Opinions on the new MMR system?

Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

I am personally finding myself not wanting to que up after just one game. I am either getting demolished or sweating so bad I have to change my shrit.


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Then you're probably at a pretty high MMR.

    If you want to chill, play chill. Your MMR will eventually adjust.

    Aside from SBMM issues caused by queue dodging, it's a lot better than ranks were.

  • ScarBack
    ScarBack Member Posts: 14

    I disagree. I play at a low-ish MMR because I constantly let survivors escape on purpose (I get 2 hooks on everyone and let them escape out of exit gates) and still get extremely sweaty survivors running the best perks, items, and addons you can think of.

    In fact, I once played 30 games of Doctor where I let EVERY survivor escape (that’s 120 survivor escapes) and then started playing normally, and there was not a single difference in the survivor skill. MMR does not adjust the way you think it does. The system quite simply doesn’t work, and I’ve heard the same thing from everyone else I’ve talked to about this topic.

  • ScarBack
    ScarBack Member Posts: 14

    The “new” MMR system is not any better at all. If you told me that Behavior just made it all up when they said that they tweaked the system, I would 100% believe you. Every single game is sweaty survivors with the same builds (DH, Unbreakable, Prove Thyself, COH, etc), same items, and same toxic tendencies to teabag you when you haven’t tunneled or camped anyone.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I hate to say it, but you're either fibbing or encountering a bug.

    If I start winning, after 5 or 6 4ks I'll be facing obviously better survivors. Ditto losing.

  • XerraFox
    XerraFox Member Posts: 157
    edited April 2022

    It sucks, tbh..

    As Survivor: Befor the change Solo q was already bad, but still decent sometimes. Now every game I end up in lobbies with mates that don't even do gens, are hiding the whole game or even bodyblocking to net get caught themselves - I guess I must be at the end of the foodchain by now regarding MMR cause of all the lost matches.

    As Killer: Either lobbies that destroy me within minutes or lobbies that I destroy within minutes. Until now almost just those two extremes. Only a few matches where I would've said "Yep, that was a match on par!"

    Edit: Just like others I'll have to wait until this double XP end - maybe something changes then :)

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Literally! (not even tmi, either)

    If I’m chillin on the couch jus watching a movie, I’m good, but the tendency for sweatiness is shirt-changingly intensified when its DBD, smh🙄

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Most of the players still playing will be experienced. Matchmaking can only do so much.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    They better remove it entirely because nothing changed and since then they will lose playerbase nostop

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Feels exactly the same to me. So terrible.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    There is no new MMR system.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    The MMR system was not very well thought out from the drawing board.

    The Developers, understandably, want a very simple and eloquent system to determine MMR - however, in practice, I'm convinced things must be far more robust.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    There absolutely is a difference is survivor strengths between MMRs. My survivors with Blight are much harder than the survivors that I play against with Legion.

    I will give you this, They're both running the same meta perks, but is that really so hard. I can put together a meta survivor build together in 30 hours on a new account.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594
    edited April 2022

    Mixed. It's fairly solid when populations are lower and completely falls apart if you're queuing solo survivor at peak hours. 350 is too wide of a survivor range. I'd at least like them to consider bidirectional matchmaking for players above the cap. Would only affect a small percentage of players but help prevent the remaining edge cases of 200 hr players mixing with 4000 hr players.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    MMR works great for me. Much better than rank-based matchmaking ever was. I hated rank-based matchmaking. I would get to purple ranks and start losing every game but not pipping down. When it came close to rank reset, if I had managed to pip down to green, I'd outright stop playing because I'd be afraid to pip up to purple ranks because I wanted to reset to yellow and have fun again. Now, if the games are too difficult, I just use the match to practice, lose, and move to the next game. I don't have to wait a month or completely throw an entire game for 4 other people just to rank down.

    MMR seems to start giving me easier matches after a losing streak. I lose a few, turn off the game, come back, and the games seem to be easier. I'm sometimes a bit disappointed because sometimes it feels like it adjusts too much and I start beating up on babies.

    I'd probably guess I'm somewhere in the middle so I get the most opportunities for getting matched up with other teams. If you're at the top or the bottom you'll probably end up having a worse time just because it has a harder time finding people for you to face so it has to find someone with a large variation. If you were already in low MMR to begin with and you start throwing games to never get a kill, you're probably not going to change your MMR at all or find "easier" matches because you're already in the easier matches.

    It was too easy to safety pip at all levels in rank-based.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    From what I understand they just recently (in the past week) changed how matches are put together slightly? I know at least one thing they did was lower the MMR cap. I suppose I could have worded it better, the way players have matched up has changed slightly. It feels worse to me, my teamates are less reliable but the killers have either gotten better or not changed.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    That's exactly what they did and my experience is pretty much the same as yours. My SoloQ experience has plummeted. Before, I would usually go up against super good killers but at least my teammates were cranking out gens full force. If I wasn't the first one found, I had a chance to escape. Now, the killers aren't that super top of the line, but they are very competent with their powers and my teammates are allergic to gens and they don't last longer in chases either, a significantly larger portion of the matches are now 4ks. And my Killer MMR refuses to lower as well, I must have lost like 10-15 matches with Nemesis in the past two days and the survivors are just as good as they were before.