Permanently seperate Perks from Totems and a new game feature - Totems

It is never going to be possible to reconcile the use of hexes, boons and the perks attached to them. Too this, too that, too situational, not situational enough.

A perk attached to a totem and a stand alone perk are related but not the same thing.

A perk should be a perk and a totem should be a totem. Different things. An entire category of issues can be resolved. They both have a place and both can achieve seperate things.

Here's the concept.

Current Totem Perks - Reconfigure them all as regular perks.

Totems - A new element. Something like... They are all from the Entity. Five on each map as ususal. Three are lit at the start of each game - one blue, one orange and one half of each.

The blue offers a random modest increase of an activity.

The orange offers a random modest decrease of an activity.

The dual offers both a small increase and a small decrease.

Examples are something like - faster gens, faster movement, slower gens, slower movement, faster healing, slower healing. Very broad game sort of things. Or completely random whatever.

Important to note, these should only be modest overall changes and not significantly change the game play. Lit totems may be for everyone (or just survivors or just killer?)

Here's the tricky thing though, it's not stated at the beginning what is active. You can cleanse the totem and you might take something from the other side, but are you also taking something from yourself?

Perks should be perks. Totems should be totems. Never the twain shall meet.


  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I don't agree with everything, but the idea of making totems a separate part of the loadout is actually... Not a bad idea.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    Yeah. It wasn't a concrete plan as such, more just trying to make the connection that it's simply just not worth the ongoing heartache of discussions about totem perks as there is a certain element of them being flawed by existing in the first place.

    They aren't bad or wrong or the worst and the concept makes some theoretical sense but long term, it's just going to be easier to seperate the two.

    Would welcome any other suggestions as to gameplay variables you can do with 5 set starting items per game. Maybe they are... time limited places of certain small random boosts... maybe they are something that the obsession can interact with... maybe they have randomised game wide effects that increase as the game goes on... maybe it's an RNG of being inflicted with a random status effect (good or bad)... maybe they are all lit and cleansing them adds permanent effects to that player / game... maybe etc etc.

    The idea is that they are broad gameplay features (as in, "The Entity's Totems") and not perks.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    Not I bad idea.