Not Getting Any Fun Games.

3 facecamping Bubba's, two Tombstone Piece Myers, a good Nurse, a flick-happy Blight and a one perk Billy. That's how my Survivor games have looked with my friends tonight. Absolutely miserable. Almost zero enjoyment to be found. How can anyone find that fun?
Swapped over to Killer to see if MMR has gotten better. Three map offerings in three matches. 4 DS's, 4 DH's, 2 CoH's. Horrific messages after every game. Still less fun than fighting Malenia with Guts Sword.
Apparently, the new player experience is even worse. So, I guess what I'm asking is, who is this game for? People who can play 50 matches a day and get 5 good one's?
who is this game for?
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Wait, did you fight Malenia with the Guts sword or is that just a hypothetical comparison?
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"a good Nurse"
Yep sounds about right
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It's tough out here on surv. The randoms are extra stinky today too.
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Playing the game isn't always inherently fun you need to try to be doing something fun to have fun most of the time
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What was wrong with the one perk Billy? Sounds like a survivor wet dream. Was his perk NOED?
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As a killer main I don't have any fun games with circle of healing every match so half the killers are useless that are m1 based.
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unfortunately i did fight her yeah
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This game is not for people who wanna enjoy. Not anymore. Both sides are miserable and sweaty.
At least you have friends that who is still playing DbD. Someone (me) still have to play solo.
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I personally pretty consistently have fun playing killer. I just stopped caring about winning and losing and use perks that are fun, as opposed to being meta. My favorite combo is stbfl and MAD GRIT. I stopped using gen slow down perks and my chase abilities have improved a lot. Like screw tinkerer, It just stressed me out. I'll be happy using full agression perks than making a game last 20 minutes with pop goes the weasel
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Also stbfl and rancor is a wicked combo for ignoring the obsession and then killing them when the gens are done
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Ohmigod, I can't even imagine. The big weapons feel way too slow to me, I've always preferred fast attacks in any game. Was that your first time fighting her? Was your strategy to try stunlocking her with jump attacks? Did you manage to beat her with it?
DbD is so frustrating, but I can hop in Elden Ring and practice parrying the same Crucible Knight for like an hour or more and have a lot of fun. I can see myself improve in ER, and that improvement makes a difference. In DbD, it always seems like you're going against an opponent who's either way too strong for you or way too weak. There's no nice challenging middle ground. You can't even learn to improve in those conditions, and there's nowhere outside of matches to learn.
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Yeah that was my first run through.
No mimic and I used jumps and crouch pokes.
And it only took me a day (300 ish tries) and that was like, day 3 of Elden Ring being out.
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Sounds like SWF made your games to easy.
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The early on anticipation of what is going to happen is what might be killing the fun, not enough variety to be surprising at high ranks.
Hopefully the constant addition of characters and perks can eventually turn the tables, DBD has a good build system to support variety it just needs the right improvements to be found.
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Well, easy answer: Sweaty SWF players who can actually rely on each other, and sweaty butthurt 24-7 killers who only play Nurse and Blight.