How come this game doesn't have endorsements akin to overwatch?


Obviously for a game like DBD it would work slightly different (Like each survivor endorsement grants 5000 BP and a killer endorsement grants 20,000 BP) but I always felt it would really help with toxicity in this game and gives players a way to give thanks.


  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    I'd rather have the blacklist that OW has.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,780

    would be cool also how would the weekly reward for the level work then because overwatch has it where you get a certain amount of lootboxes

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    Hmmm... it would be probably complicated system that would not help super much so "not worth the time wasting making it".

    However I would like some "like" button on players so they can have some little extra. Some kind of karma system. If you DC you lose karma (or if you are reported and soft-banned for flaming, etc.) you lose karma.

    Of course this wouldn't work if you play with SWF group because that would be easy to abuse and free "likes". But something is telling me you could still abuse it somehow (sniping lobbies with same people to give each other likes, etc.)

    Long story short, too complicated, not worth "wasting time" on it.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Well we DO have a lootbox system in DBD mobile ASIA VER so it could be those. Each lootbox grants you 1 free cosmetic piece or possibly full cosmetic set from uncommon rarity to Very Rare rarity. Get 1 per week as long as you achieve like 50 total likes in a week.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Well we do have a like button its just useless. Hence why I wanna add some incentive to use it. Killer is worth more so you're more likely to not be toxic towards killers and survivors are worth 5000 each so I think an additional 35,000 BP per match is a decent incentive but if they wanted to up the BP count they could.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Yeah but this game doesn't

    A. Have enough players for that system

    B. Would literally punish good players and do nothing to prevent toxicity because you can just blacklist your enemies who irritate you making their queues 10x longer

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    Actually, the Overwatch avoid feature prevents them from being added to your team. So it would probably genuinely reduce toxicity amongst survivors themselves.

    Obviously killer wouldn't have the feature because, well, there is no team.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,403

    Isn’t the endorsement system virtually pointless there?

    Like, you just spam it around without any real thought behind it because it gives you more xp or something.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    You get a meager amount of XP, while the endorsed player gets up to four (I think?) loot boxes. So it’s win-win, but you’ll mostly only do it if you truly want the receiving player to reap the greater reward. In other words, you won’t simply give away a really nice present to just anyone for a whopping 50 XP (which is next to nothing in that game).

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,288

    As long as there's no "downvote" or blocking thing involved, I'd personally like it. It's more BP/XP/whatever and a way to thumbs up someone if you want.

    I'm sure people would get kinda weird about it though, at least some people. Both taking the lack of endorsements as an inherently toxic acts, or even having an issue with getting endorsed after a loss viewing it as some "ironic" thing that has the well-hidden meaning of "git gud". But hey, that's their problem.

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    That'd be pretty cool. Here are some survivor categories for teammates:

    SAVIOUR - Awarded usually for unhooking, healing, distractions, stun saves etc

    TEAMWORK - Awarded usually for focusing on objectives such as generators, totems or exit gates

    And some the killer can award to survivors:

    SPORTSMANSHIP - Awarded usually to survivors for those who had sportsmanlike qualities during the trial

    SKILLFUL PLAYER - Awarded usually to survivors who played well during trials (good running, saves, making good plays etc)

    I know, I know. What killers would want to ENDORSE survivors? Well, I think it would promote more positive play if gaining more endorsements gave you more BP or other rewards. This could mean survivors won't crouch spam at exit gates or after stunning killers as much. Might even stop some clickers. Similarly, survivors could endorse killers for not camping/tunnelling them. It could be an opportunity to sit back after a game and think "actually, to be fair, I did kinda get outplayed, I'll endorse them".

    This obviously won't suddenly make the game toxic-free, but a step in the right direction, maybe.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,222

    Im pretty sure players (especially killers) will get additional "-rep didnt endorse me" messages on their profiles if bloodpoint boni are involved. I'm also unable to imagine survivors actually endorsing killer. And even killer to survivor direction seems unlikely.