangerous group.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Right, Iri in the first few days is more correlated with being good than being Iri 30 days into the period.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    So you want it to be easy mode is what you’re saying?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    X being too strong means X should be nerfed, not Y brought up to X's level. Y can still be buffed, just not to the extent of X.

    I agree completely. Though it baffles me that people think solo survivor should be on par with SWF's strength. Just wrong. Solo could use a buff because randoms are terrible but it should not be brought up to swf lvl. Solo needs to go up and swf needs to be brought down.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    I disagree. Counterplay is good. But hard counters are bad design. The counter should be player skill. This is why Nurse and Blight are the two best-designed killers by a massive margin. The only way to beat them is to out mindgame them with player skill. They can counter both hold W and looping, but the survivor can also evade them by being better at mindgaming.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Play a single player game with cheat codes if you don't want counterplay. Multiplayer games are not for you.

    Not that I think this is a serious topic.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I agree completely. Though it baffles me that people think solo survivor should be on par with SWF's strength.

    There is a reason for this; there's absolutely zero meaningful way to nerf SWF while leaving solo untouched, because people that want to play with each other will play cross-off solo and dodge until they find each other, avoiding the penalty. It happened before, admittedly with a much smaller community, but that's why it's cross-off only. Sometimes there is no meaningful way to nerf X that would at all work, so Y and Z must be brought up to X's standard and everything else rebalanced according to this new standard. Other times, with say, Dead Hard or COH, you can nerf X and leave Y and Z untouched or give them small buffs, instead of bringing Y and Z to the standard of DH and COH.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Solo survivor should be buffed to level of SWF (in terms of access to info), and killer should be rebalanced around every player always being a “SWF” information level-wise.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    edited April 2022

    I'm not sure many people think solo should or even could ever be buffed to MATCH swf's strength, but there's plenty of room for buffs so the two are more comparable.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Because this is not a single player game where you can pick your auto win condition by selecting character and difficulty setting.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its very important that every Killer has counterplay, otherwise they would be unbeatable. This is why Nurse is problematic, because she is just a powerhouse in everything.

    the question we should ask is:

    why should every Killer have counterplay in chase? There is nothing wrong with a Killer being an absolute powerhouse in one aspect of the game, if they therefore are weak in the other. Old Deathslinger is a perfect example of how to do this right: while the counterplay to him in chases was very limited, he had plenty of counterplay outside of them. Amazing 1v1 capabilities, but as soon as people grouped up on him he struggled a lot.

    And i dont think there is anything even just remotely wrong with that formula - in fact we see it applied on a Killer like Legion too, just that the roles are reversed with them being extremely good at punishing Survivors grouping up, but struggeling heavily in the 1v1 aspect of the game (and the upcomming buffs just further expand on this). So why is it okay to have a Killer great at 1v4ing people but horrid at 1v1ing them, but its not okay to have a Killer great at 1v1ing people but horrid at 1v4ing them?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866
  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Spirit has a significantly bigger power downtime and her anti loop is comparatively weaker to both. Not that she’s bad, she’s still easily #3. But why Nurse and Blight are better design. They can continuously play more so, if that makes sense.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    It means Spirit is more punished for a bad read and survivors are more rewarded for a good play. Nurse and Blight’s cooldowns are laughable how little they are.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited April 2022

    Every killer should have counterplay because the game should be fair and balanced for both sides. we dont need broken powers with no counterplay just because the maps are poorly design , maps tiles needs major changes imo

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Nurse and Blight cooldowns are where they should be and other killers are far too behind. Even 6-10s is sizable especially in the hands of better players. Other killers have 15-30+ for mistakes or losing a trade, which is absolutely absurd. Every single second is worth 4x that much to the survivors. 10 seconds is 40 net seconds.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Having counterplay is good, having hard counters that deny a whole Power is not good

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I'd say the problem with every Killer having counterplay is how like half of them have their counterplay reduce them to "you effectively don't have a power for X time".

    With the problem in another direction being "your power can inexplicably benefit the Survivors more than yourself" (Spirit's audio compared to Survivors' audio for instance)

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Your time as a Killer is not always 4x more worth, it depends on how many Survivors are doing gens, so it's usually around 2-3x more important

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Killers should be unhealthy to match. It is a 4 on 1. It is not supposed to be fair.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    By this argument survivor perks should 100% have no counter and we should return uncounterable stuff oh wait you wouldn't like that

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited April 2022

    Counterplay is just another word for player agency/choice

    When you're facing a certain killer, it shouldn't feel like no matter what you do in a chase it doesn't matter. When people say some killers had "No counterplay" they usually refer to killers who put you in completely lose/lose scenarios, such as the various animation lock punishing killers who basically are guaranteed a hit on survivors who are in animation locks aka windows and pallets

    The natural counterplay that appeared when facing these killers became what everyone now calls "Predrop + Holding W" - wasting as much of the killer's time as possible while creating as much distance as possible.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Killer's that lack counter play need to be weak in order to justify their oppressive power. Take the Artist, her power does not allow for counterplay and can shut down any loop with ease. In order to justify this power however she lacks the map pressure needed to slow down generators. Thus she is a killer that killer mains don't like due to her being objectively weak, and survivors don't like due to her not allowing for them to have any input in chases. . Ideally you want a killer that has extremely high potential, but is offset by the survivors ability to counter them. Blight, Hillbily, Huntress, Nurse ect. These killers are all fairly strong, far stronger then killers like Artist who lack counterplay, however survivors feel like that have more control over how a match goes and therefore has fun as well.