Anyone else fed up with playing against Legion?

I have no problem with buffing weak killers, and certainly Legion were pretty weak prior to buffs. This isn’t a complaint about Legion’s buffs but rather the terrible design of that killer. It’s just so annoying to spend the entire match mending constantly. I’d rather go against killers that can down you immediately than go through the endless slog of getting stabbed and mending over and over again. Matches take forever and it’s just not fun at all. Do any survivors actually enjoy these types of matches?
Fed up so much I don't even play Legion right now.
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If the entire team is constantly mending, I don't blame Legion for that -- I blame the survivors who haven't learned to spread out.
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"that much time mending"
these same survivors will place 10 boons, hold m1 for 5x80 seconds for gens and dont forget will self care against Legion 22 times during the match. They hold m1 entire game for every other objective or move....
But mending is simply too much
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Well no because Im the Legion
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Yes, very much so. Their update made them even more miserable to play against and now I see them almost every match.
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See, I really don't get this complaint. Not that mending is boring mind you... it's just that Legion has literally been all about chaining hits and spreading deep wound for years. This isn't new. Are you just complaining because you hadn't seen Legion in months so didn't have to deal with them and now you do or something?
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Fun Fact: the mending mechanic wasn´t touched in the last patch. Survivors have to mend as much against the new Legion, as they did against the old Legion.
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I might enjoy new Legion since it means I always get Renewal to go off
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Wish they buffed another killer this patch alongside Legion.
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Me. It's just as boring as before but now it's like 3 out of 5 matches it's a legion that's why people are now noticing how boring it is to go against.
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Dont use boons or self care and I still find it boring.
I understand that it is your main, but I also always mained Freddy and I could admit he could be boring to go against before.
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I'm mending way more often than I used to so it's just constant mending/game delay making the match go on for so long with very little reward. It's just wicked boring.
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I haven't actually faced a single Legion since the update came out. I've had a few Ghost Faces but no Legions I can recall offhand. Maybe one, tops.
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I just t-bag a little extra in the gates. It's good to see a new killer in rotation, but it's just one that has an annoying mechanic to play against built-in. They're similar to Pinhead in that it can be Solo Q NIghtmare when people haven't learned their basic counters and don't work together. Their ability to snowball and go off early-mid game makes it do or die if you aren't coordinated.
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I dont main anything, I play Bubba more than Legion these days.
Currently p3ing The Twins and playing them mostly.
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My last match as a Legion I had a couple of really smart survivors who would take protection hits for others or body block me in doorways after I'd hit them and they still had deep wound to stop chain hits. Really threw a wrench into my chain frenzies that match.
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Survivors have to hold M1 for 5x80 seconds on Gens to actually have a chance to escape.
The Mending time is not instead of holding Gens, it is on top of it.
Not that hard to understand tbh.
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Personally I hate going against doctor, sitting holding m1 to get rid of all the madness is boring. Yet I still play the game and you will never see me ask for Doc to be changed, removed, nerfed.... the entire game is holding m1.
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Well, against Doctor, you get out of his Tier3 five times per match at best. Legion on the other hand...
The Deep wound mechanic should change. Make it more punishing to not mending, but not forcing to mend.
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Not used to games lasting longer than 5 minutes, I don't mind facing Legion because I get a large amount of bloodpoints and emblems. He slows the ridiculous genrush down a bit but still gets looped hard.
Much better than a Nurse/Blight/Bubba game that's over one minute after it starts. The outcome is predictable in SoloQ.
Post edited by Sludge on0 -
I'm still jamming out to the new music
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the difference is very few played them during this perioud. The buffs have made legion stronger and he's the new shiny thing to play with so survivors are getting over exposed to a mechanic that we hated all along.
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To be fair, while Mending itself didn’t change, the chance Legion can get multiple hits in a single Frenzy was noticeably improved so they’re getting more Deep Wounds per Frenzy use now.
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I’ve always hated going against Legion because of their mechanics. I understand it’s nothing new. I never saw Legion much before the buffs because they were so weak, but they’re in at least half of my survivor matches now. Maybe it will get better over time as the novelty wears off.
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not really, I have said all along, I used to get more deepwound chain hits with old addons and feral frenzy range addons.
The only thing that changed was some speed between hits, but mending more than then? nah not at all
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The buffs to Legion have definitely caused me to move to different games. The second the developers mentioned they were going to buff Legion, I just groaned inside. But honestly, the who mid-season patch was a big FU to survivors, so whatever.
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I do know for sure Legions running No Sleep Pills are getting multiple hits per use, although obviously the time between them can be pretty long (10-20 seconds per hit). The extra speed Legion gets in the base kit does help them too, at least compared to the old base kit. (I can’t speak to the old add-ons though.)
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It just feels like the low rank days against Legion. You know? Back when he was nerfed and people still got mutliple mendings, because they all stacked together and got hit by him?
I´ll give him a week before survivors start to spread out and won´t get affected by mending anymore.
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I start to as often i see them now.
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Yup. Players always flock to killers that take little mechanical skill and extend the games forever. Forever Freddy, pre-nerf Wraith (to an extent), now Legion. The easiest way to 4k is to make the match last as long as possible.
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Weird that the face camping Bubbas, endless tunnellers, meta Nurses etc. didn't stop you, but C Tier Legion spreading damage around is too much.
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This thread, like many others, is a prime example for the low number of really viable killers in dbd and why the killer numbers are going down.
If survivors like to have different games with different killers and not to wait centurys for games to specific times, they should accept every killer.
If not, you guys getting only always the same killers, with a long waiting time. Deserved, that said.
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No Filthy blade love ehy? 🤔
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Its starting to settle down now for me. Only had two Legions last night.
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What if mending was optional?
You no longer have to mend, but Deep Wounds causes exhaustion
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Were you two hoping they'd never be viable then? Or that BHVR would give them an old Freddy level of rework? Clearly you can see why neither of those things are actually good options.
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Nope, those things definitely helped too. But honestly, I just don't want to have to deal with mending over and over again. I've dealt with it before and it was miserable, not worth me wasting time on the game for a miserable experience. I'll wait until the developers nerf or change Legion. Or I'll play killer so I can avoid it completely.
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I keep hitting survivors, but they just keep running off and patching up with Circle of Healing. It's just wicked boring.
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I think I got it finally why Legion sucks...
You get punished enough for other survivor's mistakes, with Legion you get punished even more.
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Not really. They're a bit annoying, but their counter play has remained largely the same. Split up at all times and you're golden
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So Legion gameplay increasing that gameplay is boring for killer as well, good to know.
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That's the mistake survivors keep making; us Legion players have ALWAYS been here....we've just been playing other killers.
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Poor survivors with unlimited self healing have to hit a button to mend time to play the tiny violin.
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I've been playing the Artist and Pyramid head since the patch so I'm doing my part
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its also annoying to go against survivors with the same builds 24/7
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To be fair to the survivors most killers run the same 4 perks most the time as well the difference is survivors can get rid of hex powers instantly, while killers have to deal with boons the entire match.
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Just make it so either when you snuff out the totem it breaks or you can only bless each totem one time per match easy fix
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I'm tired of playing against that bastard.
He used to be the most hated killer by me, with his "Rage" - especially because this scum can see even if you hide in the closet - and now, after the update, I immediately quit the game if Legion.
And considering that 90% of the players playing for the killers are extremely toxic players, it is absolutely impossible to play against the Legion.
So, calmly levite if you play against him. Not a great loss.
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Legion isnt even that bad with a unlimited heal perk. Before coh was a thing I would agree but not with that perk in the game it just balances the scale.
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Sad to say unless you want to be a basement bubba the only counters to coh is legion and plague right now why you see so many of them.