Anyone else feel like Billy is easier on controller?

I've been using my Epic account a lot recently, and while it's definitely far easier to back rev survivors, curving feels much more difficult. When it comes to the chainsaw, joysticks are no doubt the better option. The thing about curving with Billy on M&K is that you have to bind q and e to turn properly, this however, means that you only have 3 modes of movement while sprinting: turn left, turn right, and forward. Whereas on controller, you can precisely guide the joystick to the correct position, this makes adjusting the angle of your sprint far easier. So really it comes down your playstyle I suppose, but in my opinion, the most optimal way to play him involves using the saw a lot.
My ultimate goal is to one day be a billy god but man is he so hard to play. I should try this because it actually does sound like it could be easier. His sprint is just so sensitive on M&K especially with the faster mouse movements.
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The hardest part about playing Billy on controller is learning how to use the saw outside of sprinting, once you get that down, you become the best pub stomper aside from Nurse.
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Yes, curving is much smoother on controller and with a mouse you have to kind of type writer reset every so often if sensitivity isn’t really high. He’s one of the few killers I think is easier on console.
Getting used to MK is a hurdle switching from Console to PC, but you do acclimate.
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I remember playing Billy on console and had a similar thought. It was easier to play him with a controller vs keyboard and mouse
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I've never actually tried Billy on controller. Will do sometime.
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If this is true I am now a Billy main
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It’s how I became a Billy main. Started on console.
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Doesnt he have way more turning capabilities at the start of a revolution on m&k with max controller sensitivity? As in vs controller
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in my opinion no but then again I've sucked at hillbilly in all of his incarnations
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This is definitely me; I played on Steam with mouse & keyboard for quite some time before I got the game on PS4. I was previously decent with Hillbilly, but when I played him for the first time on PS4, I instantly felt like I had better control over chainsaw sprints with the controller than mouse & keyboard. Other killers using controller didn't really feel that different for me aside from getting used to the button mapping, so I can definitely agree I feel more controller-cozy with Hillbilly.
(Edited for a typo, as you cannot play the game with a mousse and keyboard...I mean, probably would be delicious, but messy and not great input response lol)