Question for killer main who play in high mmr

Pannat1 Member Posts: 28

Do you avoid getting stun on open loop? ( Where survivor can clearly see you where mindgame can happen) or do you just care on getting pallet out asap

Do you go back and forth on open loop?


  • OzzyJolt
    OzzyJolt Member Posts: 25

    Depends which killer you're playing and the safety of the pallet/loop(also perks you're running tbh).

    If we're talking about a simple chase scenario with no use of killer's power, i'd rather not respecting safe pallets and consume their strongest resources as fast as possible, otherwise i try to mindgame a little bit and hopefully being able to hit the survivor.

    This "rule" doesn't works well with every killer. For instance, if you're playing Plague you don't want to get stunned while you're using corrupt purge and you can get an easy hit if the loop has no medium/high obstacles.

    Another example is blight, if you are good at using his power, you can end the chase very fast even if the survivor has a good loop and sees you.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I have no idea my rating but I imagine it's relatively high (or maybe it's super low, who knows!). If I can avoid taking the stun, I will. Usually I will do the stutter step to either get them to throw down without hitting me.

    This also comes in handy later as some of the craftier survivors see me do this in the beginning, in which case then I take the swing and go for the hit (and risk taking the stun). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but I've found that faking the swing the first go around will allow me to connect with the swing the second time around.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    You can’t see MMR

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    If you are playing M1 killer you can't respect pallets. You do that? Enjoy your loops even more.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Nobody can see their mmr.

    On to the actual question, if the loop is also unsafe, I avoid the stun. Safe loop, I get rid of the pallet.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    It is situational.

    But 9/10 you do not respect a pallet. What will happen? you will just loosing time in the circle with eventual pallet drop and not to mention survivor will also try to squeeze last inch of the loop with a help of the DH.

    TLDR; more pallets gone in early game. Easier it gets in late game

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    As a rule of thumb, never respect the pallet : you are only prolonging chase duration.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Depends on multiple factors, but as a general rule of thumb, I usually try and avoid getting stunned the first time. If the survivors I'm going up against are greedy however, I'll just go ahead and eat every pallet face first if need be. You DON'T want to waste a quarter of a gen's time stopping twice when they just don't drop and continue looping you.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    Either way is just as risky.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's more about making a read on the player you're versing, theres no set answer.

    A great example is the car loops with small pile to one side, obviously you know of they drop the pallet you can go round and get a hit however the survivor also knows that and if you go round and he reads that he can run round the whole car again.

    So you have to make a read on if hes actually gonna drop it or hes baiting it out. You can try bait you're going round and then dont and this might be enough to fall them.

    In the end it dont matter as the survivor has DH and will likely just greed everything as they have the ability to get free distance.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Hiding mmr is such nonesense. Hunt has mmr clearly visible and it works really well. You can even hide your mmr from yourself if you don't like the feedback on where your mmr level is at. Some peole want a transparent look at there mmr they should have it.

    Back on topic if you killer isnt using there power to pressure the pallet stun free there probably not suited for high mmr. But if your willing to tough it out. Don't respect pallets.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Best bet is to mix it up. There's a fine line between hesitating vs tipping your fedora and saying "m'pallet". Or play Nurse