How do you make dbd more of a team game?

Mint_ Member Posts: 52

there is no doubt a significant advantage if you are in an SWF vs solo q. even if you are not playing to win, the game is way more enjoyable if you are able to share and recieve certain information during the game. i dont think voice chat is a good solutuion and i dont really know what else could be done to make it more team based even in solos. comment suggestions please.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    One thing the devs mentioned briefly in their big MMR blog post a couple weeks ago that they're working on adjusting the MMR to work off of the survivors as a team versus individual results. That way survivors who sacrifice themselves to help other survivors escape aren't necessarily lowering their MMR in the process. That's at least a step in the direction of making the game more clearly a killer versus a team of 4 survivors versus this semi-cooperative design where the survivors are technically all out for themselves. (Semi-cooperative games rarely work well and DbD isn't an exception. )

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,799

    one thing I would do

    rework left behind again because I still see people do the whole let all the teammates die for a easy hatch escape