Will DS/totem reworks ever be addressed? Survivors, enjoy the season of Billy/Nurse.
Although I know the PTB literally just came out, this is something I feel needs to be addressed early. Like, now. Survivors received some very strong perks this season. This is okay and not my gripe here, players will adapt to the changes as they always do in online games. However, there is still issues that I feel like are not being addressed which are going to make this new season very frustrating for killers. With DS, hook breaks and aura blocking abilities, these are some very strong perks crammed into tiny trials.
So let's please get to the bottom of the problem here. Time in the trial and multiple issues that still haven't been addressed (HELLO LF's CHILI ADDONS THAT HAVE BEEN BROKE FOREVER!!!!!) Generators are already completed at an incredibly quick rate. With the new survivor perks, this will potentially make this even worse without any fixes that have been promised to us.
1.) Decisive Stike
The issue with DS isn't that it's a "get out of jail free card", it's that it changes the entire dynamic of the game. How many times do you give up a chase just because the survivor has DS and you don't want to deal with it? With a trial lasting as quick as 5 minutes, DS extends the time to hook a survivor. A killer has two choices, eat the DS (no map pressure) or leave the survivor slugged (no hook). This is just a huge waste of time for the killer, time a killer doesn't have in a trial especially with the surplus of strong survivor perks heading to DBD. This is just crazy that this perk has been rampant for so long. At the very least, give killers a proper counter (and no Rancor or dribbling is not a counter).
The bottom line is DS is bad because of the short time given to a killer in a trial.
2.) Totem Placement
The totems are placed right in front of survivors or in front of hooks. It's not rare to see your totem completely nullified within the first 20 seconds of a trial. However, Ruin is just too precious of a perk too surrender. A killer is relying on RNG to hope for a good totem placement. On the flipside, I don't believe Ruin should last all trial either. All totem perks needs to be more consistent.
Then there's the issue of totems in general. No one even uses totem perks because they are so bad at being placed.
Survivors always complain about being matched with Billy/Nurse all the time. This is the reason. Killers are funneled into playing these killers because they have the best map control. It will only get worse this season when people have no desire to play the weaker killers because matches end so quick and their best perks now have a counter.
Now. On top of this, what about the base game fixes? Where's the Freddy buff? What about broken add-ons? How about perks that need buff like WGLF or every other garbage perk no one uses? There's so much content being pumped out but no fixes for prior issues. Fix the prior issues first, then release content otherwise the game will just be a mess.