I played surv on my killer only account

Before you attack me I needed some bp but got tired of playing killer and I played david with wglf.
It was too funny playing with people completely new to the game and just observing what they do. One bill didn't even knew about healing and was surprised when I healed him. He was so happy. Billy was completely lost and kicked gens all the time.
My god, It was funny and cute but I will never do this again.
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No one was bm'ing it was so wholesome.
I wonder what kind of people will these players end up to be after a while.
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I usually go solo on survivor mode and I seen some interesting stuffs too.i remember someone saying that they couldn't understand why pre-work Freddy can see them. I told them it was due to being outside terror radius. Teammates disappeared on me and then I see claud urban evading around a corner.
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Toxic nea Claud and feng players
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It's always cute when your are matched with beginners.
But when you are the killer you realize three of these guys will need to die else their MMR would rise as they've won against an experienced killer and yours will drop a lot and you may be sent against more of them.
Thanks MMR, how many puppies and kittens I've sent up because of that T_T.
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Fun in my DBD! We have to make a hotfix to convert this into sweat or toxicity thanks for bringing this topic up in the forums so we can look into it. We make sure to send Bubbas along the way as soon as possible.