New patch but the same old xD
They tried really hard to bully me with tea bags after every vault or drop and flashlight clicked, I camped the survivor on the hill and he reached struggle withitn the first 2min of the game and then they all Dcd:
Game 2: Hooked at the endgame someone at the corner window jungle gym and I bodyblocked the survivor who tried to save till the person died, I just blocked the front side of the hook since the walls make the entrance very thin and hard to reach.
Its funny and sad at the same time :/
The quadruple DC. That I have never seen before.
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What can I say, I make the impossible possible
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They tried really hard to bully me with tea bags
How the heck can you bully someone with tbags?
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Something i noticed. The games with COH in them 2 survivors escaped.
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What a great pick up line 😉
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Fine work.
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Didn’t you know that pressing the ctrl button is really toxic and can cost the killer the game? I wish there was a way to avoid the bullying like ignoring it but that’s too hard
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First picture is looks like from old DbD...
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Achievement unlocked
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-No Bloodpoints
hmmm GZ dear Survs..... -.-
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I highly doubt that was cause of COH cause who in their right mind would heal at 50% speed against a Legion?
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everyone heals against Legion.
Ask me how I know.
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50% bonus speed you mean. Been playing legion all day and survs keep healing with it. Don't think i have had a game where i hit 5 survivors with frenzy or didn't have coh in it.
Nothing has changed.
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So u camped that survivor because you were triggered by teabagging?
I don't blame anyone for camping, but I personally only camp for strategic reasons. And I've been offended for less.
Yesterday I had a perfect demo match at Wreckers Yard. After realizing that all survivors were still alive after the 8th hook (damn fair play XD), I switched to camping mode because the survivor was hooked in the middle of my 3 gen. 8 Stacks STBFL and 1 gen left. They didn't hate me, cuz they knew it was my only way to win the match.
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They’re to use to bullying old weakest killer Legion it’s shocking their system.
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by playing a full stack swf with very strong perks and almost the strongest items on everyone. Did you even look at the loadout?
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I didnt camp for emotional reasons, I got a hill hook at the corner of the map. Why should I let go of such a good position? A hill hook at the corner of a map with used pallets which is now a dead zone is almost better then the basement.
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Old iri hatchets. Enough said.
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I have. Yours included? Are you bully too, by that logic?
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Their classic tactic is to try and call a skillful play anything but a skillful play.
Camp who you gotta camp.
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I had a pig game where all the survivors dc'ed in less than 15 seconds. (I was running Iri tape and rule set #2)
they DC'ed before I could even get to their side of the map.
also, karma, they sent me to RPD.
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Dont really get what you mean with that.
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I know thats what I am doing xD I camp,tunnel or slugg whenever I want and get the most pressure out of it simple as that.
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Same way you bullied with the no shake.
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Tea-bagging is just deliberate BM and should be punished just like chat harassment. It doesn't matter if you can ignore it.
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Funny how the first set was saying "playing like #########" when 2 of them had medkits and one of them was a god kit with a bottled time with a build that practically plays itself. I wonder how long they would last if they didn't have dh and windows...
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they even had suffo with 3 t walls next to each other but you know Legion op
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Lol, camping people and after they split they disappointment u trying to shame them on forum... I just see one thing, U are toxic...