I love the newest update but...
Honestly I think they did a great job this update.
-Representation of gay people (regardless of how you feel about who they chose)
-Legion feels stronger
-Legion chase music is pretty cool.
-Haddonfield feels more balanced (aside from the unreachable totems)
My issues:
-5 hours roughly of play time yesterday and didn't see a single Ghostface.
-On a connected note, I'm taking a short break from DBD because there's way too many Legion's for me to play 1 shot simulator or endless healing simulator
-I think hemorrhage effect can be lowered to 5% (or 6%) per second because that healing bar drops entirely too fast imo
-It's been a little laggy and rubber band-ish for me. Idk if anyone else has been feeling that
Tbh the ghostface changes are nice but nothing groundbreaking. He’s only slightly better
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I think people are avoiding playing ghostface because of his music.
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ironically, i have been playing for 2 hours yesterday and for another 2 hours today. And didnt go against a single Legion. Almost the entire Killer rooster but not Legion xD. Also, i hate going against new Ghostface, his Chase Music sounds so bad in my Opinion.
Dont know what it sounded like on the ptb cause i only played Legion there. But it sounds awful
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Just answering to that Laggy coment. - yes, you are not only one. I was looping killer around car on Haddonfield and i couldnt make it to pallet because of short time Lag, i was not having those before. But it happens sometimes on other maps too. I dont know what it depends on. I was also asking this at stream of popular dbd streamer playing only survivors. I got answer its not just me. Also i was spectating survivors after i died, teamate running on open field even not being in chase and he was having same short lags. Hopefully they fix it.
BTW i did this post about lags yesterday on forum, i think 2 hours after the Patch, its annoying when it happens in chase tho. I never had lags before playing DBD tho, just since yesterday Patch.
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My issue is that I’m sick of facing Legion every. single. match. I’m done playing survivor until the fad fades away
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Yes super rubber band issues even on the ptb ill be looping then either me or the killer rubber band making mind games hard to counter this game still has a great player base but the game itself is turning to #########.