As a community we need to talk about the meta

Forewarning this is directly inspired by Tofu's latest video on mmr and the meta I highly recommend you watch it. But we as a community need speak up and let the devs understand almost all of our problems with the game stem from the meta. This extends to the comp scene too. The game is balanced you can look at the cursed tournament where everything was allowed and the games remained even. Comp players ban perks because they're unfun which should indicate just how unfun these perks are. Even the devs acknowledge it in their mmr update post. They talk about players of higher skill wanting more variety and not to run meta.
From the killers perspective the meta of dead hard, unbreakable, ds, medkits, boon: CoH, bt are all not just strong but unfun. it isn't fun to lose to a perk it feels like you're losing to game design more than to a player's skill. It doesn't matter how much perks are buffed because unless they're buffed to insane levels like Boil Over was they just won't be used by players who want to win and even if perks are buffed to that level just as we saw with Boil Over it just isn't a good idea.
From the survivor perspective slowdown, noed, and camping and tunneling need to be addressed. Why would a killer ever run anything but 3-4 slowdowns and maybe noed? There's nothing more deflating than watching a gen lose 15%-50% progress then get blocked for 45 seconds. or watching a survivor get tunneled out 3 minutes in. Or even camped for the full 2 minutes
Obviously game design changes to discourage camping and tunneling will take much more work than shaking up the perks but we as a community need to keep bringing it up politely to the devs. We all need to be asking the devs when will the meta be nerfed on every post, every dev update, and every survey. Until they understand this needs to be priority 1 or else we're just going to get band-aid fix after band-aid fix for the symptoms instead of the cause.
I watched that video and it amounted to 'well, if this game was completely changed from the ground up it would be slightly better'.
To your specific points:
- DH and CoH, yes. Unbreakable is fine, medkits you can at least drain. If you see multiple medkits, you can bring Franklins, sloppy or the new Hemo. CoH is the outlier as it's insanely powerful and infinite.
- NOED...yeah, needs a rework - but the endgame needs to matter more for survivors.
- Regression perks are totally fine, and the killer meta is more varied than it ever has been. I'd say something like 50% of killer perks are completely viable, and that's incredible.
- How the hell is a gen losing 50% progress and getting DMS'd without an absolute 'stars align' situation or serious misplays?
- Boil Over was silly - anyone could have told BHVR what would happen in practice. The perk is just badly designed - if it's viable, it's horrible to play against.
- Camping, yes. But ye gods is that hard to fix.
- Tunneling...same thing. If you're going to force killers to hook everyone twice before killing everyone, killers will never win - and it's impossible to distinguish a killer tunneling from someone just playing too boldly.
I'd love to see this game get a teardown rework (and moved to UE5), but it's not going to happen - especially as it looks like the game might have peaked sometime last year.
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It is absolutely fixable. Even if its just perk changes. And thats the point. Rather than saying eh we know and giving up we can at least nudge them in the right direction. Also it doesnt take the stars to align for a gen to be hit by pain resonance blocking it with dms and potentially following it up with pop
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It's impossible to kick a Generator with PGTW if it's afllicted by DMS, I think you should take a look at how the Perks actually function
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The thing is that the killer meta never needs nerfing and the survivor meta always needs nerfing. Sorry, I said it.
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hey, sitting 45 seconds next to gen is next level strats. I see survivors do it all the time.
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I'd die to see a Killer use PGTW and DMS together, wait at a Generator to kick it with PGTW, only to realize Pop ran out and D/C immediately
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Im sorry I was giving an example. My point stands the killer meta shouldn't be variations of 4 slowdown perks
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Like half of the posts on these here official forums are complaining about or asking for nerfs of meta perks (mostly on the survivor side). So I’m not sure what you mean?
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Categorize all the meta perks on both sides and then disable them for a week (or even a month) and see what the overall outcome is amongst the community; what perks are used, kill/escape rate number fluctuation, levels of toxicity, overall feel of the game without these apparent crutches, daily number of players, etc.
Do something different for a change, instead of continual bs nerf/buff cycles.
Edit: Players more than likely don’t even need all these perks anyway.
Play bare bones for a while and it’s evident how spoiled we are.
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It's not hard to pinpoint why DS, Unbreakable and BT are basically permanently fixed to Survivor builds. They attempt to solve specific issues and the frequency of use indicates that those issues happen all the time.