New Survivor Idea: Seraphim

Forcing her way into the Entity's Realm, the Seraphim is an Unwelcome guest in the trials.
Endless Faith: When the Endgame Collapse begins, hook progression slows by 10/15/20% as long as you remain in the trial.
"I am here to help. You are not forgotten."
Guardian Angel: When the Endgame Collapse begins, survivors that move within 6/7/8m of you gain the Guarded status Effect. If a survivor would be put into the Dying State by the Killer, you take that attack instead and all Survivors lose Guarded.
"You will escape, I promise."
Radiant Hope: Stunning the killer also gives all other Survivors the Undetectable status effect for 5/10/15 seconds while also revealing your Aura to everyone in the Trial for it's duration. This has a cool down of 60 seconds.
"I don't care if I'm here for all Eternity, my hope will not fade."
Edits: removed OP abilities, thank you for feedback!
super cool concept
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I like the idea of a divine force coming to the game to fight the Entity. That first perk will make any and all Seraphim players immediate targets of the killers.
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Guess it'll make players think before playing as Seraphim. Good for loopers, bad for gen jockeys.
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Endless Faith: Too abusable.
Radiant Hope: Unhealthy design.
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Could you elaborate? I would like to know why. I see Endless Faith as a Last Chance perk.
Radiant Hope is to pull the killer's attention to the Seraphim player (or whoever is running it)
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Endless Faith: Just loop the killer around the hook or hide somewhere near the hook. It makes it literally stupid and detrimental for the killer to just leave, but chasing you/looking for you because they know you're somewhere near (eg, scratch marks) punishes them anyways for a situation you essentially forced them into in the first place. This ends up in a lose-lose situation for the killer where no matter what they do, they get punished, including for playing it out correctly (not leaving the hook and continuing to chase/look for you). Giving a chance for rescue on third hook at all is completely beyond overpowered and game-breakingly busted. People do not need ANOTHER chance at that point.
Radiant Hope: Killer hooking survivors, and survivors unhooking other survivors, is part of natural gameplay. It is intended both happen. This perk punishes the killer in a completely different situation for something that this game is balanced around happening, which can literally ruin any chase. Furthermore, the aura reveal after does not balance out the initial effect. The effect only gets more ridiculous when multiple survivors take it. Imagine all four people take it. Now you have the killer getting blinded literally every single time someone unhooks while the killer is doing other things. This actively punishes the killer for NOT camping to deny an unhook when they're doing other things.
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Understood. Thank you for the quick response, I'll just delete this after a while.
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You don't need to, there's nothing wrong with having ideas. This is just part of a healthy and civil discussion, which is a good thing.
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id rather have a proposition get rationally shutdown than another us vs them ######### flinging contest