I want a joke perk that increases the volume of grunts of pain.
just imagine when u play bill and u cough so loud it would deafen the killer. or when u get hit you will scream louder
please add this to dbd
I'd use it.
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*flashbacks to old Elodie screams* please don't, spare my ears
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Imagine you're working on a gen and suddenly the Jane on the other side of the map gets injured. Now you have to hear her moan all game.
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Freddy has an add-on that does just that. Not the deafening part, but simply making survivors' injured noises louder as an add-on. 🤦♀️
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You need to be in dream world to activate it.
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That too. Unbelievable when I first saw it.
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How about a perk that makes all the survivors grunts of pain and screams into laughs.
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As much as I wanted the slowdown addons gone, what they were replaced with is genuinely just sad.
I swear they just straight up don’t know what to do with freddy in general.
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Should bring old Freddy back in that addon. Once in the dream world you can see survivors outside of your terror radius. They kept it in the pill bottle add on.
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You can't escape Elodie's magnificent voice.
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Don't forget the all powerful 4k Everytime addon: "Makes their footsteps 50% louder.
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This could unironically be a legit perk:
"When another Survivor in a X m radius of you becomes injured their grunts of pain are reduced by Y% for Z seconds and you make grunts of pain with increased volume instead."
Helps you protect teammates by drawing attention to yourself so they can escape.
Call it "Drama Queen" or something.
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I think nurse also has an addon that makes survivors louder when they are injured. Think it's the bent spoon one
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Yes it one of her perk turn into an add on.
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I think this is a great idea. I think it would be a beneficial and balanced perk if the entire team went deaf whenever someone got injured. It's honestly very balanced and a great perk that could and should be in everyone's build.
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i want a Perk that gives you 50% Bonus BP at the end of the Game for every free Perkslot.
So a Maximum of 150% or even 200% if you use WGLF
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Just play Jill.
Loudius Maximus.
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Or get one of these neon outfits. Anti Blendette edition.
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Just play Jeff lol
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Imagine a perk that made grunts of pain omnidirectional, that would be crazy.
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Two Jill's and two Jeff's on a team would be awesome.
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Stridor: Am I a joke to you ?
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What if we had a survivor perk that caused the grunts of pain to come from a different direction? We can call it Throw Voice ;p