what's the most incredible thing you've done

AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

Today I ran a Bubba for 4 gens and kept managing to vault just in time to avoid a sweep and force a tantrum multiple times. What crazy thing have you guys done


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I ALMOST got 5 Stacks of Pentimento but my inability to use my eyes and a Boon ruined everything

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Landing a game winning hook on Cenobite - sending the chain through shack door, out shack window and hooking the person as they ran past me.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
    edited April 2022

    As Nurse (no addons), in Ironworks of Misery, the basement was in the main building. I had a survivor hooked there. I heard the unhook notification and redirected the charge to blink inside and hit the rescuer. They ran outside and left me panting next to the hooks. I took a gamble, blinked immediately aiming at the outdoors side of the wall vault and grabbed the rescuer right on time. It almost never happens but it's so satisfying when it does.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Was getting shat on playing trapper on Thompson house. 3 people left last gen about to go. No pressure. *SNAP SNAP SNAP* Got them all too.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    I 4k a SWF team with 4 deadhard with adept ghostface perks. :(

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I was marked by a Ghostie during endgame and was almost gonna go down. I ended up running at him while he ran through a bush and I just crouched in the bush. He completely lost me.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Doing 5 gens,10min chase and getting a hex all in one trial

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I looped an Oni for the entire duration of his blood fury. TWICE. And managed to get out through the exit gates as the last survivor alive. I also looped a Freddy, a Bubba and a Demo for 4 gens, but the Oni match was far more incredible.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I pulled off my one and only “reload tech” as Clown. This is where you fake a reload to get a hit at a loop


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    4kd with Bubba in 2 and a half minutes on Badham. I take zero credit for it, that was all Lethal Pursuer and Double Chili value. All the action happened at the shack, where thankfully the basement happened to be.

    I managed to get a triple bonk with Oni on Lery's.

    Managed to complete 5 generators and escape against a Ghostface on old Cornwind with 2 teammates dead at 5 gens.(all megs fault btw). The other solo q rando and I went into ninja gen jockey mode and we actually managed to stealth the heck out of that Ghostface somehow. He showed me mercy once after I was hooked, but after that it was business as usual and he was patrolling gens.

    That's probably about it, as far as I can remember.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,824

    I cleansed 5 totems.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Space Billy in front of 3 enthralled survivors (the fourth was dealt with earlier)

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    Probably getting the left 4 dead achievement against doctor on myers map. Was the last man standing and lucked out having the last gen near the gates and hatch close by if I needed. Took a while but I managed to fully repair it while alternating between other Gen's to pop it and escape through the doors.

    Note: this was years ago and I forgot most of the match but that ending.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    I'm far from making "incredible" plays but I would say my greatest achievement is winning a game in under 3 minutes.

    I also have this little clip that's satisfying to watch. When aiming prediction goes exactly how you plan 😩

  • Pralinchen
    Pralinchen Member Posts: 7

    When only me and another guy were left, I ran the Trickster for the entire last 2 gens and an exit gate and we both escaped.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Glorious tank build revive

    kinda felt bad

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Not the most incredible thing I've done, but recently been messing with Legion due to his changes and getting downs on survivors who are healthy with the 5th strike of Feral Frenzy is really satisfying. Even had a survivor accuse me of cheating.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Actually winning a match as Trapper.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Not a spectacular snipe, but damn did it feel good.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223
    edited April 2022

    Running a decent Nurse for the last 2 gens when only me and 1 other survivor was left after she killed 2 with devour. We both made it out.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I ran a wraith for 4 gens, got facecamped (of course), saved without BT and tunneled but managed to run him while the last gen was done and escaped :)

    Also, in my early days i went on a suicide mission against a facecamping noed Bubba to sacrifice myself trying to save a Meg bc our other teammates had left, he missed the first hit so I got the unhook, he then tried to chainsaw us both but I managed to 360 him and make him tantrum against a tree, so we both managed to escape ^^ it wasn't a good Bubba but I was also a baby survivor and avoiding that chainsaw was the first and cleanest 360 i've ever done lol.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    This was like a month ago but

    We load into midwich a Steve DCs instantly because it's a nurse a meg kills herself instantly so it's me and a nea stealthing around the whole map doing all 5 gens her circle of healing saved us and we actually won a 2v1

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    I ran a head-on/deception/quick and quiet/iron will meme build. Map was Badham, killer was trickster. I was repairing the gen in the boiler room. Trickster chased Feng. Feng got downed above me. I ran into basement and to hide in a locker (definitely not because I didn't want to be chased next). Trickster carrying Feng came into basement and I head on saved Feng. I should mention that this wasn't a coordinated swf move. The stars aligned for this to happen.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    During my very first match as a survivor on Oct 8th, 2016 I unhooked someone after the gates were open and then jumped out the hatch.

    I only know the date from the achievements but I do remember the match lol

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Played last minute hero against a camping huntress whilst injured in Midwich. She went to the nearby locker to reload, it was right next to the hook. I swooped in, got the unhook and somehow both made it out alive.

    To give the huntress her due, she was camping during egc.

  • iamhnf
    iamhnf Member Posts: 77

    Not skill but just luck. Just wanna share it for the fun 😀

    Bubba camped the first two kills and managed to down me with NOED when I just opened the gate. Hooked me nearby and SURPRISINGLY he left since he was greedy for 4K and went to look for the last survivor at the other gate. Kobe'd after he left for a few seconds on the third try. All I can say is this is justice!!!