Bets on the 6th anniversary stream/patch?

My bets:
- Observer as the killer
- Solo Q improvements
- Sadako changes (maybe?)
- Twins changes
- Something for early game or map changes
- Probably artist nerfs since it's BHVR and I've had trust issues since slinger
- Major meta perk adjustments (please fire CoH into the sun)
Legion nerf, random perk changes, clown somehow stops working and now we have the entity crowns but with a slightly different model, new survivor has an useless boon perk and saving the best for last, slinger gets nerfed again because..bhvr.
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- Twins change - Twins were too powerful at high MMR, so Victor now explodes on successful hit
- Legion nerfed for some reason
- CoH bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
- The reason for the earlier visual overlay changes is so survivors can ping generic messages to each other. BHVR says soon. Changes make it to the game 9 months later
- More breakable walls and pallets added to several maps
- Monstrous shrine buffed from 9% sacrifice progression to 12%. Along with the other 80% of non-meta perks, it remains borderline useless and unused indefinitely
- Clown purple bottles now also slow him down if he runs into gas
- Nurse addon buffed to allow for 4 blinks
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Announcement that info about built in moris/keys, prestige rework, and grind reduction will be coming in the 7th anniversary stream
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More killer nerfs than buffs bhvr plz prove me wrong
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if is not nothing about Perfomance aka Optimization / map balance / solo Q improvements / or early game mechanic, them am gonna be dissapointed.😐️
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-Twin's Nerf
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Major progression overhaul
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A new game mode. Hockey. :P
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Perfect 🤣
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You forgot the Pig nerf. You need to have a Pig nerf in there somewhere.
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"We're still looking at that Dead Hard data to truly determine if it needs to be nerfed."
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A new boon perk that prevents killers for using m2 attack. Hordes of killers crying and finally.. no one will use this perk