DBD: Retrospective
DBD filled a gap left in my heart since Left for dead was left behind on console. I have made so many friends in dbd chats, but some things just slowed down a bit.
I love DBD (rip freddy) but it's been hard. I recently uninstalled the game because despite my love and addiction, I see I'm mostly frustrated. The devs back tracking on mmr, not being open and transparent over the years just kept stabbing me and I just bled out with evil dead:the game on the horizon.
I hope that with the anniversary there's more humility, less gotcha game money fleecing, and a more willingness to listen to the community.
DBD used to be about variety, but I don't see variety in killers or perks anymore. So many characters keep getting cosmetics, and many barely get anything new. Feng min had 2 full sets in one rift! She's one of my characters but damn.
This is I think emblematic of appeasement. If they really want people to play other characters, they need to make more outfits for other characters. It seems they are maximizing profit by mostly going with most popular. It creates loops where if you feed the big puppy because it's big, and don't feed the little puppy because it's small, that reason won't change.
Plus, I love Jane and Tapp, my mains. If they can have some blighted up cosmetics that'd be great hahaha.
All in all, when variety comes back to DBD I think people will come back in waves. Competition is coming out and I think dbd, to remain king, needs to remember rome can fall.
Stay safe in the fog.