Remember Me? - No I don't

Valik Member Posts: 1,294

Remember Me has basically no use in the current meta.

Not only is it highly unreliable and, in very particular circumstances, only create a slight advantage for the killer.

But this perk also promotes tunneling the Obsession, as they become the greatest end-game threat.

This perk is basically dead on arrival in later game matches, and is only truly useful when there's one survivor left and the hatch is closed.

But, if this is the case - why not just bring No Way Out?

No Way out blocks the exits for EVERYONE and wastes the time of ALL survivors by 60 seconds through normal gameplay.

Remember Me wastes the time of ONLY non-Obsession players by up to 16 seconds IF you focus on the Obsession through the game, which is not always viable.

Not only this, but between Resilience, Wake Up, Leader, and more - the right combo of perks can still shred this 16 second advantage.

This perk needs a serious makeover.

What direction do you think it should go towards?

Remember Me? - No I don't 19 votes

Hitting the Obsession gains tokens up to 8. Each token adds 1/2/3 seconds to the Exit Gate Opening bar. This is doubled for the Obsession. Exit gate progress regresses a 1c/4s
Blueberrytenoresaxcpt_hellmanlethargicsauceGuyGravyy 5 votes
For each survivor in the trial, increase the total time to Open the Exit Gates by 1/2/3 seconds and cause Exit gate progress to regress at 50% (1c/8s). Injured, Hooked, Dying, nd Obsession Survivors count for double.
Mewishis 1 vote
Whenever you hit a survivor with a basic attack, it reduces their Opening speed by 10/15/20%. This can stack up to 4 times and is reset to 0 when a survivor is put into the Dying state. The Obsession never loses stacks.
MazoobiMrsJukesAurelle 3 votes
It needs an update, but not in the same direction as these three.
GibberishFilthyLegionMainAwkward_FienddarkcloudlinkReverseVelocityGarlicRice 6 votes
Remember me is fabulous, it needs no makeover.
brokedownpalaceWampiritaSmoe[Deleted User] 4 votes


  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    It needs an update, but not in the same direction as these three.

    I think Exit Gates themselves need reworking; Exit Gate related perks should not be the first priority.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    if ANY Freddy needs reworked, it's blood warden. It's been exactly the same since pre EGC...

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    Not to say that there aren't other things to be addressed. Just curious about what people think about this perk in particular.

    I want to know what people think about Remember Me, not other things :(

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I remember about 2-3 years ago there was an argument for it debatably (key word) being better than classic ruin because it was a perk that let YOU increase the length of trial rather than hope that survivors don't cleanse it. I do believe it needs a buff. It's just a worse No Way Out now.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Tbh literally all 3 of his perks need changes. Bloodwarden can be funny and can clutch sometimes but it’s not that good overall especially with the 99 doors meta.

    Remember Me definitely needs a buff (again) but I’m not sure what’s the best way to change it. It 100% needs to lose the “the obsession is unaffected by remember me” clause, but that alone isn’t going to fix the perk.

  • cpt_hellman
    cpt_hellman Member Posts: 72
    Hitting the Obsession gains tokens up to 8. Each token adds 1/2/3 seconds to the Exit Gate Opening bar. This is doubled for the Obsession. Exit gate progress regresses a 1c/4s

    I think this version is more straight forward and less over bearing

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869
    It needs an update, but not in the same direction as these three.

    I think they should revert the nerf that came with the introduction of the End Game Collapse. Maximum of 6 tokens at 5 seconds per token, making for a total of 30 extra seconds at full stacks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Hitting the Obsession gains tokens up to 8. Each token adds 1/2/3 seconds to the Exit Gate Opening bar. This is doubled for the Obsession. Exit gate progress regresses a 1c/4s

    Out of those options I kinda like the first one but it still seems too weak. To be honest though the fix is way easier than that, just like triple the amount of time added to the gate for hits with the current Remember Me as it’s currently ridiculously too low, make it affect the Obsession so you’re not encouraged to tunnel them out, and finally cause it to make gate progress regression at 1/4 the opening speed. These changes take away the toxic aspect of it, make the time added to the gates a respectable amount and while not as much added as No Way Out it gets the bonus of regressing gates if they refuse to open them even if it is very slowly.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    I totally get you, but 3 seconds per token grants 24 seconds of extra opening for non-obsessions and 48 additional seconds for the Obsession. That's over 1 minute of opening time. Pretty strong. Even at 0 stacks, a full exit gate will regress to nothing over 60 seconds. At max stacks, Exit gates can take from 44 to 68 seconds to open. I believe it's plenty strong. If anything, as you said, it should just be changed so that the Obsession doesn't have double the debuff.

    Survivors like to 99% exit gates, and this keeps the end game alive while forcing survivors to actually open the gates instead of leaving them – granting the killer the advantage of end game collapse and access to Blood Warden, another Krueger perk. The worst aspects of the original is that the Obsession was immune to its sway, and its addition to the exit gates was miniscule at best, and nonexistent at its worst. Bringing Remember Me right now encourages killers to tunnel the Obsession to remove the greatest threat to their end game play. By encouraging the killer to leave the survivor to milk them for several tokens, it allows more dynamic gameplay and synergy with other obsession perks. It also makes the Obsession a juicy end-game query, as if they are the one opening the gate, it can take them a very long time to get through the opening phase. On one hand, this perk can add an entire health state worth of healing to the exit gate, which may be strong in many circumstances. On the other hand, once the Obsession evades the killer at the revelation of this perk – the survivors can walk away with hardly any detriment at all. It can work very well, it may not do much at all – but it would at least be a potential game changer that warrants a perk slot.

    The core idea is to force survivors to glue themselves to the exits for longer and to punish them for leaving them at 99%. If they want to get out, they're going to have to commit to the EGC.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Hitting the Obsession gains tokens up to 8. Each token adds 1/2/3 seconds to the Exit Gate Opening bar. This is doubled for the Obsession. Exit gate progress regresses a 1c/4s

    I was talking about it affecting the Obsession, not the Obsession getting the double effect as well. 24 seconds extra for opening is basically nothing. No Way Outs duration is barely even passable and that's much more.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    What about 32 or 40?

    IMO, the big draw is the 1c/4s regression - which makes 99% gates impossible. Knowing that the exit takes so long to charge up may make losing that progress hurt so much more.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Hitting the Obsession gains tokens up to 8. Each token adds 1/2/3 seconds to the Exit Gate Opening bar. This is doubled for the Obsession. Exit gate progress regresses a 1c/4s

    I think 32 or 40 sounds acceptable if its affecting the Obsession as well and the gates get the passive regression. The regression is a big draw but it's also at a very slow rate, not normal opening speed so I think that's alright. I like that it also gives a little more synergy to BW as well since you'll more likely have people that just open them instead of 99ing when they see you're running it. I doubt people would 99 at all if they saw you running it.