Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Further nerfs on survivors can really hurt the playerbase

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

DbD's huge success was always thanks to the fact that playing survivor is so much fun, easy and casual friendly(+ licensed killers survivors/killers ).

The recent constant nerfs on survivor side since years is getting quite worrying. As you know there is a talk about gutting Dead Hard to be useless and 2 killer getting buffed, a map reworked to be killer sided( massive dead zones), Circle of Healing made useless for solo, and of course healing will also gets nerfed to take forever.

No new perk allowed to be meta for survivors. Example would be Boil over or parental guidance, or in the past lucky break rework nerfed into ground, all of them destroyed by killer main demands.

The only item worth is bringing now is medkit as survivor(thanks to toolbox nerfs, hatch nerf so keys are useless, flashlight only good for killers) the question is how long since soon even healing will be taken away to suit killer main demands.

The point is the game getting very hard for casuals and devs have to really think whatever is it worth to lose huge part of survivor playerbase.



  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yesterday I played on EU, I got instant games as survivor morning- till early evening.

    After early evening-night I had to wait 3-5 minutes for a game.

    So its not bad in my region at all.

    Nobody using exponential

    CoH got nerfed several times

    DH probably gets removed

    Icon system will never come

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    But here is the thing, nothing prevents a killer from playing "dirty", if they were buffed to be able to win without using any tactics that would make them extremely overpowered. Doesn't matter how " unfun" is if the game allows it then fair play, and every good killer plays like that.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    That is why the devs have to rework the maps first and the hook designs.

    But players liek you will cry cause if you find the survivors weak atm with the current 10 strong loops/jungle gyms state of the game, if a balance work around the map is done, you won't be able to deal with it...

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Well I agree that 4 SWF on comms are broken, but you can't balance around that.

    Yes I mostly play as solo, with a good SWF group I had same results.

    The main thing balancing around 4 SWF is going to destroy the game, most would quit

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    There are way less casual killer than casual survivor, and from business perspective it only makes sense to favor the bigger consumer base, add to the fact survivor mains way more likely to spend on the game.

    And as you say survivors outnumbering killer 1:10. So is it makes any sense to lose so huge amount of consumers and playerbase?

    For what? So that killers can have effortless 4K all the time.

    Before evening too much killer and you need to wait up to 10+ min to get a game.

    As said dbd is life are survivors, should be respected more, instead caving to killer main demands who want 4k all the time perklese

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Then remove the SWF option :).

    Cause high MMR is like 75% SWFs now.

    And well i don't know if you have noticed it but most players are already quitting. The most well known streamers have massively left. The average players count on steam went from 62k to 30k in a few months.

    It is over.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Its a lie spread by streamers, like Dowsey remember before MMR he had 4k games 200+ in a row, and he is angry that can't do it anymore, he loved to destroy newbies before the game didn't had any mmr.

    Its true there is player decrease but what you see resident evil fans leaving the game, its only natural, the 100k was a big spike, which now goes back to normal.

    If you didn't notice the game always loses players from winters to spring, you can check at march-april the player numbers always the lowest. You will see an increase in may, provided that the survivor nerfs won't make players quit

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It will remain a meta perk because of the nature of Boons that BHVR refuses to say is a bad idea.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    There are way less casual killer than casual survivor

    And how do you know that? And please don't tell me "from the way they play" because that's hard subjective and I could say the same about the survivor i face half the time.

    from business perspective it only makes sense to favor the bigger consumer base, add to the fact survivor mains way more likely to spend on the game.

    And as you say survivors outnumbering killer 1:10

    And the each trial needs a 1:4 ratio for short queue times and according to your argumentation it's better to let that ratio become something like 1:20 is better than getting it closer to the 1:4 which is against any logic.

    Less killer -> longer queue times for survivor -> the survivor get more frustrated since they have to wait longer for each trial and even moreso if those trials also don't go the way they like

    For what? So that killers can have effortless 4K all the time.

    Sorry but a 4k is and was never "effortless" except in a Mismatch against potatoes or as a really good nurse coupled with the old, old instant ebony Mori. Everything else still need minimum 4 successful chases plus mistakes from survivors.

    Before evening too much killer and you need to wait up to 10+ min to get a game.

    Do you know why killer queue times are long during the day?

    Player, that play killer AND survivor, play killer more during the day since they don't have to deal with swf as much then and maybe can't play with their friends which might be at work/school and go back playing survivor/swf in the evening.

    As said dbd is life are survivors, should be respected more

    For every trial you need 4 survivor and one killer, without the latter there is no game and I don't see a shortage of the former.

    Also respect? Where the hell is the respect from survivor for killer, especially the ones that play fair or even friendly?

    I tell you, as someone that has played fair and even FOR the survivor for the last 2 years, there mostly isn't. Not even in a fourth of my games did i see any respect but instead the usual cliche behaviour (GG ez) or in the "best" case indifference. Not even a GG if they didn't win.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Would have to be some pretty big nerfs. Nerfs to the mechanics of the survivor role itself, not just to a few perks. Maybe not even then.

    The DS nerf was going to make survivors quit en masse, but I can't say I saw any reduction in my survivor queue times afterwards.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    There is no respect from survivors in 90% of games. Play dirty, no need to play fireplay. Survivors don't deserve this.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407
    edited April 2022

    Exactly the point. If survivor perks are nerfed further, it doesn't change the fact that the killers can still easily 3k or 4k for most of the spectrum of MMR by playing "dirty". The face camping someone to death as a strategy needs to die. It is fun for no one in a match, it is just highly effective and so gets overused. Tunnelling someone out 30 seconds into a match is also poor form, even if it was a survivor missplay and the victim was farmed. Do you think the guy that got deleted had fun?

    These streaks people sight as important data only exist at the extremes of killer or survivor skill, and I'd wager represent less than 0.01% of the playerbase. That small percentage of people do not keep the lights on at behavior. Removing tools for either side for fun engaging chases, is NOT an answer.

    Finally, dead hard is not a problem, I'm a midling killer at best( i play doctor and billy fyi) and you know what I do, I wait an extra 2 seconds in chase to bait out the dead hard and then down them. This is not rocket science and really, if a survivor BEATS me with a dead hard play, good for them. They used skill and did something cool. Because just pressing 'e' does not equal win. Maybe, the only nerf I could see be applied would be preventing its use to jump over a trap. Maybe.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    So your saying that as a good killer, there are no strategies for dealing with a 2m distance gain?

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    edited April 2022

    Against good players there aren't as they will often use it to get to a safe pallets/window.

    A DH well used = extra 30 seconds of chase minimum, sometimes it can go to 45 seconds if the map layout is OP.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    How is dead harding for distance any different then, lithe, sprint burst, or balanced landing. They all grant 150% speed for 3 seconds, which if I am doing my math right is a ~5m distance gain on the killer (4m/s * 150% = 6m/s for 3 seconds = 18 meters of distance traveled, killer travels 4.6*3 - 13.8 m or 4.4*3=13.2 m depending on running speed).

    After dead hard do all these other perks need to get nerfed next?

    Of course, perks should grant the user of the perk an advantage when used?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I think got to do with survivors got total control all they have to do be injured and press a button at the right time but with lithe, sprint burst, or balanced landing you got to do something to get that boost.

    lithe: find something to vault at right time.

    balanced landing: falling from great heights need to find good play to fall.

    sprint burst: you got to hold on to it walking around the map

    all 3 perks survivors don't have total control like with deadhard

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Yes they must all be removed. If you know how to play you do not need those perks. There are way too many loops for those perks to be used.

    If you rely on them to perform, it means you are a terrible player.

    There has been a period where i didn't use any of those perks and well it did not change anything to me, i was still as strong as before.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Every killer is able to get 2k/2e because of SBMM, meaning that every killer is viable according to the developers standards. Nurse is able to break the 2k/2e rule that the developers have decided is how players are balanced.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    Aren't you arguing logically then that those perks aren't overpowered? If it didn't change the outcome whether you used it or not then their power level relative to the perks you did use was the same.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    I get instant queues all morning long. It has long been observed that the time of day matters a lot for queue time. So this might not be the best gage of relative game balance.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    So, how long does it take for a Killer to catch up to someone using Sprint Burst, vs someone using Dead Hard?

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Of course killer mains need 4k all the time, maybe 3k if they pity hatch the last one

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Killers want to have the ability to be able to get a 4K, not get a 4K every game. It's why at high mmr some killers are basically non-existent.

    But you really shouldn't be throwing stones like that since this topic you made screams "I want my 4e every game".

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    2 kill and 2 escape is balanced, however lately killer mains demanding 75% kill rate at very least, most killer way above 50% right now. But of course this isnt enough, they need to win all the time