If you were a psychiatrist, what would you diagnose Anna and Sally Smithson with?

Akibahara Member Posts: 78

Let's say you are a psychiatrist in a mental institution, if you suddenly had to interview The Huntress and The Nurse, what would you diagnose them with?


  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Why only them?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Would Leatherface fall in the same category as Huntress? I havent watched the movie in a while. As far as I remember, he was still treated by his family as a child? 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PigNRun said:
    Would Leatherface fall in the same category as Huntress? I havent watched the movie in a while. As far as I remember, he was still treated by his family as a child? 

    From what I know, no. Although he was immature, Leatherface knew what he was doing was wrong; he just didn't want to disappoint his family. He's more along the lines of codependency and approval-seeking taken to an extreme level.
    Keep in mind, though, I'm no psychiatrist.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Akibahara said:

    Let's say you are a psychiatrist in a mental institution, if you suddenly had to interview The Huntress and The Nurse, what would you diagnose them with?

    Sally with PTSD and Anna with that skitso one 
  • McAlastair
    McAlastair Member Posts: 7

    @RotBb Schizophrenia? Maybe, but none of us are psychologists. Remember, her mother died protecting her. That event would act as a trigger for her humming and perhaps her hunger for love (as twisted as it is).

    But that event combined with a lack of development in the brain and the harsh environment of an Eastern Slavic Alpine forest would transform anyone into a deranged lunatic. Anna's different because she grew up there and was taught how to hunt by her parents. Good ol' dad probably left her at an early age and she probably lost her mom at least when she was 7-12 years old. Young enough for development to really start, because most children have a basic grasp of reality around then.

    I've asked this question on Quora (stupid idea, I know), so if someone with a degree answers, I'll let y'all know.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2019

    Sally would most likely have post-traumatic stress disorder due to the immense issues her job caused. Due to the fact that she went insane; her episodic behavior could be denoted to the psychopathic tendencies the immense stress caused her to push for (aka, the killings). Huntress would most likely be depressed; or suffer from PTSD herself due to the fact that she WATCHED her mother, (who she adored) die right in front of her.
    I am not certified to hand out diagnosis by any means, just a theory.
    EDIT: Huntress addition: This resulted in her failing to develop and mature normally, which means she likely kept her fascination with child-like behavior.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @PigNRun I believe he already had a learning difficulty but his family used him to kill. He was treated like a son when he killed and sent to the basement most of the time. He was bullied anywhere outside of home so I believe he is confinced that killing is good for food. There are loads of different backgrounds though so it depends which version you are talking about. I just think he is looking for approval from an evil family.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Orion said:

    Sally had a mental breakdown and likely suffers from depression and PTSD due to her job. It's not uncommon for healthcare professionals to become depressed; in fact, they have the highest suicide rate out of any profession, IIRC.
    Anna is a sociopath, of sorts. She feels no empathy because she was never given the chance to develop it, and she has no concern for societal norms because she was never taught them. Her mind is somewhere between that of a wild, predatory animal and a small child; she only cares about the very basics - food and shelter.

    Anna also probably suffers from a social disorder as per her back story she couldn't understand various concepts like how to take care of the younger girls  (almost like the big guy from of mice and men)
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Orion said:

    Sally had a mental breakdown and likely suffers from depression and PTSD due to her job. It's not uncommon for healthcare professionals to become depressed; in fact, they have the highest suicide rate out of any profession, IIRC.
    Anna is a sociopath, of sorts. She feels no empathy because she was never given the chance to develop it, and she has no concern for societal norms because she was never taught them. Her mind is somewhere between that of a wild, predatory animal and a small child; she only cares about the very basics - food and shelter.

    She feels empathy and compassion. Hence why she gets depressed when the little girls she takes all die.
    However yes she is a sociopath.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Aari_Piggy66 said:
    She feels empathy and compassion. Hence why she gets depressed when the little girls she takes all die.
    However yes she is a sociopath.

    Sociopaths don't feel compassion, but you're right. I forgot she got sad whenever "her" girls died.

  • coleration
    coleration Member Posts: 4

    I'd probably give Anna "Peter Pan Syndrome", it is essentially a perfect description for her, and, as some have already said, she's a sociopath, in that she doesn't have empathy as she had no opportunity to develop it.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    Anna would probably have a combination of abandonment issues tied in with sociopathic behavior. She is also walking around with the mentality of a child.

    She grew up alone in a forest after her mother was killed. She had no one to raise her or teach her how to grow up and be an adult. She functions through primal instinct, doing only what she knows how to do... hunt.

    She believes that all young girls are a representation of herself and the feelings that she faced when she lost her mother, hence her taking them alive and “protecting” them from the harsh cruelty of the world. Her lack of knowledge and ability to effectively commmunicate and empathize with her captive ultimately led to their deaths. Anna would blame herself for failure and try again. As Vaas taught us in Far Cry, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I think this is when her insanity fully set in. 

    You can hear her childish tantrums when she gets smacked with a pallet or a survivor escapes them. Her child like roar and growl help that case of her mind.

    TL;DR: She’s a sociopathic monster of a woman who never grew to a full adult and she kills things because it’s what she knows. Humans all like familiarity, and this is familiar. 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Orion said:

    @PigNRun said:
    Would Leatherface fall in the same category as Huntress? I havent watched the movie in a while. As far as I remember, he was still treated by his family as a child? 

    From what I know, no. Although he was immature, Leatherface knew what he was doing was wrong; he just didn't want to disappoint his family. He's more along the lines of codependency and approval-seeking taken to an extreme level.
    Keep in mind, though, I'm no psychiatrist.

    Sure... ;)