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Artist Add-On Tier List

ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

It's that time again (had to write this post twice), and I decided to make another Add-on Tier List, but instead of making one for Demogorgon, I made one for Artist.

This post will go over each and every Add-on, explaining what they do and why they fit in each ranking. The Tier List will be ordered from S to F.

S - Best Of The Best

A - Really Strong Add-Ons

B - Good And Solid Add-Ons

C - Situational/Mediocre Add-Ons

D - Weak Add Add-Ons

F - Detrimental Add-Ons

Let's get onto the rankings!

After some more consideration, I've decided to switch up a few placements, like Matias' Baby Shoes, Silver Bell, Oil Paints and Garden Of Rot.

Any reasons for their new placements have been added.

S Tier:

Severed Hands

  • Any Survivor within 3 meters of a Survivor, who is being swarmed by Dire Crows, will also be swarmed

This Add-On is pure chaos. Grouping jl against it is impossible, healing is never save, nor is unhooking, and bodyblocking can get messy aswell.

A Tier:

Thick Tar

  • Increases the time required by Survivors to repel a Dire Crow Swarm by 0.5 seconds

This Add-On is good, as it gives you more leeway with birds, and unlike the next Add-On im going to cover, it has synergy with other Add-Ons

Festering Carrion

  • Reduces the cooldown time of Birds Of Torment after a Dire Crow takes flight by 0.5 seconds

Same as Thick Tar, but reduces the cooldown instead. It's still a very good Add-On, but barely weaker than Thick Tar.

O Grief, O Lover

  • Survivors swarmed by Dire Crows suffer from the Exhaustion Status Effect

Exhaustion is a strong Status Effect, and having the ability to pretty much control when you afflict Survivors with it is extremely strong.

B Tier:

Matias' Baby Shoes (Moved up into the S tier)

  • The Auras of Survivors within 5 meters of an idle Dire Crow are revealed to you for 3 seconds

It's good. It denies mind game possibilities Survivors have when losing line of sight, aswell as making indoor Maps way less safe, as long as they're close enough to your bird, which most of the time they are, guaranteeing this Add-Ons usefulness.

Severed Tongue

  • Reduces the slow down duration of The Artist when Dire Crows take flight by 0.5 seconds

This is more or less a QOL buff, but it's a good one. It reduces the punishment of missing a Dire Crow, while also rewarding you when successfully hitting it, as you can get a sneaky M1 thanks to this Add-On.

Velvet Fabric

  • When a Survivor attempts to Repel a Dire Crow Swarm, the Swarm's Aura remains visible for another 1.5 seconds

It's a solid Add-On that allows you to get more cross-map snipes.

Thorny Nest

  • Survivors damaged by Dire Crows suffer from the Hemmorrhage and Mangled Status Effects

It's a ranged Sloppy Butcher, and with the new Hemmorrhage buff, this Add-On is pretty useful.

Silver Bell (Moved up to the A tier)

  • Survivors swarmed by Dire Crows suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect

This Add-On grants Artist a pretty good level of stealth and potentially granting you surprise attacks, greatly shortening chase times, without nerfing your Power, unlike another Add-On we'll get onto later.

C Tier:

Untitled Agony

  • Survivors swarmed by Dire Crows suffer from the Hindered Status Effect for 1.5 seconds

While Hindered is a good Status Effect, 1.5 seconds on a ranged attack varies in terms of usefulness, from straight up useless to mildy effective.

Still Life Crow

  • Increases the idle time of Dire Crows before they disintegrate by 4 seconds

Having more idle time isn't the most useful effect you could possibly have, as setting up birds way in advance isn't the best choice as an Artist, 4 seconds is quite impactful.

Automatic Drawing

  • Reduces the cooldown time of Birds of Torment after a Dire Crow disintegrates from inactivity by 1.5 seconds

It's meh. Having your birds disintegrate isn't useful most of the time, so decreasing something that should barely happen isn't that good.

Oil Paints

  • Increases the Killer Instinct Detection radius of Dire Crows by 1.5 metres

It's not exactly a good Add-On, but increasing the range of Killer Instinct isn't that bad.

D Tier:

Iridescent Feather

  • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect whenever Birds of Torment is on cooldown and The Artist holds no Dire Crows
  • Reduces the number of Dire Crows The Artist is able to hold by 1 Dire Crow

This just gets outshined by Silver Bell, while also reducing your bird amount by 1.

Choclo Corn

  • Increases the idle time of Dire Crows before they disintegrate by 2 seconds

Same as Still Life Crow, but weaker.

Vibrant Obituary

  • Increases the Killer Instinct duration of Dire Crows by 1.5 seconds

It's bad, I don't have much to say.

Darkest Ink

  • Survivors swarmed by Dire Crows suffer from the Blindness Status Effect
  • This effect persists for 15 seconds after Dire Crows are repelled from the Survivor

Blindness is a bad Status Effect, plain and simple, and making an Add-On based around it that that also only lasts 15 seconds is not good.

Garden Of Rot

  • When a Survivor completes the Repel action, they suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 4 seconds

This Add-On shouldn't realistically activate more than once per Trial, unless you're hiding it until it is absolutely necessary, which is probably the best way to use it, but when it activates, it permanently endangers Survivors with the threat of the Add-On, "slowing" their repel time down.

F Tier:

Charcoal Stick

  • The Auras of flying Dire Crows are no longer visible
  • The Auras of Dire Crows are visible for 0.5 seconds upon being summoned

Birds are so fast there's barely enough time to react to them, so giving Survivors an early warning isn't a good idea.

Ink Egg

  • Increases the number of Dire Crows The Artist is able to hold by 1 Dire Crow
  • Reduces the Idle time of Dire Crows before they disintegrate by 4 seconds

Having 4 birds isn't useful, as using them would have a really long cooldown that isn't worth using, so most of the time so you'll only see the downside of less bird time.

Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on


  • DattPugg
    DattPugg Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    I would agree with this list for the most part, but I think you have undervalued certain addons. First, Matias' Baby Shoes is gamechanging on: Tall loops, indoor maps, Jungle gyms etc. This addon conpletely negates the ability for survivors to mind game a bird and you will always land your melee birds if placed correctly. Also, Garden of Rot is actually a very devastating addon if you use it correctly. You had said in your explanation that it shouldn't activate more than once per trial, and if you make it obvious this is very true. The key to this addon is to hide it. Don't use it immediately because a coordinated team will know you have it. Wait until you need this; a generator is about to pop and you have a scourge hook, they're about to reach a safe pallet etc. Then you can make use of this addon when it counts and they'll never see it coming. Another thing to avoid is to act like you have it, don't just hug the survivors back waiting for them to repel. If they're smart they'll know you have it. Make it seem like you're going for another bird to hit them, either fake it or you can even place it and then when they repel-BAM instadown. The reason this might happen multiple times a trial is because there will probably be more situations like this: repel and be instadowned or alternatively take a bird hit and make barely any distance.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,099

    I personally think you're undervaluing Silver Bell. It plus Severed Hands is hands down my favorite addon combo with her. Even without the hands, bell is amazing for firing at gens. Survivors have no idea if you're approaching the gen or not, so they'll pretty much always run off in a panic - which is nice if you're not pressuring the gen, but if you are headed towards them, they don't know what direction you're coming from and they'll often run straight into you for a free hit.

    And while I agree it's tricky to get value out of Garden of Rot without doing a cheese strategy that's easily recognized, it does have value in making survivors less eager to repel once they discover the addon is in play, which makes it easier to land birds. It's definitely better than her other iri, which is a much worse Silver Bell.

    Agree with all your other placements, though - this is a very good list. It is sad that Artist is in that category of killers where her browns and yellows are stronger than her iris, but at least she has some very good purples to make up for it.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I, for sure, undervalued Matias' Baby Shoes. Having that extra Aura reading is extremely strong, should've placed in A or maybe even S Tier.

    While I'm still not sold on Garden Of Rot being all that good of an Add-On, C tier seems like a better placement.

    While I still don't think Silver Bell is better than B tier, having it at the bottom wasn't that good of a choice either. Boosting it to the top of B tier would've been a better choice.

    Didn't think about Garden Of Rot "slowing" the Survivors' repel time when ranking it, good point

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,784
    edited April 2022

    Overall a solid list, but baby shoes and oil paints are underrated. Oil paints’ extra killer instinct range can help a lot more than you’d think.

    I would also say ink egg is not worse than charcoal stick, but it still isn’t that good.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Matias' Baby Shoes is actually really strong and is at least A tier, maybe even S. The aura reading can help a lot in most instances.

    Silver Bell is definitely at least A tier. Oblivious is very valuable.

    Everything else I can agree with.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I still don't think Oil Paints being higher than C tier makes sense, but I can see why it could be better than the rest of the Add-Ons in that specific tier.

    I think Ink Egg is worse, as you never get any benefit from it, where as with Charcoal Stick, you can get some benefit from it

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    The only argument I have is that Ink Egg can be used in niche builds. If you slap on pain res, dms, deadlock, and corrupt, you can basically get your first down and just camp them while you can send 4 birds out to the gens instantly blocking them. It's super boring and cheap gameplay, but there is a niche way to use that perk. Charcoal stick is just bad. It barely can be used to have any positive purpose. I agree with your list overall though (as an Artist main).

    I will say though that I think you undervalued Automatic Drawing a little bit. I still think it belongs in C tier, but it should be top of C tier. With my playstyle of artist, I try to exclusively only use one bird at a time because it is the most efficient way to get damage states. As everyone knows, the counterplay to artist is to hold W and try to not corner yourself, so being able to let that single bird disintegrate and get your power back sooner can be pretty significant.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Even her best add-ons are kinda meh compare to some other S tier addons for different killers. That's okay because she has strong base kit.

    I would say that overall her add-ons are kinda "meh".

  • Trickstom
    Trickstom Member Posts: 118

    As a Artist Main, here is mine:

    S-Velvet Fabric: Easily her best addon and the most underrated as well, not only help in chase but it also help you get cross-map snipes easier (which is the most fun part of the Artist).

    A-Severed Hands: This one is JUST A BIT overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's a amazing addon, but it's just inconsistent and you need discordance to actually get good value of this. And if survivors are smart enough, they will start to split up, wich is bad for you.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I disagree hard with her best Add-Ons being "meh" compared to other Killer's best Add-Ons. Her's have really good synergy with her other best Add-Ons.

    The Severed Hands Add-On has synergy with O Grief, O Lover, Silver Bell and Thorny Nest, some of her other really good Add-Ons

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    The problem is the synergy she has with her add-ons is that they can be easily countered if the survivor hops into a locker. Also, they just said her add-ons overall as meh, she definitely has some add-ons that are viable/good, but overall they're just nothing special when you compare them with killers like Nurse or Blight.