Obsession Build - Thoughts?

Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

Havent tried it yet tho, what are your thoughts?

I have tried to pick some perks that work together

Dying Light

Make Your Choice


Furgitive Chase or Shadowborn (to stack with Monitors FOV)

Monitor and abuse

Post edited by Unknown2765 on


  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Furtive chase is like the worst perk in the game, and actively works against monitor.

    Nemesis constantly giving you a new obsession also works against dying light as well. Dying light is also one of the worst perks in the game as well

    Overall a very weak build

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    Nemesis actively hinders DL because if someone pallet stuns you in chase and then goes down they’ll be the obsession, meaning you won’t get a token on DL for hooking them.

    Furtive Chase also encourages you to hook the obsession, while DL discourages it. So overall a bunch of these perks just work against each other.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297

    But the thing is that for every hook rescure, i get a new obsession, (and hes getting obious because of Nemisis) while getting tokens on DL, the plan is to "rotate obsession" until you get max stacks, and max slowdown. Switching obsession to the guy who stuns or blinds me will just make me hun that person.

    The reason i have both monitor and FC is that i want as small a terror radius as possible..

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    But that’s the thing - you don’t get tokens for hooking the active obsession.

    This combo also means that when the obsession is rescued from a hook, since the rescuer becomes the new obsession, they will immediately gain the healing speed bonus from DL and will heal the rescued survivor in only 12 seconds.

  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    No obsession build should be without Nemesis and Rancor. Rancor is a very underrated perk and matched with Nemesis can be a really good late game combo.

    People underestimate Furtive Chase's real value: the ability to switch the obsession status to a survivor that you're not chasing. It can also be a very good timer for the saved Survivor's DS. The smaller terror radius effect is negligible tbh but Nemesis can make it so you can switch the obsession to a survivor that's still alive and thus keep your stacks if you accidentally kill your obsession.

    No Way Out is a pretty good end game perk that helps with securing kills with rancor. Rancor gives you a hint on where all the survivors are so you can bee line straight to the closest exit they're at.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383
    edited April 2022

    The problem is that DL doesn't synergize with the other perks so your build is always conflicting with each other.

    An example of an obsession build to me is Nemesis + Furtive Chase + MYC. Now the unhooked survivor shows their aura to you for a few seconds and becomes both exposed and oblivious for 60 seconds. Which can allow you to surprise the new obsession with an instant down.

    If you want to make an obsession build, make sure there's a reason you are switching obsession whether it's by nemesis or furtive chase. Otherwise you end up with a build that doesn't do anything.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    There are better perks / addons for a small TR. Undetectable / oblivious perks are better than anything FC will ever get you.

    Monitor is increasing your terror radius by 8 in a chase, so you need all 4 FC stacks before it is even really doing anything for you. Undetectable status effect perks just bring it to 0 both in and out of chase, even if it's only for a brief time period. All you need the low TR for is closing the gap on somebody, you don't actually need it in the chase itself.

    Monitor by itself isn't terrible though, it's a good perk. It's probably the best standalone stealth perk next to Tinkerer.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297

    Ah i see, i read DL too fast, i read it as if it was when i hooked my obsession, but i now see that its anyone but the obsession, so that for sure needs to go.

    :O that is nasty, Im defo replacing DL with MYC. (i read the text on DL too quickly and i got it wrong).

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Shadowborn doesn't stack with monitor.

    There's not much obsession in your build. It would help if you had a general idea of what you want to achieve.

    Without much to go by in that regard, I suggest a typical endgame rancor roulette:



    No Way Out

    Remember Me

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297

    Yeah i know, i read DL wrong. So i have taken it out, im not sure how to make this now lol. Other than to rework it to an "Anti-obsession build"

    Right, so Shadowborn has to go aswell. Thx 4 the heads up.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I love running Obsession builds, they’re fun. 🙂 My favorite is something like

    • Dying Light - Slowdown per non-obsession hook
    • Save the Best for Last - Hit recovery speedup per non-obsession hit
    • Dark Devotion - If you hit the Obsession they get your terror radius and you are Undetectable for a while
    • Play With Your Food - If the Obsession escapes you in a chase you gain a speed boost

    The strategy is if you chase a survivor, and they’re the Obsession, you hit them once to become Undetectable and move 5% faster and immediately break away to ambush and down someone else. (You lose 2 tokens of STBFL but that’s easily worth the trade off). If you down the Obsession you can just slug them to chase other people that much more quickly. The combo of stealth and speed makes it a lot more likely to get a hit in quickly before they get to safety, and then the STBFL tokens you get from hitting non-obsessions means they get less distance from you after a hit which means you have a decent chance of being able to continue the chase to down them before they can get away to heal. And every down you get on a non-obsession can turn into additional gen slow down.

    As a variant I might swap out Play With Your Food for other options. For instance, Rancor fits well since you’re intentionally not hooking the Obsession alive until the very end. You can also try Scourge Hook Pain Resonance since you are doing a lot of hooks versus a lot of slugging. Or you can try swapping out one of the perks for a Nemesis plus Play With Your Food combo which gives you the speed boost more often if you like that aspect.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    In fairness Dying Light used to have you target the obsession, with the drop in repair speed coming after the obsession was dead. Problem was it encouraged tunneling to the obsession out ASAP.

    I personally like Make Your Choice with Furtive Chase and Nemesis. MYC makes the unhooker Exposed, FC makes them the Obsession, and Nemesis makes them Oblivious while showing you their location.

    Still, everyone's right that Dying Light and Monitor and Abuse work against you. I've seen FC and Monitor used together to effect, but that was specifically for a Myers build, where Monitor shrank his already tiny Tier 2 Terror Radius while FC negated the in-chase expansion effect. Meanwhile Nemesis and Hex: Plaything made Survivors Oblivious to make Mikey even more dangerous in Tier 3.

    If you want a showdown perk you'll likely want one other than Dying Light. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance would work well since you're going by hooking Survivors anyway. Less popular, but Gift of Pain offers a Dying Light kind of effect while also penalizing healing. Thrilling Tremors blocks gens while also giving information. Hex: Ruin if you want to take the chance on a Hex. There's plenty of other options.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I would not run M&A But instead run DMS..... oh wait yea nevermind (can we have old DMS back please)

    But still M&A won't get that much value... so replacing it would help

    Maybe PWYF might do better... it depends on how you play

    Also Rancor... for reasons

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297

    Thank you for all the advice, i really appreciate it..

    So, i need to have BBQ in my build, because i lack like 100 mill BP

    but i tried with





    And that worked really strong too, sadly i dont have Make your choice on this killer yet. i thought i did.