Sick of this trash game - You can't play anything other that top teir killers or you get dunked.



  • XiiOhItsTemiiX
    XiiOhItsTemiiX Member Posts: 4

    A demogorgon barely stands to get a 2k in matches at high level, in what world do you think demo is viable if killers like the twins are not?

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    haha Ikr, I swear it is the best thing in the world to outplay full meta squads like that using the good and old Clown and even the brown party bottle. I wish I had recorded some matches cause it gets really silly often, some really last less than 3mins. I love this build and killer with all my heart

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    Crossed out Twins?

    Yeah their annoying to control but god damn their potential is incredibly high. Like god damn if you played against good Twins you'll realize how oppressive they are.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768


    -Hover mouse cursor over killer roster


  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    Actually no I don't. As survivor I don't care if I die, as long as I get to do things in the match like a generator or 2, cleanse totems, get some heals & unhooks, etc. As killer, I'm fine with 2k or 3k matches too, but what bugs me is why make certain killers unfeasible for getting Red 1 killer rank? I'm a Michael main and if I want to play solely as him for a "season" to try to get to Red 1 rank, it won't happen because he's too slow & against some of the better players and SWF teams, it would take him too long to get enough kills to get control of the match. Meanwhile someone like Pyramidhead is a lot more versatile & reliable to get that Red 1 rank if a player would stick solely to him. Just his cage of atonement (if you get survivors to walk on his trails) bypasses the need to pick up & hook survivors which turned out to be impossible in a match I had on RPD a couple nights ago when I was trying to take a Yui to hook and couldn't move her 10m without her wiggling out every time. Not to mention his built in mori that he can do after a survivor reached the 2nd phase and is affected by his trail.

    I think killers should be balanced more so that if someone wanted to solely play as any one of them, they could get that Red 1 rank with whoever they like best rather than have to use killers they don't like/enjoy as much.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Hey again. I just wanted to make a quick correction, because you made a somewhat false statement.

    As a matter of fact it's completely possible to get only 2k every match (as killer, obviously) and play casually and still pip all the way to iridescent 1 rank. I know this because I have done so for some time now, and it's actually a very chill experience and not that difficult at all.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

    As much as i adore Trickster, there is no way you unironically didn't cross him out

    He's bad, like, really bad, it doesn't even hurt me to say that the only way Trickster would be good is if he got rid of the knives and picked up a shotgun

  • iamhnf
    iamhnf Member Posts: 77

    To be honest you sound just like my friend. Always whining about how sweaty the survivors are, then after losing a few games (survivors will be easier after losing a few games) he will get merciless killer or 4K every chance he get at an easy game. You complain about having a rough game at higher MMR but you rekt survivors at a lower MMR, imagine how the survivors at lower MMR feel. Don't get me wrong, some killers are lacking and I agree some low tier killers do need a buff but not to an extent where it is on the same tier as nurse and blight if not the game is just lacking and become more unbalanced.

    Just get 2 kills or less often for each killer and eventually all your killers will reach a MMR bracket where its more fun to just play chill and with random perks. If you really want to dominate, you can always down the last two and let them go (just for the sake of feeling superior or whatever feelings people may feel from it) . But if you really insist on killing all 4 then do not complain about getting rekt by higher MMR survivors. Although I feel the game is very survivor sided, I still feel it's not as bad to have MMR just because I rather play in a lower to midrange MMR and not cause me to feel anxious when playing killer.

    As the developer has set for MMR, just follow it and adapt to it. 1-2 kills = lose MMR & 3-4 kills = gain MMR , each killer has an individual MMR so play around with MMR and you'll get a very comfortable MMR to play a chill game. I play some of the crossed out killers in your list but I do not have a problem getting consistent 4K (if I wanted to) before all 5 gens get done. If you must ask, the survivors in my games can loop decently, do flashlight saves and sabotage things at times. I do not camp or tunnel, though I do camp toxic survivors. At times MMR do not work, and I do get sweaty survivors. I had a rough game, but hey who cares, end the game and move on. I am still able to get Iri 1 because Iri 1 doesnt represent how good my games are, it just shows how much I played.

    Before people say I am douche for smurfing etc, it's just a game and I am just adapting to MMR. Games are meant to be chill and played how one wants it to be played.

    All I can say is you do you, people just needs to chill more when playing DBD if not just quit this game altogether.