How do matchmaking ban regressions work?

aylawell Member Posts: 119

Im curious about how exactly you revert to "0" after recieving a matchmaking lockout.. is it that you have to play "X" amount of matches, win or lose? Or is it that you have to just let "X" amount of time pass? Or is it something entirely different.. ive unfortunately found myself with a 48 hour lockout because i guess my top tier internet is a lie xd. Went from 5 mins, to 6 hours, to 24 hours, to 48 hours. Which is a little ridiculous imo..but whatever. Im afraid to even play now cause whats next? 5 matches and a week lockout? I need help please lol


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Probably before you play again you should sort out what’s causing your disconnects. If you’re losing connection often enough to get a 48 hour ban then that’s definitely not stable enough.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,882

    We have not made public how the decay works, as we feel that this is something that could become abusable.

    I definitely suggest looking into why you're dropping connection - maybe a call to your ISP could shed some light on this.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I know it takes a while to even reach an hour. It's like a 5 min lockout 3 times and then it goes to 15 min and then to 30 min and then finally to 1 hour.