im leaving again here's why

sorry but i cant anymore there still subtle cheaters in this game for the last 2 days i had obsessions who ignore the mori part of rancor who i cant mori their obviously cheating and the lack of fun that it gives to play killer is not there anymore time to move on to beter games where there is not a anti cheat that gets broken within a day sorry but ive supported and defended the devs of this game a lot but the sheer lack of enthousiasm these devs have is no longer tollerable for me no wonder people are leaving this game
And you shall return again too.
I agree on the cheaters tho
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Good luck in the next game you play :)
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See you tomorrow
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Mate, rancor is actually bugged, I tested it yesterday with a friend in kyf and in a normal match just to be sure about it...
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There is a bug report in with regards to Rancor not proc'ing to give the mori option on survivors.
However, if you have decided that the game is not for you, I wish you well and hope you find another game that suits you better.