Should nurse be nerfed?

It’s without arguement that nurse is easily the best killer, she can ignore obstacles and has strong pressure.
now, Should she be nerfed with how strong she is, or is it fine because of her skill cap?
If she should be nerfed, suggest stuff.
straight up nerfing her isn’t the solution.
she needs a rework in some way, not a freddy level but like a doc level.
changed in a way where she can still be good but can’t just ignore every obstacle, wall, line of defence and in game mechanic.
she will never be balanced so long as she can go threw walls.
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I believe she should be nerfed mainly in regards to her addons. From what I’ve seen the main counterplay to a nurse is to make her miss and then hold W. Both range and recharge add ons basically reduce her already little counterplay to near non existent levels. Also the triple blink needs to be removed fully as any more chain blinks and nurse becomes even harder to counter and much more forgiving to play
Range add ons shouldn’t exist period and recharge should could only be on missed blinks to help new nurses. Nurse is strong enough to the point where only having niche/gimmick add ons is okay imo
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Even though I lose 90% of the matches against her I love facing a nurse since it's a total different feeling of how the match goes
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She was created in 2016 and nowdays doesn't make any sense, rework her power to make her more in line with other killers and don't allow her to break game mechanics
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Just addons reworked. Her basekit is fine.
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Nerfing her will only make her less fun to play, it won't make her any less fundamentally broken.
The only way to go about it is to rework her from the ground up, which I doubt is happening any time soon since they just recoded Nurse to fix all her bugs or whatever.
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Can’t say I enjoy her but despite that I don’t want another Freddy situation where nurses mains essentially have their main killer fully taken away from them
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Her Add-ons need nerfing, but her base-kit is fine-ish
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Don't worry. Survivors are hard at work boosting her kill stats by disconnecting every game against her. They already know it will work after the dev's proved it with Deathslinger and pinhead. Mediocre killers that got nerfed in the name of "fun"
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Can you explain how holding W is good against nurse? Maybe against someone just trying nurse for the first few times?
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So you mean she is worse on a single map?
Lerys is just a bad map in general, just look at killers like Billy, they also suffer in it because it's not an open map.
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Only way a nurse is ever getting demolished is if the person doesn't know how to play her. She is the best killer in the game for a reason, she is not getting demolished when the player actually knows how to play her.
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Kavanagh's Last Breath/Heavy Panting (blink distance) and Torn Bookmark (third blink) add-ons need full reworks as they are fundamentally unhealthy design, but other than those three, everything else about Nurse is in a spot of perfect design and balance.
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Why would i waste my time watching tournaments when I can watch my own games instead?
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Also tournaments banning several perks and addons. Nothing like real game
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Basekit Nurse is perfect, no nerfs or reworks needed there. Perhaps the range add-ons could add a bit more fatigue or blink recharge, but that’s really about it. Also, rework her two meme add-ons into something useful.
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Add-on rework
Make her blink attacks special attacks
Stunning the Nurse in any way should remove her blink charges, and they should only start recharging after the stun has completely finished.
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Pretty much this. Her Blinks should be reworked. It is fine if she keeps them, but they should not be the only way for her to actually get Hits. This would mean that she needs more Movement Speed as well, which makes her easier to pick up for newer players.
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I’ve been seeing this request a lot recently, and just yesterday remembered that Deathslinger’s gun isn’t considered a special attack. Spirit coming out of phase isn’t either. So what is this unjust call for Nurse’s blink attacks to not be compatible with a host of perks? Also, you realize it’s next to impossible for her to get a basic attack if you do this, right? She can’t just walk up and hit a survivor like any other killer can. So we can stop this ‘special attack’ nonsense already.
Are we also going to remove Blight’s rush tokens if stunned, or pause their recharge? Not let Spirit phase?
Edit: Hag’s phantasm attacks are also basic attacks.
Post edited by GoshJosh on3 -
Nurse is fine. Her power is 99% skill. If we nerf a Killer just because 'They good' then there will be 0 Killers left.
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I also think that Deathslinger's attack should be a special attack. I don't think Hag or Spirit's attacks warrant being special attacks. You also cannot compare rush tokens to blink tokens, rushes do not allow the killer to phase through pallets or walls though do they?
At the end of the day, a lot of Nurse players seem to want to end the game as quickly as possible using game stall and exposure perks, a killer that has the ability to completely ignore looping, a game mechanic that the game is being balanced around, should not be able to one hit survivors as easily as the Nurse currently can, her design is completely outdated and I'm fed up of the rhetoric that if a player has sunken enough time into one killer that they should be able to just stomp any team that they they matched against.
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Range yes, recharge no. You'll never catch a good survivor in a timely manner without recharge. But the issue then becomes add on viability. She'd have three useful add ons.
Her main issue stems from the fact that many survivors think they know her entire counterplay, but they only know absolute bare minimum basics that only work against a beginner Nurse. This leads them to conclude that she's OP. 90% of survivors double back so early that I see them starting the double back before I even release my blink. Like...come on...
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Buff the worse killers. Keep nurse as is, got clunkier to use with that old charge meter system anyways.
Its always annoying to see this trend in this community to make it easier for solos to match swf, even though most ideas presented help swf more than solo ( no difference ingame btw) and then look at killers and demand the top killers nerfed.
And for the addon stuff. Stat boosting addons (range, charge, speed etc) will always be preferable and more used than niche or meme addons. Those addons are "overused" because theyre most often the only good ones. It'd probably be best to just buff the basekit and remove the stat-boosts. Yes thats meant to buff killers. Then killers would be running those niche addons.
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their first mistake was giving her a recharge system as a nerf and then basically removing that nerf by giving her recharge time add ons lol
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In my opinion she is balanced. Many Nurses I’ve been able to juke. However if she has maybe three blinks on and is on Midwich or Gideon then maybe.
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More distance means she's forced to use her blinks to catch up (or drop chase). More blinks = more fatigue = more opportunities to keep holding W.
Furthermore, the longer you're running away, the more obstacles you pass and the more opportunities you have to break LOS, which is devastating for Nurse. You also have opportunities for other (healthy) team-mates to cross paths with you and muddy up the scratch marks.
Holding W vs a Nurse is very stronk
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So, if I'm keeping track of this: there's no way a top tier Nurse can get beat, but if someone offers video evidence of it being possible, it's not worth watching? Or is the level of play in a public match somehow higher?
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Yes she needs something very badly. A killer that can ignore every defense survivors have shouldn’t be labeled as balanced.
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Her stats (lowest kill rate and win rate in all killers) is the defining factor.
She does not need nerfs.
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Nerf nurse and blight
Balance perks/maps/gens around the A-B tier killers so the majority of the roster is viable
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Depending on how much dead hars is nerfed, I think Nurse might need a change
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I mean we've already been deep on this trajectory of completely redesigning the game for the past few years, so at this point, a nurse rework would just be another strong thing from the OG days that is being aligned with their current vision for the game.
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Demolished is not the same as being beaten. Demolished implies she had no way of winning.
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No. She has already been heavily nerfed several times. All nerfing does is make the game "unfun" as we have already seen from the survivor side. She is already penalized twice for using her power - most killers have hardly any downside at all.
There is way more Blights and Huntresses slaughtering everyone on the map. I see 9 of these other killers compared to one decent nurse.
If Nurse is still too strong it means survivors are simply too weak. 4 slowdown perks on a high mobility killer is too oppressive.
Nerf the killer meta and Nurse will feel better to verse.
In case people have forgotten, she used to be a normal speed killer with 3 default blinks. No cooldowns except for fatigue and with addons she could have 5 or more blinks. Survivors have simply been nerfed so much. Ruin didn't even exist when she was released. The killer meta is too strong.
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thats a big fat yes for me. to her addons. pretty much all nurses run the same addons, recharge and range. it boggles my mind that bhvr fixed nurse by adding a cooldown, then decided to add two addons that negate this cooldown lmao. and the range is stupidly powerful on small maps. isn't the counter to nurse is to always make distance? thanks bhvr.
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*cough Coh cough*
(not saying you support it, just saying that gamebreaking oversights are still a thing)
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The token thing happened so Nurse's don't have their 2/3 blinks available after fatigue.
Recharge addons are there so people can play her like before her nerf.
The only nerf i can see on recharge is that they work like Alc. Ring in that they give charges back on hitting.
Then ppl can complain about that.
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wait i thought another poster said just hold you say not to hold w? which one is it?
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that might work with some beginner nurses. however that doesnt apply to most of the god tier nurses you will see if you have any decent mmr
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Wrong. Nurse players aren’t robots. We will guess wrong sometimes, the problem is that many survivors are so bad that it’s not a guess as to what they do.
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Yes, killers can guess wrong sometimes, so do survivors in mind games.
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If you want to turn the 15 minute survivor queues to 30 mins, go ahead and nerf her.
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Typically, a biased opinion will avoid arguments invalidating it.
So far, none of the complainers have shown how "easy" it was to win with her showing some winning streaks. And then the arguments are usually a variation of "But I'm not good with her", which is of course implies only good players can win against bad players (shocking).
I play Nurse often and I DCs are pretty rare for me, even if I "win" my fair share of games (3k or more) and lose many too. The DCs are usually from macro-clickers or kids trying to emulate some streamer (except it usually requires both skills and an inexperienced killer). Normal players do not DC.
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i want to see ur nurse gameplay ngl
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Healing under 5-8 sec, 3 gens under 90 sec, voicecomms all around, multiple second chance perks, unreasonable amount of pallets but yes, lets nerf nurse. Or pig, yes, definitely nerf pig.
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yeah but the problem is if you nerf nurse she becomes terrible but they should rework her in some way
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thanks :)
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Yeah that's what a lot of people don't understand. You can't reasonably nerf nurse anymore without her being bad. The best they can do to nerf her right now is just addons and not base power until they can come up with a rework for it.
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No. Learn to juke her. If you don't know how to juke her, then play her, realise how difficult she is, explore her weaknesses, and then exploit those when playing survivor whilst giving props to killers who put the time in to operate her properly.
Don't just cry about it and call for nerfs because you can't be bothered to up your game!
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I have honestly never thought I'd see the day for when you advocate against nerfing a killer. Color me surprised.