A Petition to Let Killers Choose Their Own Chase Music

wreaver Member Posts: 24

With the release of the new Ghostface rework, many people have complained about his new chase music being extremely unpleasant to listen to, to the point where it can even cause headaches to some people. I've seen comments about people who refuse to play Ghostface now because of his unpleasant new music.

I myself have this problem not with Ghostface, but with Artist. Her chase music is really unpleasant for me to listen to and almost gives me a headache.

I am aware that chase music is part of the gameplay design in order to give survivors a chance to escape and it's the reason why we will never be able to mute chase music. That's fine, but because of this, I would like to ask the devs to seriously consider adding an option to let people choose if they want to listen to unique chase themes or the default themes. I think the direction many of the new chase themes have taken of being very loud and disorienting can cause people to have a really negative gameplay experience, so these people should have the option to revert back to the much easier on the ears default chase music.